{ bad days }

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bad days suck. we all know and loathe them, I do AHAH.
so yesterday, long story short, I had the crappiest day...I fought with my mum, I cried I think 4 times, I thought about how much I hate my school, I got stung by stinging nettle, I had the shittiest sleep and I fell off my motor bike resulting in gravel stuck IN MY FRICKING HAND. so now I'm struggling to type bc my palm aches like a bitch. anyhoo, I really hope your day was better and I know, these are all first world problems but that doesn't mean they dont suck.

but the point, which I'm struggling to get across, is that I don't have a bad LIFE, I just had a bad DAY. I'm being 100% raw and real here when I say that because he's honestly I felt so over it and sometimes I feel so low and lonely.... but pain isn't permanent. time heals and does it's magic, so trust it.

if you do happen to have a bad day, bad week, bad whatever, I hope I can be the one to make you feel a little bit better...
- have a nap or rest.
- drink some water
- wash your face
- focus on the positives
- spend time with someone you love
- do a hobby or an activity you enjoy
- make yourself feel pretty; face mask, paint your nails etc
- nourish your body; allow yourself to snack sometimes, eat some chocolate, have a cry you know?

basically I want you to know that I'm here if you need, I'm just one message away, and that you will get through it, just give it time.
I love you and I hope your day wasn't too shitty...
- L

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