Chapter 15

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Fear's cavernous draconic head came crashing through the wood first, splintering the repairs we had so recently finished. Heavy black legs crushed the walls and wooden beams beneath sharp claws, scattering tall splinters like missiles. Large, tattered wings blocked out the moon, casting darkness across the floor. His eyes were deep pools of blood, scanning the awed and terrified faces of the Guardians.

For a moment they froze, until awareness set in and the terror had passed. They were quick to jump to action, their attacks peppering Fear's body. For a moment I was hopeful, seeing them working together so perfectly, but dread soon replaced all hope.

Each strike passed through Fear's figure. The void was immune, and the rumbling laughter that filled the room affirmed my worst fears. Not a single Guardian could touch his ethereal form.

The Guardians were useless.

"What's happenin' mate?" Bunnymund asked, his signature boomerangs sweeping harmlessly through the black dragon in front of us. His ears laid flat against the back of his head, staring down an enemy even he couldn't tackle. The others fell back, faces drawn with effort and confusion.

"He's too powerful." Pitch said quietly as the red-eyed gaze of Fear came to rest upon us. My golden-eyed companion drew his scythe, stepping in front of us. The Guardians tensed as he moved ahead.

Snarls erupted from Fear's throat as he regarded Pitch. "I should have disposed of you when I had the chance."

Refusing to grace the dragon with a response, Pitch swung his scythe in a high arch, slicing along the right side of Fear's snout before our adversary could react.

A heavy roar exploded from monstrous jaws, black oozing from the wound as Fear's talons tore through the wood beneath him. His tail writhed angrily as he swung it around towards us, the arrowhead at the end sharpened to a deadly point.

North attempted to slash at the appendage as it passed by, only to stumble as his blades passed through nothing. He used one gleaming sword to steady himself. Fear caught Pitch's scythe beneath a massive foreclaw, snapping it clean in half as he rounded on the dejected spirit. Pitch tried to summon nightmare chains to subdue the dragon, but Fear splintered them as easily as dry twigs.

"The same trick won't work on me twice," he chuckled darkly.

"Why can't we touch him?" Tooth cried anxiously, flitting to avoid another thrash of the giant tail. Her wings hummed as loud as our beating hearts.

Fear paused his assault, turning his penetrating gaze at the colorful fairy. Each Guardian moved defensively closer to her, but he only released a heavy puff of steam. The corners of his reptilian mouth curled into a smile.

"Have you seen your preciousss globe?" His voice echoed eerily around the room as the Guardians, apprehension in their eyes, looked upon the golden globe beside Fear.

"No!..." North shouted, his voice quickly failing him. The globe had fallen utterly still. Completely dark. Not a single light shone on the polished brass surface; not a single child believed in the Guardians any longer. With the loss of the lights, the children lost their faith. And with their faith, they had taken the Guardian's only chance to prevent their fading.

"How?..." Tooth choked out, sinking to the debris-littered floor.

Laughter echoed around the room. Evil, overjoyed. Fear's plan had succeeded. In our time of weakness, he had smothered the world outside in darkness. He had won. I shook my head, slowly shuttering my eyes. I couldn't bear to see the anguish on their faces. I could feel each beat of my heart, thumping as if ready to break from my chest. Icy air and snow poured down through the roof, preparing to immortalize our failure. As Fear's unsettling laughter washed over my ears, the hollow despair clutching my thoughts morphed into steely determination.! I cannot let this happen. I am the sun! I am day! It is up to me to restore their faith, for the Guardians. For Pitch.

I raised my head, staring at the glowing embers of Fear's eyes. Using all of my strength, I focused on bringing the day, the gentle rays of sunshine that would awaken the lost faith of the children. I could picture it's warmth, the radiant heat washing across my skin and dancing upon my face, the brilliance of its dazzling beams that could dispel the smothering darkness. A feeble light began to shine on the horizon, tendrils of a golden glow slowly breaching the black fog in the sky. Fear bellowed in anger.

"No! How? How do you ssstill have power?!" He raised his talons to dispatch me, but Pitch's shield separated us from his wrath. The searing heat of fire broke against the wall of nightmare sand, scattering grains of inky sand to drift down among the snow.

I had no answer. I had no strength to answer. My energy was fully focused on bringing the sun above the darkened mountaintops, allowing it to break through Fear's mysterious barrier. I staggered as exhaustion hit me, falling to my knees. Pitch caught me with one arm, fighting to keep his shield raises with the other.

Sandy appeared beside me, waving aggressively. I looked blearily up into his wide eyes, unable to distinguish the figures that appeared above his head.

"The lights!" Jack called animatedly, as slowly, one by one, glowing orbs began to reappear on the abandoned globe. Like a line of Christmas lights they flickered to life, bright and numerous and true.

"NO!" Fear recoiled, roaring and writhing. Acknowledging defeat, he backed away from the Guardians. With a last fiery glower, he fled from the scene, massive black wings carrying him beyond the dark haze high in the sky.

Sandy jumped in front of me, continuing to wave his arms frantically. Relaxing my focus, everything began to swim. I blinked discordantly as I stared at him. I recognized that he was warning me. His sand speech was blurred, and I couldn't make out what he was trying to say. My vision hazed, the effort draining every ounce of my energy. Why was he trying to warn me?

I felt strong arms grab hold of my shoulders, pulling me back against something soft and shaking me roughly. Sandy melted and swirled in my vision, his movements hasty. Black began to creep into the corners of my eyes, staining the faces of the worried Guardians around me. Their mouths were moving, but I couldn't hear. No sound reached my ears aside from soft whispers of comfort.

"Dawn! You're going to be okay. Stay with us. We've got you. Dawn..."

The world around me faded to black as I slowly slipped out of consciousness.

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