Thanksgiving Part 1

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Liv is finally back home. She flew in this evening. After I picked her up from the airport we went home. We're laying on the couch watching TV and then she asked me a question and it caused all hell to break loose.

Liv: Is everything ready for Thanksgiving?

Oliver: Yeah everyone said they were coming so we're good.

Liv: What about all of the food?

Oliver: What about it?

Liv: Oliver stop playing games?

Oliver: I'm not playing games.

Liv: Did you get all the food?

Oliver: I thought you said you were getting it.

She threw a pillow at me and then punched me in the arm.

Oliver: Ouch, you don't have to be so abusive

Liv: Oliver James Pierce. I could kill you right now.

Oliver:  I guess  was the one that was getting all of the food?

Liv: Uh yeah we talked about this remember?

Oliver: Nope this conversation never happened.

Liv: I knew you weren't listening to me you were too busy on your damn phone.

Oliver: Hey now I was doing something very important.

Liv: Sure you were Oliver. I'm sure you just got an expensive figure so you can keep up with Zack.

Oliver: Think whatever you want babe.

Liv: What are we going to do now?

Oliver: Well looks like we're making a trip to Walmart.

Liv: Oliver you have to make things difficult don't you.

Oliver: Babe calm down we can pull this off.

Liv and I got to Walmart and it is a mad house in there. I've never seen so many people in this store before.

Liv: Alright I have my list do you have yours?

Oliver: I got it.

Liv: Alright let's get everything we need.

We rushed around the store and got everything we needed. I made a stop over by the toy section to see if they had anything new in. I really was hoping they had new elite set in, I was walking down the isle and I saw the package in the distance. I started to walk a little faster and I saw some guy at the other end and he beat me to them. He starts laughing at me because he got them and I didn't. There was one figure hidden behind all of the John Cena ones so I at least got one. After I suffered my defeat I went to meet Liv at the checkout line. When I got to the line I was met by the angriest eyes ever.

Oliver: What's with the death stare babe?

Liv: I see you got a new action figure.

Oliver: Yeah some asshole beat me to the rest of the set. On the bright side I got Ruby's new figure.

Liv: That's great and all but where are the turkeys Oliver?

Oliver: Fuck, I knew I forgot something. I'll be right back.

Liv: Hurry up, I don't want to hold the line up.

I run over to where the turkeys are and as soon as I get there my heart drops and I saw my life flash before my eyes because there isn't one left. I'm thinking about faking my own death and moving to Mexico so Liv can't find me. I looked over and saw that asshole again from the toy section and then I had an idea.

Liv: Ugh where the hell is he?

Cashier: Okay ma'am your total is going to be $275.68

Liv: Hang on my boyfriend is coming right back with one more thing.

Old Lady in line: For the love of god some people want to get home you're holding the line up.

Liv: I'm so sorry. Oh wait there he is I see him now.

Oliver: Here's the turkeys.

I paid the cashier and I'm trying to rush out of Walmart as fast as we can

Liv: What's wrong with you?

Oliver: Let's go I'll explain later.

I start running out of the store and Liv is behind me.

Liv: Oliver stop running, I'm too tired to run.

I picked Liv up and put her over my shoulder as I'm pushing the cart.

Liv: What the hell is going on.

Oliver: I'll tell you in the truck.

We got to my truck and I gave Liv the keys and told her to start it while I'm loading everything in the back. I got everything loaded and I ran over to the driver side and got in. I wipe the sweat from my forehead and took off.

Liv: Do you want to explain to me now why you were running around the store like a maniac?

Oliver: I just wanted to make sure we had enough time to cook the food.

Liv: You're so full of shit. What did you do?

Oliver: Nothing.

Meanwhile Liv hears someone yelling at us running after us.

Liv: Did you hit a car? Or hit someone?

Oliver: Why would you ask me that?

Liv: Some guy is running after us.

Oliver: Does he look like he's in his early 40's, a little chubby, patchy beard, thick glasses, wearing a Star Wars shirt, and flip flops with socks?

Liv: Yeah that's the guy. Do you know him?

Oliver: Yeah that's the asshole that got the whole elite set I wanted.

Liv: Why is he running after us?

Oliver: Hang on a second.

I stop the truck and roll down the window, the guy gets a little closer to us.

Oliver: Hopefully you learned your lesson asshole. You need to not be such a dick.

I hit the gas and sped out of the parking lot.

Liv: What happened?

Oliver: So I was pissed because he got the figures I wanted and he thought it was the funniest thing ever. He was mocking me because he beat me to them. So when I went to go get the turkey I saw him again. He grabbed the last two and he started talking shit to me which pissed me off even more. So I taught him a lesson. 

Liv: You didn't do what I think you did.

Oliver: So I waited until he wasn't looking and I may or may not have took the turkeys out of his cart and took off with them.

Liv: So you stole that mans turkeys?

Oliver: I can't confirm or deny that.

Liv just stares at me for a moment. I'm waiting on her to get mad and yell at me or smack me so I put my arm up to block myself, but she just starts busting out laughing.

Liv: This is why I love you. You always make me laugh by doing stuff like this.

Oliver: Hey look at the bright side. We're not going to be with food on Thanksgiving. Plus we'll have great stories to tell our kids one day.

Liv: That just made my night Oliver. I love you so much. Our kids are going to love hearing these stories.

We got back to the house and once we put everything away we relaxed. We watched a movie and then went to sleep. We needed all the rest we could get because tomorrow we needed to get things ready. 

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