Welcome To Our Humble Home

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I hope you all like the chapter. Let's get this tape rolling!

Aizawa POV

I walked into the office of the administrator of the orphanage, my husband bouncing a little in excitement. "Welcome EraserHead, Present Mic." He says, bowing his head slightly to each of us. We both sit down in the chairs on the other side of his desk. The desk had a small plaque that read 'Mr. Sanchez'.

"You're interested on adopting Izuku Midoriya, correct?" He asked, me and Zashi nodded our heads. "He first came to the orphanage when he was ten, he was noticeably beat up, and in bad condition." The man rambled. "His mother died giving birth to him, and when we went to search for Mr. Midroiya, he was nowhere to be found."

"Izuku Midroiya has been in foster care since then, and he is currently fifteen with a dream of being a hero. He is notably shy and guarded. But I think you both would be a great fit for him."

Me and Zashi exchange nervous looks. "Sounds like the little listener has been through a lot." Zashi said, biting his nails. The man nodded. "But with your record, I think you can be the perfect home, for him."

"We do too." Me and Zashi said at the same time. "Great, his foster worker will drop him off in two days, does that sound good to you two?" He asked, looking up from the paper he was writing in. "Yes, yes it does." We both said in mutual agreement. "Okay great, here's a copy of his file , you should look over it before he arrives. And have a good day you too." He said handing Zashi the printed file.

I stood up and shook his hand firmly, followed by Zashi we walked out of the office. Zashi was practically bouncing up and down i joy. "We're adopting IZUKU!" He shouted, "yes, yes we are." I responded.


Zashi was fumbling with his fingers, anxiously waiting at the door. Izuku was to be here in five minutes and the whole family was waiting by the door. We heard tires pull up, and I was holding back the urge to throw the door open wide. 

When we heard the door bell ring, Zashi practically threw the door off its hinges. Both the foster worker and Izuku had there eyes wide open, surprised by the sudden motion. "Sorry, I was just excited." Zashi said nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"It's okay, can we come in?" The social workers asked, "of course, please do." Zashi said opening the the door wide. I noticed that all Izuku had was a big black trash bag. "Hello, I'm Alexandra, Izuku's foster worker." She said smiling, brightly. "Nice to meet you." I said shaking her hand.

She glanced sideways and noticed Izuku was looking at the ground. "Hey it's okay, kiddo." She said putting a hand on his shoulder. "You're ready for this," she said encouragingly. The small teen nodded slowly.

"Okay, I better be taking my leave now." She said walking towards the door. "Bye, Izuku." He waved a little, and continued to stare at the floor. She opened the door and walked out. Leaving the four of us in a bit of an awkward silence. 

Izuku bowed quickly almost falling over, "Thank you for adopting me." He said very fast. "You don't have to be so formal Izuku." Zashi said stepping forward. "Yeah, little bro." Hitoshi said slinging in an arm, over Izuku's shoulder. 

Izuku flinched away. "Sorry, I didn't mean too." He said, guiltily. "No, no it's fine." 'Izuku's file read that he doesn't like physical contact' I thought to myself. "Can we call you Izu?" Zashi asked. "S-sure, that's f-fine." The small teen stuttered out.

"Great Izu, this is Shota, I'm Yamada, and this Hitoshi." Zashi said, cheerfully. "Let's go see your new room now, shall we?" I said, trying to break the tension. "Sure." Izu, said picking up his garbage bag. "So, Izu I've been meaning to ask," I say as we start walking down the hall. "When is your birthday? It didn't say so on your file." 

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