Day 2 part 12

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once I walked inside my room I closed the door and then ran to lay on my bed. I covered myself in my blankets as I turned on my side and tried to fall asleep. suddenly I heard my door slowly open...chills went down my back but I kept telling myself 'its probably just dad...' but at this point...I dont even think I'd feel safe being alone with him anymore.

once I heard the door close I sighed....what happened today...I thought he was a good dad....I guess I was wrong. I layed on my back and stared at the ceiling as I replaying what happened in my head thinking about the situation I was in. why would he yell at Chris like that...what did he do wrong....maybe if I stood up for him this wouldn't of happened. I miss my old dad...the one that would buy us food and play dolls with me...not yell at my younger brother.

dad.....what happened to you....

before I knew it I fell asleep....I woke up that morning to the feeling of something hitting my face. I opened my eyes to see someone's arm laying across my face. I jumped up in fear right before I heard a huge bang and then crying. "Elizabeth...." I heard a voice say while crying....I looked down and saw Chris on my floor crying....I instantly felt bad and helped him up.

" sorry I didn't know that was you it scared me..." I hugged him as he sat down in front of me. "I got scared last night so I came in here and layed down with you..." he said as he yawned...we did stay up until 6 am last night so I wouldn't be surprised if he was still tired. I gulped as I tried to think of a way to bring up what happened last night.

"is something wrong?" Chris asked as he looked up at me...I could tell he was worried. "oh nothing its just....did you hear any yelling last night...I thought I heard dad yelling but it might've just been me?" I asked as his face turned as pale as a ghost. "I-I uh...I didn't hear must've heard Michael's TV or something you know how he likes to watch...s-scary movies.." he said with fear in his probably told him not to say not surprised.

"are you sure? cause it sounded like it was coming from your room....and I know you dont like horror movies..." I said as I looked him in the eyes trying to break him. "....I-I think you were dreaming when you heard are this...why dont we talk about something el-" I then quickly interrupted him and said "I know dad was yelling at you last night...Chris.why didn't you tell anyone!?". he looked like he just saw a ghost...he then started to cry and said-.

I guess you'll have to find out next chapter!!

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