Chapter 49

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As Bakugou and Camie are told this information, Izuku, Nejire, and Ochako try to calm down a still notably terrified Eri. In her mind, UA was supposed to be safe. But she was unfortunately traumatized again due to the ash blond by the level of destruction he caused. “It's ok Eri, the bad people won't hurt you.” Izuku stated this while the little girl clung to his chest afraid to look out in fear she’d see someone just as mean and vile come at them. “Why don’t we stop at the one sweet shop that’s near here. I’m sure something very sweet will put you in a better mood.” Nejire tries to console Eri the best she could seeing the mental breakdown she had first hand. “C-can we?” Everyone nodded at her with a smile before heading towards the sweets shop.

Eri was clinging tightly to Izuku as if her life depended on it he would rub her back in circles to give her a sense of comfort since she still seemed a bit on edge. He also whispered to her "I'm here no one will hurt you" Eri's trembling had subsided once they arrived at the sweets shop. The walls were colorful due to rows of candy that lined the walls. "Eri we're here pick out anything you want it's my treat" Eri was put on the ground and looked around to see what she wanted and she saw something that caught her eye "What's that?" She pointed to a large round treat with a stick in it "That's a candy apple Is that what you want?" Eri nodded hoping that wasn't a problem. Izuku picked it up and handed it to her. She looked content with one treat "Do you want anything else?" Eri looked at Izuku confused then asked "I can have something else?" Izuku nodded "I said it was my treat so I'll buy whatever else you want" She looked around the store a little before coming back to Izuku. “I think I just want this.” Izuku smiled at Eri knowing she wasn’t greedy and was content with just the small candied apple. “Ok then, let’s pay the cashier.”

As they paid, Izuku got a thing of green tea mochi and a small thing of jasmine tea taffy for the girls. When they left, Eri started to smile again tasting her treat with a small bit stuck to her cheek. “It's sweet.” The three smiled before deciding to walk to the Midoriya residence and relax a little. Upon arrival, Inko returned from her job to see her son and girls not noticing Eri who hid behind Izuku not knowing the short statured woman. “Izuku, Nejire, Ochako it’s always a pleasure to see you again.” “Hi mom.” Izuku hugged his mother before she began to realize the little girl beside him. “Izuku sweety, why is there a child with you?” “Sorry I guess I didn’t introduce you to her. This is Eri, the little girl I said was saved a little while ago.”

Inko looked down to Eri before kneeling to her level. “Why hello Eri. My name is Inko, and I’m Izuku’s mother.” She was rather wary of the older woman just because she didn’t know her until Izuku reassured her. “It’s ok Eri, my mom’s a good person and won’t hurt you.” She slowly walked over to Inko to look and notice a resemblance to her hero. “So you’re daddy’s mommy?” This statement made Inko pass out on the spot with Izuku about to as well hearing the words ‘daddy’ come out of Eri’s mouth about him. “Welp, they’re out. Any chance you could them weightless so it’s easier to bring them inside.” Ochako did as Nejire suggested as the two brought the unconscious mother and son inside. “At least we know his kindness and joy in small things is hereditary.” They laughed before unlocking the door with Izuku’s key to place the two on the couch.

“Ok Eri, let’s clean you up a little. You ended up wearing most of that candied apple.” Ochako says this seeing the small girl’s mouth look red from the food coloring and holding the apple core on a stick. “Ok mommy.” The brunette nearly fainted like Izuku and Inko at the mention of this, but stopped herself knowing they didn’t need three unconscious people. “If I remember correctly, Inko said she had some of Izuku’s old clothes in storage. I’m gonna look and see if she has any that are ok for Eri to wear as something to sleep in.” Nejire left with Ochako deciding to run a bath for Eri since it was rather late in the afternoon.” “Where are we going?” “We’re going to give you a bath.” “A bath? What's a bath?” She didn’t understand this as she never actually had a bath per say when she was with Overhaul and the closest in the hospital was a nurse coming in with a bucket of warm water and a sponge to pull the dirt off her. “It’s where you sit in a tub of warm water to clean yourself. Some people find them very likeable.”

As Ochako cleaned Eri off, Nejire found the old box of Izuku’s clothes seeing he was about Eri’s size at age 5. “Let’s see, what do we have that Eri can wear?” She began seeing some clothes before imagining a little Izuku wearing them. ‘He must’ve been a cute kid.’ She started laughing to herself before coming upon his former AllMight onesie. Her smile went to sadness remembering what the former pro did. Izuku and AllMight may have reconciled in a way, but that doesn’t mean she lost a large amount of faith in him and still has significantly less when all was said and done. She eventually decided on a small pair of green shorts and a red shirt thinking they’d be comfortable enough to sleep in before heading into the bathroom noticing Eri and Ochako relaxing in the bathtub with smiles on their faces. “The way you two look is too precious.” “Do you want to come in too mommy?” Nejire thought about this before agreeing. “You know, I just might.”

Once Nejire joined them the three relaxed and showed Eri how to take a bath After another 15 minutes they got out and got dressed heading back to the living room where Izuku and Inko are still unconscious. Ochako decided to cook dinner since she didn't know what time Inko would wake up "What are you doing mommy?" Eri asked as she went to see what Ochako was doing "Well I'm making dinner so when your daddy and his mommy wake up they'll have something to eat" 

Ochako blushed when she referred to Izuku as daddy since it made her feel like she married him. She was broken out of her thoughts when she heard someone open the door to the apartment as Hisashi walked into the living room and saw Inko and Izuku unconscious while Ochako was cooking and Nejire was playing with Eri. “W-w-w-what?” He didn’t understand any of what was going on until Nejire and Ochako noticed him. “Hello Mr. Midoriya. Sorry about intruding.” “Oh, it’s no trouble at all you two. By the way, why are Inko and Izuku unconscious?” “Daddy and his mommy passed out when I called daddy daddy.” “....Did Izuku… know….one of you?” He motioned to both girls as they shook their heads. “You may wish to sit down sir in case you pass out as well.” Nejire motioned to the seat at the kitchen table in front of her with the man agreeing.

As they explained the situation, Hisashi started to remember Inko talking about a little girl Izuku saved a little while back to realize Eri was that child. “So Eri calls you both mommy and Izuku daddy since you three have made probably the biggest impact as parental figures?” “That about sums it up.” “Yup.” “Who’s this man?” Hisashi smiled while explaining. “I’m your daddy’s daddy sweetheart.” Eri smiled at this, seeing the wild hair and remembering her father instantly. “Daddy looks like you.” “I guess he does.” “You’re taking this better than them.” “Believe me Nejire, I’m on the verge of collapsing if I didn’t sit down.” Hisashi starts crying tears of joy before screaming in happiness. “I’M A GRANDPA!!”

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