The final riott

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Tonight, will be the last night I get to work with the Riott Sqaud., we're doing our last live event before we start over on our new shows. Lexi and I's flight got into Colorado Springs around 2 pm and we didn't have to be at the arena for the show until 5 since it was a live event so we met up with Daria and Mandy for lunch.

*2 hours later*

Lexi and I arrived to the arena, when we pulled up to the parking lot there was a lot of fans waiting by the gate so before we went in we went over and signed a few autographs and took some pictures then we headed inside. Once we got inside I went to change into my gear and then I met up in catering with the Riott Squad.

Liv: Howdy partner, you excited for our match?

Oliver: We're tagging tonight?

Liv: Yup, we're having one last tag match.

Oliver: Who are we going against?

Liv points behind me and I turn around and see Lexi and Braun.

Braun: Ollie, you're gonna get these hands.

Oliver: This is going to be fun, the match that should have taken place at Clash of Champions.

Alexa: Good luck tonight, you guys will need it.

Liv: This match is going to be the last one for two great teams.

Alexa: It is, maybe next time Oliver and I can team up against you and Braun.

Liv: That would be fun.


Lexi and Braun make their way out to the ring first then the Riott Squad theme song hits and I made my way out to the entrance ramp then Ruby and Sarah follow and stood on my sides, Liv comes out and skips around us then jumps on my back and we head to the ring. Before the match started Liv and I stepped up to Braun and Lexi we had a stare down and then we shook hands, the girls started the match on the outside before Braun and I locked up I gave Liv a hug. I went running at Braun and he hit me with his shoulder and I went down, Lexi called me and signaled me to walk over to her. Once I got close she grabbed me by the beard and pulled me in for a kiss. The crowd popped for it Liv was on the outside freaking out.

Alexa: That's my man Liv.

Liv: (Yelling at me) Oliver what are you doing? Stay focused on Braun.

I turned around and Braun was running full speed at me but I rolled out of his way and then I tried to kick his legs out from under him but it didn't work. I got thrown out of the ring and then Braun tagged Lexi into the match, While I'm standing on the outside Liv has her back to the ring and she's yelling at me to get my head back in the game when Lexi drop kicks Liv and she comes flying off the apron and right into my arms. Now I'm holding Liv like a baby and we're staring into each other's eyes and the crowd is chanting "Kiss" Liv and I decide to play into them and tease it and as we get close to kissing I hear the ref count to 8 then we snap out of it and I put Liv back onto the apron.

Oliver: Get in there and fight her.

*End of Match*

Braun has me in position for a running power slam but Liv made a blind tag. I managed to slide down Braun's back but he throws me into the corner and comes running at me, I moved out the way and Braun went crashing into the ring post and out of the ring. Liv and Lexi are going at it and Lexi is getting the upper hand so I decided to distract her by grabbing her hand and making her face me.

Alexa: What are you doing?

I drop down to my knee and hold her hand like I'm going to propose. Lexi puts her hand over her face and the crowd is chanting "Yes" next thing I know Liv rolls up Lexi for the win.

Mike Rome: Here are your winners. Liv Morgan and Oliver Pierce.

Braun get in the ring with us. Braun and Lexi look pissed at us, but they both reach their hands out for handshakes. Once we shook hands we all share a hug, then Braun and Lexi left the ring. Ruby and Sarah came in to celebrate with us, we shared a group hug and then we left the ring and Liv jumped on my back and we headed to the back.


Alexa: Good match guys.

Oliver: Thanks, the crowd had a lot of fun with us out there.

Ruby: It's going to be weird without you and Lexi on Raw with us.

Alexa: I know, it's going to be weird being on Smack down, I've been on Raw so long.

Oliver: Well it was fun while it lasted. I'll miss you guys.

We all shared one more hug then we went our separate ways. I went to take a shower and when I got out Lexi texted me and told me she was waiting at the car for me. I grabbed my bag and then I headed to the car when I was stopped by Liv.

Liv: Ollie wait up.

Oliver: What's up G?

Liv: I just wanted to thank you for everything. I've had a great time being your partner and I've learned a lot from you. Also, I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me, I'm going to miss you bestie.

I can see she's about to cry so I hugged her.

Oliver: I'm going to miss you too kid. We'll still see each other and we can always hang out on off days.

Liv: You're right, it's just going to feel weird not having you around every day like you are now. Now I have to annoy Ruby and Sarah by myself.

Oliver: I'm just a phone call away G don't worry. Lexi is waiting for me I have to get going.

Liv: Before you go I have something for you.

Liv goes into her bag and hands me a necklace.

Liv: I got us best friend necklaces. So that way we'll always be reminded of each other.

 So that way we'll always be reminded of each other

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Oliver: I love it, I'm going to wear it every day. I'll see you around.

Liv: I'll miss you bestie.

Liv and I hug and then she kissed me on the cheek and then she started to walk away but I stopped her.

Oliver: Liv wait.

Liv: What?

Oliver: I love you kiddo. Don't you ever forget that.

Liv: I love you too Ollie.

Oliver: Tell Rue and Sarah that I love them too.

Liv: I will.

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