Chapter 25

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When Izuku woke up from the previous night he felt the nude bodies from both his beautiful girlfriends. Izuku kissed both Nejire and Ochako on the lips then slowly got up and headed for the shower letting the girls sleep in for a bit. Once he was done he returned to his room to see the girls wake up. The two then went and bathed so they could prepare for the day. Once together again they headed into the kitchen to see Inko finish setting the table "You three must have had an enjoyable time last night." The three teens were shocked and tried to play dumb "Sorry mom, but I have no idea what you’re talking about. Do you both know?” “Nope.” “Nothing comes to mind.”

Inko laughs a little at their feigning ignorance before going into the kitchen. “Aren’t finals coming up for you three?” she asks this while making something for everyone with Izuku walking in to help. “Actually, they’re in a week. The written part is kinda normal like any other school, but the physical exam is something we don’t know much about.” “When I took it my first year, they were fighting robots. Since the first years had gone through worse than we have in our first term, I wouldn’t be surprised if they change this up a bit.

Izuku and Ochako think on this before asking Nejire if she’d be willing to do a group training session. She agreed with also offering to bring Tamaki and Mirio in it as well to help everyone get in shape for the end of term finals.

One Week Later

“Pencils down.” The final term written test has finally finished with class A with some doing far better due to their study group. Now came the hard part for them, the physical. Everyone came down to the fake testing grounds for all the UA faculty to be there. Nezu pops out of Aizawa’s capture gear to explain what was going on. “This year's final exam will go slightly differently than in previous. Due to the ascending skills you have gained from constantly fighting villains, we have come to the conclusion that robots will be far too easy for you and decided to revamp our exam for you students to fight us teachers.”

Izuku and Ochako noticed a pair of spirals in the group of faculty to realize Nejire was there. “Nejire? What are you doing here?” “I was asked by principal Nezu to help today. I’m so excited to see what we’ll do!” Aizawa went over that all the staff will be moving at half their speed and strength thanks to specific weights made by the support division with the students being able to capture or get out of the area through a gate to indicate they passed. When this was said, the groups were shown with Izuku fighting AllMight alone along with Bakugou fighting Nejire alone.

“WHAT THE FUCK!? DEKU GETS TO FIGHT ALLMIGHT, BUT I HAVE TO FIGHT HIS BITCH!? THAT’S NOT FAIR!” “We had our reasons to put you together. Now quiet down.” Bakugou attempted to fight back with Nejire cracking her knuckles looking at him with a death aura around her. “Call me a bitch again, see what happens.” “Oh please, like some skank of Deku’s is gonna beat me-*Bam*” Bakugou was cut short by a foot to his head. Everyone glanced over to see Miruko who wanted to pay a visit to the school today.

“Oops, my foot slipped. My bad.” She states this in an unashamed comment as she walks over to Izuku. “How ya doing Catalyst? These two your girlfriends that called you up?” Miruko says this with a smirk as Izuku nods with Ochako and Nejire introducing themselves. “YOU WANNA GO RABBIT!? I’LL KICK YOUR ASS ALONG WITH THE SLUTTY BLUE BITCH!” Aizawa heard this while turning to face Bakugou. “If you’re that confident, then let’s see back it up. Now you will face both Hado and Miruko.” The blond looked at the two and wasn’t afraid. In his mind, he was the best without doubt. Sadly, that won’t help him against the third strongest in UA and the 5th ranked pro.

Fast forward to Izuku’s match

Everyone had gone through their matches with the majority winning. Izuku had begun to walk over to the training field. As he walked inside, his mind was dead set on what he had to do today. When ready, the bell rang with Izuku absorbing some life energy from the trash cans nearby. The green haired boy ran through the city before being sent back a little by a shockwave made by AllMight.

“This won’t end well for you young Midoriya. Let’s see what you’ve learned though.” AllMight was ready to fight as it seemed, but was hesitating inside. All the hate Izuku has for the pro was because of him. Inside, he felt as if it was really him that pushed Izuku off that roof instead of the green haired boy himself. Izuku ran at AllMight with him going to knee him. He dodged this and landed a dropkick to his right side. The pro winced in pain as Izuku went for a punch to the face.

AllMight began to get up spitting blood. “Not a bad punch.” He came at Izuku with several punches to force Izuku back. “BUT NOT GOOD ENOUGH!” Once Izuku got to a wall, he took a bunch to the chest before grabbing AllMight to siphon some of his life energy out. “I’ve felt worse.” Izuku moved to AllMights side to german suplex him into the dirt for him to recover a bit from the punch. “AllMight got out and ran to Izuku to give a few more punches. Many in the monitor room tried to understand why Izuku seemed to be enjoying going after AllMight with the pro in question hesitating from what it looked like. Unknown to the two however, the whole conversation was being heard by the teachers, Nejire, and Miruko.

“You son of a bitch! For 14 years, I spent my life idolizing you! For almost 10 of that, I held onto the sliver lining of hope that I could be a hero! In one day, one minute, you destroy my only hope in this fucked up world!” Izuku grabbed AllMight’s face to slam him down into the broken pavement. “DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW MUCH FUCKING TORMENT I HAD ENDURED BECAUSE OF YOUR LIE!?”

Izuku began panting while getting on top of AllMight to repeatedly punch him in the face. “Every punch I had! Every cut that left a scar! Every burn that I smelled! Every nightmare someone would go too far and kill me! All of that was endured because of my belief that I could still be a hero from what you said.” Izuku went for one final punch before breaking down to tears. “Why...why couldn’t you just lie to me that day? All you had to do was lie to me and say it was possible. WHY DID YOU HAVE TO TELL ME THAT!?” AllMight looked at Izuku clearly now to see the hatred he had was not for AllMight, but his own self weakness. The tears he cried were because he knew he was right, but wanted to have some faint realization that they weren’t.

“...I have no words for the epitome of how sorry I am. I had no right to say what I did, and I’m sorry.” “SORRY DOESN’T FIX ANYTHING!” Izuku punched AllMight once more in the face with his body shaking from the blind rage he was holding. “You took my only hope back then I had away!” Izuku gave a solid right to the pro again. “Gave the one thing you could’ve given to someone more worthy to my tormentor!” He slammed another left. “WHY DID I EVER THINK OF YOU AS MY IDOL!?” Izuku hit AllMight one last time with both his fists balled together. “*sniffle* I hate you. I hate you for making me believe I still had a chance when I didn’t. *hic* Because of this stupid world, I had nobody that believed me.” Izuku finally broke down to let all his grief out to cry. He finally said what he wanted to, but it didn’t make him feel better.

Before he lost all his will to fight however, Izuku placed the cuffs on AllMight to signal his victory. After this, AllMight wrapped his arms around the boy understanding how much pain his lie really caused now. “I’m sorry. I should’ve never said what I did. If I would’ve known, I would’ve never said what I did. I hurt you probably the worst than anyone else. I don’t deserve to be a hero if this is what I do to someone that should’ve been helped long ago.” Izuku hears this and finally stops clenching his fists to hug the pro.

With the teachers

Aizawa shuts the audio off after this to let them have their moment. “Words cannot express the amount of failure we have committed as a society. We have broken a child and brought him to this extreme just to make us feel better.” Nezu says this with every person holding their heads down after hearing this. “...What did he mean by giving something to his tormentor?” Miruko asks with Nejire somewhat answering. “I don't know about what the thing was, but the tormentor is the blond we’re facing.”

The rabbit hero looks at Nejire to ask an important question. “Those scars...please tell me that he didn’t.” Nejire only nods for Miruko to realize where they are from. “...Assholes going down.” “Wait.” The two look at Aizawa who is trying to keep himself composed. “He needs to be taught a lesson. Whether he wins or loses, he will no longer be taught in my class after all he’s done. Break him like he did Midoriya.” A small bit of satisfaction came after hearing this for the two girls. ‘Bakugou, you’re dead.’

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