Once Upon A Time

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Hi guys, I hope you like this chapter, and hopefully like this whole story. Lt's get this tape rolling.

Aizawa POV

I was at a fair with my husband Hizashi Yamada, there were screaming kids all around us. You might wonder what we were doing here? Well the state puts on fairs where future parents walk around and look at children they could adopt.

It's like shopping for kids, I know. But this is how we met our son Hitoshi Shinso, and today we were back. All of us agreed this family was missing something, so here we are. We weren't looking for a young kid, they would be to hard to manage with both of us being Pro Heros and teachers.

We were looking for a teenage, even though they can be a pain in the butt sometimes. 

We had already been doing this things for three hours, so I wanted to get something to eat.

"That'll be three dollars." The man said, handing me two hot dogs. "Thank you, I said fishing around in my pocket looking for change. I handed it to him, and walked over to the table my husband was sitting at. "Zashi." I said to get his attention, as he was staring into the distance.

"Oh, thanks Shota," he said as I handed him his hot dog. "No problem," I said munching on my hot dog. He kept looking in the distance, I looked over to see what he was looking at. He was staring at green haired boy, hunched over his notebook. 

"Let's go talk to him." I said standing up. "Ya, Shota!" He yelled, as I plugged my ears. We walked over to the table and sat down across from the table, the boy was sitting at. He had a sticker on his shirt that read 'I'm Izuku Midoriya, and I'm 15'. Same thing all the kids had. He continued scribbling in his notebook, obviously not noticing us.

"Hey. little listener." Zashi said finally. The kid flinched and his pencil went across the page, leaving a huge mark. "Oh, sorry for startling you." Zashi said, apologetically.  "No, no it's fine, that happens a lot." Izuku said looking up at both of us. 

"So you're Izuku midoriya." I asked, he gave a small nod. "Nice to meet you, I'm Shota, and this is my husband Hizashi." I said extending my hand, he shook it weakly and gave us a small smile. "So do you have a quirk, little listener?" Zashi stated, shaking the timid boy's hand.

"Yeah, it's called fade. I can fade my body out of existence or at least parts of it, like this." His whole hand turned invisible, and he reached down into the table, and his hand went through. He pulled it back out again, "I can also control how much it fades." He said showing us his see through hand.

"That's a pretty powerful quirk, little listener." Zashi said, audibly. "What are you writing anyways?" I asked looking the beat up notebook labeled thirteen. "Oh, it's an analysis on quirks." He said handing it to us, I flipped through it seeing pages on heros, administors, ands students. There was even two pages dedicated to me and Zashi as superheros. 

I flipped to the last page which had the line through it from when we startled him, it was an analysis on the kid playing football. "This is really amazing, Izuku." I stated amazed at his origination skills.

"Thanks," the boy said rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah it's really cool that you can do all this, Izuku." Hizashi stated. 

"You seem like a pretty nice kid, Izuku." I said, handing the teen back his notebook. "Thank y-," he started saying only to be cut off by one of the children behind him. "Hey, Deku!" A particularly large teen shouted from across the park, making his way over to us. "Oh I g-gotta go, i-it was nice meeting both of you." He said collecting his things hurriedly and shoving everything into his backpack.

"Oh, okay i was nice meeting you too little listener."Zashi said, "Yeah." I agreed. The boy smiled then walked in the opposite direction of the other teen approaching. He started fading as he walked, and after a couple of seconds fully disappeared. 

"He's the one." Zashi said looking at me.

"I agree."

Author Chan

I hoped you guys liked the first chapter of this book. It's time for me to roll out.

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