New place, new friends

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We're in Houston Texas and the time has finally arrived, tonight I'm having my first official match on the main roster. I rode to the arena with Zack and Curt today, we got there early so they could record their podcast. Once we finished recording the podcast I went and changed into my gear before the show started. After I changed, I went to find a corner to go do my wrist tape and clear my mind like I always do before a match. I'm sitting on an equipment box I put my headphones in and I put my hood up when out of the corner of my eye I see this girl with pink hair walking towards me and she's with two other girls. The girl with the pink hair stops and stares at me for a minute then without hesitation she hopped onto the box and sat next to me. I took my headphones out and I turned my attention to the girls.

Oliver: Can I help you ladies?

Liv: Are you Daria's brother?

Oliver: Yeah, how did you know that?

Liv: We met at the club a few weeks back. You bumped into me spilled my drink.

Oliver: Sorry about that again.

Liv: It's all good bro.

Oliver: I didn't recognize you that night your hair wasn't pink. I'm Oliver by the way sorry I didn't introduce myself.

Liv: I just changed it to pink a couple of days ago. I'm Liv Morgan and these are my friends Ruby Riott, and Sarah Logan.

Ruby: Also known as the Riott Squad. Nice to meet you.

I shake hands with all three girls.

Sarah: I haven't seen you around did you just sign?

Oliver: Actually, tonight is my return match. I was gone for almost a year. I had a bad knee injury and was going through a lot of personal issues so I retired. Well I thought I retired, I'm back now I couldn't stay out of the ring.

Sarah: Well welcome to Raw.

As I'm talking with the girls Triple H is calling me.

Oliver: Give me a second ladies I have to take this call really quick.

Ruby: Take your time.

I walk away from the girls for a moment to talk to Triple H.

Ruby: He seems pretty nice, what do you guys think?

Sarah: Yeah, he seems pretty cool.

Ruby: What do you think Liv?

Sarah: Well by seeing the way she's looking at him right now I think she likes him.

Ruby: Earth to Liv, we're talking to you.

Liv: Sorry I zoned out for a second. I think he's cute

Sarah: Why does that not surprise me?

Liv: I mean look at him he's gorgeous. Those tattoos and that beard oh my god. That is one beautiful man.

Ruby: Here take my water you seem pretty thirsty.

Sarah: Aww Liv has a crush on Oliver.

Liv: Leave me alone guys. I have a boyfriend so it's not like I'm going to go after him.

Ruby: Since when do you have a boyfriend?

Liv: Tony and I are back together.

Sarah: Why? he's no good and I thought you were done with him after everything that happened between you two.

Liv: I was done with him but he changed. So, I decided to give him a second chance.

Ruby: I don't agree with you getting back with him but you're going to do whatever you want anyway so I'll be here for you when he hurts you again.

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