A new addition

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Once I got to the arena for Raw I was hanging out around backstage I'm talking with the girls when Lexi came over to us.

Oliver: Hey babe, what's up? Why do you look so happy?

Alexa: I'm in a number one contender fatal four way tonight.

Oliver: Hell yeah, I'm sure you'll win.

Ruby: She has to go through me first.

Oliver: You're in it too?

Ruby: Yup, I'm finally getting an opportunity.

Alexa: Are you and Liv competing tonight?

Oliver: I have no idea.

Alexa: Do you not check the card when you get here?

Oliver: Nah, I look before I get ready.

Liv: We're going against Andrade and Zelina.

Oliver: Piece of cake, I'm going to change into my gear. I'll catch up with you guys in a little bit.

As I walk away Alexa is smiling

Liv: Someone is in love.

Alexa: What do you mean?

Sarah: We just saw you smiling at Oliver.

Alexa: I'm just happy that he's my boyfriend he's a great guy.

Ruby: He is a pretty good guy.

Liv: You got a good one girl.

*Later in the night*

It's time for the fatal four way between Alexa, Ruby, Ember, and Bayley. I'm watching the match in the back with Liv and Sarah since they banned us from ringside.

*End of match*

All four girls have been giving it everything they have out there. Ember threw Lexi out of the ring and then she climbed to the top rope and hit Bayley with the eclipse, then Ruby hit Ember with the Riott kick and then went for the cover. While the ref is counting Lexi came off the top rope and hit Twisted Bliss on Ruby and Ember then she rolled Ruby over and picked up the win. After the match the girls all came to the back and I hugged Ruby and let her know how good she did then I hugged and kissed Lexi.

Liv: Come on lover boy our match is up next.

Liv and I have to get going our match is about to start.

Our match is up and Andrade and Zelina are out first and then the Riott Squad theme plays and Liv and I make our way down to the ring.

Graves: Here comes the Riott Sqaud. After their performance against Dolph Ziggler and Mandy Rose these two may be my new pick to win.

Rene: They have been looking pretty impressive.

The ref rings the bell to start the match and the four of us are face to face and Zelina is trash talking Liv I walk over to Liv and put my hands on her ears.

Oliver: Don't listen to her Liv.

Andrade pushes me and then at the same time Andrade and Zelina slap Liv and I in the face. We both look at each other as we're backing away then I nod my head to her and at the same time we super kick both of them. Zelina goes down and Andrade is still on his feet he turns around and tries to hit me with an elbow but I counter it into an armbar and he taps.

Rene: Well that was quick.

Graves: I can't believe it.

Rene: Well next round looks like it will be Oliver and Liv against Lashley and Nia.

After we walk into the back I give Liv a high five.

Oliver: That was a nice super kick.

Liv: I'm impressed you got him to tap so fast.

Oliver: My MMA training came in handy.

Liv: I'm pretty sure my boyfriend could talk you though. He's an MMA fighter as well and he's undefeated.

Oliver: I was undefeated as well before I started training for wrestling so I'm sure I'd be able to take him.

Liv: He may make you tap faster than you made Andrade tap tonight.

Oliver: I highly doubt that.

*The next day*

I got home late last night and then I headed up to Savannah the next day, I went over to see Brittany and Steven. The girls were in school and both Brittany and Steven had the day off so I took them out to lunch. While we're at lunch Brittany and Steven surprised the hell out of me.

Oliver: How have things been guys?

Brittany: Pretty good can't complain. How have you been?

Oliver: Really good actually. Alexa and I are officially together.

Brittany: I'm happy for you.

Oliver: Thanks, I'm really happy too, she's a great girl. Emma likes her too so that makes things even better.

Steven: That's great man, hopefully we get to meet her soon.

Oliver: You will, I'll bring her up here one day to meet you guys.

Brittany: Ollie I have a question for you.

Olive: What's up Britt?

Brittany: How would you like to be a Godfather?

Oliver: Don't Ashley already have one?

Steven: Yeah, she does we're not asking for you to be Ashley's Godfather

Oliver: Oh shit, no way. You're pregnant?

Brittany: Yup, I'm 6 weeks.

Oliver: That's awesome, I'm so happy for you guys. I'd love to be the Godfather.

Steven: Congrats buddy.

We went back to the house and then I spent the rest of the day with Emma when she came home from school. I headed back to Orlando later that night so I could spend the day with Lexi tomorrow.

**This was pretty much just a filler chapter**

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