Chapter 28

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I sat very quietly, staring down into the face of the sleeping child. His breathing was deep and full, his eyes motionless behind the veils of his lids. No dreams, no nightmares. Empty sleep. A point of no return. Tears pricked my eyes. We had failed.

I had scoured the land, pushing my mind and body to their limits. I had traveled across the globe, visiting every country, every province, if not every city and village. I had lingered in Pitch's abandoned lair, in the hopes my presence would lure Fear to me. Not a sign of him appeared, no matter where I flew in my desperation. Not even the South Pole had escaped my scrutiny, but it proved as barren as everywhere else. Fear had vanished, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't begin to guess where he had gone.

Slowly, I backed away from the sleeping child. A chill fell over my body, and I swiftly made my way to the North's Workshop. As I came through an open window, North greeted me, his face heavy with sorrow. Pitch had yet to return from his errand, and I could see how pronounced their fading was. They were ghostly, as if caught between reality and a dream themselves. My heart sank to a place deep inside me, and without thinking, I fled.

Again. It seemed fleeing was all I could do.

"Dawn!" North cried after me, his desperate call a spike of ice through me. Ignoring his plea, I flew until I found myself atop a tall cliff, overlooking a small village where lights flickered gently in the windows. I watched emptily as the wind pushed the tops of tall pine trees, scattering fallen leaves far and wide.

Sandy had silently followed me, and he stepped quietly down from his cloud to sit beside me. His hand took mine, and I struggled against the urge to run again, to avoid facing the betrayal that tore at my soul. I felt a teardrop on my clenched fists, and realized I was crying. Sandy patted the back of my hand, offering silent words of comfort. He soothed me, calming me where I had been unable to calm myself, and reassured me in his quiet, endearing way. But...

His fading had accelerated faster than we had thought. He had pushed us forward so diligently, so supportively, and he had never once mentioned it to anyone. I hadn't seen the signs...the increasing frailty of his form, the transparency of his figure. I hadn't expected him to vanish so quickly. I had hoped...hoped to save them before it was too late.

Except it already was. And as I was speaking to Sandy, he took my hand, holding it shakily between his weak palms. He smiled up at me, strong to the very end.

Look after the children for me. Don't forget their dreams, their wishes. You can find Fear, and restore their faith. I believe in you. Don't give up, Dawn. Never give up. Promise me you'll never give up.

My body began to tremble uncontrollably. "No...Sandy, you''re not going anywhere. We're going to succeed. We're...we're going to..." I squeezed his hands tightly, sobbing. He brushed a tear from my cheek gently. Not now. Please not now.

You will succeed. I know you will. Never have I doubted you. I may not be there to witness your success, but I will always be with you in spirit. Please watch over the children. Don't let them forget the beauty of their dreams. Do you promise?

His beautiful golden eyes glittered as they gazed up into my face, seeking the comfort of a promise I was not sure I could uphold.

I nodded, tears spilling down my cheeks, blurring his features. He wrapped me in an embrace, and I held him tightly, terrified he would vanish if I let go.

I believe in you, Dawn. Even when I'm gone, never forget. You are the Guardian of Faith, and the spirit of dreams. You are the star burning brightly in the night sky, illuminating the way for not only the children, but the lost souls who have forgotten how to see the light. Never forget who you are. You can succeed. You will succeed. I believe in you.

My arms tightened around a figure no longer in my grasp. His eyes widened as he looked up at me, pained resignation hidden behind a sad, smiling face. Then the light of his eyes faded, and my Sandman was with me no longer. A fleck of golden dreamsand settled to the swaying grasses, the last piece of a spirit I once knew and loved.

Gently, without thinking, I retrieved the golden fleck, and it began to glow softly in my palm. My pendant radiated about my neck, harmonizing with the sand. The golden sun of my necklace drew the dreamsand closer, enclosing the last memory of Sandy in it's warm grasp.

I believe in you.

Sandy's voice echoed in my head as my pendant absorbed the dreamsand, bringing his lost soul close to my own.

"I will never forget." I whispered to myself, sorrow and anger building in my chest. "I will succeed. For the Guardians. For the children. For you."

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