before taking medication, I suggest trying some of these tips :)
Try sitting up straight
try yoga positions (look some up lol)
go to the bathroom
drink a cup of water
warm tea, i suggest aherbal tea
ditch the caffeine.
make sure you're not hungry
hot compress/ hot water bottle
sleep/ take a nap
Netflix and some downtime
Go for a walk - exercise is proven to help :)
take a nice warm shower
distract yourself through something you enjoy - drawing, music, dancing and so on.
period cramps suck. I get it believe me. my mum used to even have cramps so bad she'd shiver, throw up, faint and have to skip school :/
but trust me, you're not alone in this. and believe it or not, a period is a blessing. it's the symbol of your ability to have children in the future.... so try not to hate it so much. ik i hate mine but its not all bad <3
{ the guide for teen girls + life lessons }
Randomthe hand-book for teen girls that literally includes everything you won't learn from school or may not feel comfortable asking or learning from your parents. This includes; periods, personal hygiene, tips, advice, crushes, fashion, fitness, school...