Chapter 14

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The school gave the students two weeks off in order to prepare for the sports festival. Izuku, Ochako and Nejire were training with Ryukyu to be prepared along with Izuku working to see about an idea for a special move. For the first half of their training sessions, the four would do a little one on one sparring with alternating partners now and again. After, they would work on their quirks with any way to keep them ready for the event. Ochako wanted to try and increase her skill with her Zero Gravity quirk with Nejire helping her with staying up in the air. Meanwhile, Izuku practiced doing something he had done prior at the USJ when he split the lake in the flood zone.

‘Just focus. Remember what happened before.’ Izuku thought back to the incident and felt life energy condense in his hands during this. In theory, Izuku thought that maybe he could use life energy similar to if he was expelling it out in a more refined power. “Alright, now let’s see what happens when you expel that power in one singular shot.” Izuku used his one hand to shoot it out. Unfortunately, it only made a single small attack that barely made a dent in the tree.

“Not bad for just doing it a few times.” As they said this, the tree started decaying and falling over. “Maybe we’re not as far from the start than we believe.” Izuku started to freak a little knowing if he did anything like this at the Sports Festival, he may actually kill someone.

Day of festival 
As the day of the festival had finally arrived Izuku was hyping himself up in his mind since he had trained hard for this very day. He meditated for a bit only to he disturbed by todoroki Shoto "Midoriya." Izuku looked up to see his classmate Shoto Todoroki "Y-y-yes?" He stuttered as he responded to Todoroki. "We all witnessed your power at USJ. It is without a doubt in my mind you're the most powerful competitor here. I won't lose to you so you can accept this as my declaration of war to you." Everyone was shocked to hear this just minutes before the start of the festival "Whoa Todoroki why proclaim war right now, aren't we friends?"  Shoto scoffed "We're here to be heroes not make friends." 

"Hey you half and half bastard you declared war on the wrong person!" Shouted Katsuki with tons of pent up rage after having relinquished One For All. The intercom went off and the announcement was made for all participating students to make their way to the field. When all participating classes arrived on the field they waited until Midnight appeared who was the proctor for the first year sports festival "Before we begin can we get Freshman Representative Izuku Midoriya up here!" Izuku was nervous until he felt someone hold his hand. He looked left and saw Ochako nodding as he began to make his way up to the podium. As Izuku was in front of the mic Midnight told him "whenever you're ready"

Izuku heard a few members of the other classes say comments such as ‘It’s only because he placed first in the Hero course that he’s the representative.’ and ‘Of course it’s a hero course student.’ showing they hold some resentment towards him and his classmates. He took a deep breath before speaking.

“Thank you all for coming here today. Over all of our time before UA, we have faced our own hardships and progressed in our own ways towards our dreams. Each trial, each test, and each event that makes us better to shape us into who we are today. Through these trials, we sometimes forget who is in our corner supporting us. Because of those people who we can lean on, we have been able to make it this far in our lives. So for those who are willing to stand by our sides, I thank you on behalf of every student here. We all will give it our best shot to become the greatest we can and perform on this stage with honor and integrity.”

Izuku bows for everyone to look rather surprised since he spoke with respect to everyone here. Everyone claps with Izuku standing up to see a banner with the Big 3 and Ryukyu in the stands cheering for him and Ochako. He steps down for Midnight to mention the first event. “Now for our first event!” A wheel spun for it to stop at an event. “Obstacle course!”

(Hey guys new chapter please enjoy peace ✌)

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