Mental Breakdown

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I'm back on the road, I've been taking things pretty rough still. I haven't had much motivation to do anything lately and I've been really depressed. I started drinking a lot more than usual sometimes I would show up to the arena a little buzzed and drink before my match. Tonight, I'm having a match against AJ Styles.


AJ and I have been going to about 10 minutes now and my head isn't in the game at all. AJ has been carrying me the entire match. Eventually he hits me with a Phenomenal forearm and picks up the win. After the match I sat in the corner for a minute then I placed the Intercontinental Championship in the middle of the ring and I walked out of the ring with my head down and headed to the back. Then I went to my locker room to shower and change. I was packing my bag when Daria came knocking on my door.

Sonya: Oliver what just happened?

Oliver: I can't do this right now. I'm not in a good place right now Daria.

Sonya: Oliver I know you're hurting but let us help you. I don't like seeing you like this. This isn't the Oliver I've known my entire life.

Oliver: Well he's gone, so you better get fucking used to it. This is the new me.

I went to move my bag and my bottle of Jack almost fell out. I tried to hide it but Daria saw it.

Sonya: Have you been drinking?

Oliver: Yeah, that's the only way I can deal with the pain.

Sonya: It doesn't have to be like this Oliver. Just talk to me, Gionna, or somebody. You're only going to make things worse if you keep doing this.

Oliver: Thanks for the inspirational talk mom. It was right out of a fucking Hallmark movie.

Sonya: First off fix the fucking attitude before I fix it for you. I'm trying to help you.

Oliver: Why can't you just let me be Daria? You always have to get involved with everything and try and help me. Maybe I don't want to be helped have you ever thought about that? Why do you even care about me anyway?

Sonya: Are you really going to ask me why I care about you? You're my fucking brother and I love you.

Oliver: I'm not your brother. Matter of fact we're nothing. You just got stuck with me because my parents died and nobody in my family wanted to take me in so I got put into the system and ended up with your family. You don't have to feel sorry for me and make me feel like I'm loved.

Sonya: I know you're upset right now and you're not thinking clear. No matter what you say right now doesn't change the fact that you're my brother and I love you.

Oliver: No, I lost the only family I had when Emma died. As far as I'm concerned, I'm all alone.

Sonya: You're ridiculous, you have so many people that love you and care about you.

Oliver: Well where the fuck are they Daria? Cause I don't see any of these people here right now when I need them the most. Hell I haven't had anyone check on me to see how I'm doing. Nobody gives a fuck about me. Everyone just assumes that I'm fine because I show it on the outside. On the inside I'm fucking dying.

Sonya: Please Oliver, just stop and think about things for a moment. You're not going through this alone, I'm hurt just as much as you are. You weren't the only one that lost Emma, I lost her too. Gionna lost her, we all lost her Ollie we're just as hurt as you are. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about her.

Oliver: You'll never understand how I feel right now. I lost everything Daria. I lost my own flesh and blood, my daughter is gone and she's never coming back. I lost everything.

Sonya: Keep acting like this and you might actually lose everything.

Oliver: Why don't you just get the fuck out of my life.

Sonya: Are you serious?

Oliver: You heard what I said Daria.

Sonya: (crying) If that's what you want Oliver I'll get out of your life. Just so you know even though you've said all those hurtful things I still love you. I'll always love you and I'll always be here for you because I'm your sister.

I walked right past Daria as she was crying and left the arena. 

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