The calm after the storm

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The next morning, I woke up and went outside to check out the damage in my backyard. It looked like a war zone back there. Chairs were thrown everywhere, glass was all over the place, my TV was destroyed, there was blood splattered on the walls. I'm going to have a long day ahead of myself cleaning up. I have no clue where to start, I just stood there shaking my head. Liv comes up and hugs me from behind while Ruby and Sarah are on both of my sides and they put their hand on my shoulder.

Sarah: How you feeling bud?

Oliver: My eye hurts and my whole body hurts. Other than that I think I'll survive.

Liv: Oliver thank you again for defending me last night.

Oliver: Stop thanking me Gionna. I did what was right no woman deserves to get beat by a man. You three are my family I'll do whatever needs to be done to protect you.

Ruby: Do you want help cleaning this mess up?

Oliver: No, I can do it myself. Just go inside and chill.


Ruby: How are you holding up girl?

Liv: I'm doing better. I'm so sorry for everything.

Sarah: Why are you sorry?

Liv: I should have listened to you guys and never got back with him after he hit me the first time. I brought this upon myself.

Sarah: Liv, you don't have to apologize to us. We still love you.

Ruby: You just got really lucky that Oliver was around because if he wasn't who knows what would have happened.

Sarah: He really cares about you a lot dude. 

Liv: We've gotten pretty close these past few weeks.

I got done cleaning up everything and I made a call to Triple H to let him know about everything that happened. After I got off the phone with him, I Face Time Lexi to see how she was doing.

Alexa: Oliver what the hell happened to you?

Oliver: Long story, I'll explain when I see you. How's the signing?

Alexa: It's going pretty well; I wish I was spending time with you though.

Oliver: Me too. I miss you.

Alexa: Are you sure you're okay?

Oliver: Yeah, I'll be okay. I just wanted to call and see how you were. I think I'm coming down to Tampa tonight so I can be with you.

Alexa: That would be nice.

Oliver: I'll see you soon.

I walked back in the house and the girls were watching Netflix

Oliver: I'm going to take a shower. If y'all want to hang out for a while we can but I'm going to Tampa to be with Lexi later tonight.

Ruby: Alright, we'll just leave whenever you do.

*A few hours later*

I got to the hotel that Lexi was staying at. I went up to her room and knocked on the door but I put roses in front of the peep hole on the door.

Oliver: Delivery for Little Miss Bliss.

She opens the door and I move the roses away from my face and she gets the biggest smile when she realized it was me.

Alexa: I hate when you call me that but I'm so happy you're here

Oliver: Me too, I missed my beautiful girlfriend.

Alexa: Well aren't you sweet. So about your face, what happened?

Oliver: You want the long story or the short one?

Alexa: Just tell me the important stuff.

I told Lexi about what happened the night before with Tony. As I'm telling her the story, I can tell she was getting upset about the whole thing.

Alexa: I'm glad you're okay. How is Liv doing?

Oliver: She was shaken up but she's doing better now. I feel really bad for her though, she's a real good person and shouldn't have to go through that.

Alexa: Well she's not your problem so you don't worry about it.

Oliver: That's kind of shitty for you to say.

Alexa: Well you can't risk your career for her.

Oliver: That's not the point. We're friends and I'm not going to let some crazy guy beat the crap out of my friend. I'd do the same thing if it was you or any of my friends.

Alexa: That's not what I was saying Oliver.

Oliver: Then what are you saying?

Alexa: You know what forget the whole thing. I'm glad you stood up for your friend.

Oliver: You okay? You seem like you're in a bad mood.

Alexa: I'm fine, I'm just really tired.

Oliver: Well then go to sleep. I'll go get my own room so you can rest.

Alexa: You can stay here with me I don't mind.

Oliver: It's fine, I can tell you're a little aggravated with me. I'll give you some space. I'll see you in the morning.

Alexa: Ollie, wait.

Oliver: What is it?

Alexa: I'm sorry, I shouldn't be upset with you. It's just..

Oliver: It's just what Lexi? Talk to me we can't fix things if we don't talk about it.

Alexa: I just get insecure sometimes. Liv is really pretty and I know you two are spending a lot of time together and you're really close with her. I'm just afraid something will happen.

Oliver: You have nothing to worry about babe, we're just best friends. I'm sorry that I've made you feel that way.

Alexa: It's okay Oliver. I just wanted to let you know how I felt.

Oliver: I think I'm going to pass on getting my own room. I'm going to spend the night here with you.

Alexa: Good I'd like that a lot.

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