Everyone loses their kid from time to time. Right?

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Hey guys, I'm sick, but it's not Corona. Sorry about if this chapter isn't as good as usual, I'm just hoping to get this update out. Because I have some ideas for books this Summer, but anyways. 

Let's get this tape rolling.

Aizawa POV

Today Zashi, Izu, Hitoshi, and I were at the mall to get Izuku socks. Because Zashi, had been bugging me about it all week. It's been one week since Izu had his first day at UA, and he seemed to be adjusting well.

Even if he was hanging around Bakugo and a Todoroki more than I like. But we don't talk about that.

We were walking to the other side of the mall, because we wanted to let Izu pick out a....present of sorts. A grinned as I saw the huge sign. Hitoshi coughed, "we left Izu behind." He stated bluntly. I looked behind me only to see the greenette wasn't there. Oh shit, we left him in the clothing store.

Zashi, Hitoshi, and I broke a sprint. We got to the giant clothing department store, and immediately started searching for Izu. We had been gone for a whole twenty minutes without realizing we left him.

If Hitoshi hadn't noticed, I don't know how long we would have gone without noticing the small teen was gone. We split up to take all three levels of the store, and then meet back on the second floor in five minutes.

I rushed up the escalator to the third floor, and began desperately looking around, through clothing racks, and shelves. I just needed to remember when I saw him last, he wasn't with us at the cash register, so we must have lost him while shopping.

He's so quiet all the time, I don't even remember when I last saw him, or what he was wearing. I tried to not let panic set in, he wouldn't have gone out of the store, would he? What if someone kidnapped him?

Wait no, that couldn't happen, because he could slip through there grasp. What if they had quirk cancelling handcuffs? It could be the League, they have already targeted a student in the mall before.

Oh, Izu doesn't know their quirks, what if he's a pile of dust already. I rushed down to the second floor again, only to see Zashi and Hitoshi still looking around. Okay, now was the time to panic, I thought to myself.

Until I heard a small sniffle. All three of us made our way to a circular rack of blue jeans, and pulled a few aside with a scrape. There a Izu sat in the middle of rack, mid panic attack. He was hunched over with his head buried into his knees, and he was rocking back in forth. Becoming invisible, and visible at a rapid pace.

He was visibly shaking and crying, it hurt me to see him like that. "Izu, where here." Hitoshi said in a hushed voice, careful to not scare the teen. Izu leaped from the rack, and embraced Hitoshi in a hug, and just cried.

"I thought you left me." He said, quietly. We all felt a stab of guilt, for leaving him. After a few minutes Izu was able to calm down, and we walked out of the store. Izu staying noticeably close to us.

I smiled to myself, when Izu hugged Hitoshi, it was the first time he had sought physical comfort, from anyone. Now we were back on track, to the pet store.

You see we thought it might be a good idea for a Izu to get his very on cat. We all already had one. I had one named snooze, Hitoshi had emo, and Zashi had Little Static. So we decided to get Izu one.

When we walked into the pet store, his eyes went wide. He looked up at us with hopeful eyes. "Izu, you can pick out a cat." After, I said that he bolted down the aisle, to where the cats where. 

I chuckled at his antics, and everyone quickened our pase to keep up with him. When we found him, he was scratching a green cat, behind it's ears. You could tell he really wanted this one.

Zashi bent down, and patted Izu's back. "So this is the one, huh?" Zashi asked, to which Izu shook his head excitedly. Zashi, picked up the cat and walked it over the cash register. I know this isn't how people actually adopt pets, but just go with it.

Once we got their the cashier, she asked what we would name it so she could make a collar. I looked at Izu.

"Her name is cinnamon roll." How ironic, I thought.

"Okay the cashier said making to pendants, and hooking one to cinnamon roll's collar. She gave the other to Izu, and he hooked it onto a charm bracelet he always wore. After he where done paying Izu grabbed cinnamon roll, and started petting her.

We all hopped in the car, and drove home. It had been an exhausting day.

Author Chan

I hoped you liked it, I was sick with a headache while writing this so.... Keep that in mind. Also HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! But anyways it's time for me to roll out.

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