Being The New Kid SUCKS

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I'm out of school for summer break, so that means more daily uploads, or at least I'll try. But this book will definitely be finished by the beginning of the new school year.

Aizawa POV

"Come on you wouldn't want to be late on your first day." I shout through the house. Izu runs from the bedroom, trying to get his shoes on. He has the UA uniform on, and his red high tops. But what really stands out is how short his tie is.

He hops in the car, closing it with a faint bang. I smile, as I hop in the driver seat. Zashi is next to me, and Izu and Hitoshi are both in the back. I crack a small smile when I see Hitoshi asleep. I honk the horn, and Hitoshi sits up, now wide awake.

Izu is a bit nervous, I can tell it's the middle of the year, so he will have some catching up to do. I'm just glad that we were able to get Izu in the same class as Hitoshi. Good thing that Mineta got kicked out, I thought to myself. 

We pulled up to UA and Hitoshi ran off to meet his 'friend' Denki Kamanari. Zashi went to prep for the English class that would be in a few hours. So me and Izu walked in silence until we got to the 1-A classroom.

"Stay here, come in when I say so." Izu, nods and I walk into the classroom. All the students rush to their seats, as I walk up to the podium. "Today, I have an announcement to make. As you know we expelled Mineta last month." At this the girls cheered.

"So we have a free space in the class, please welcome your new classmate." Izu came into the classroom, with his eyes glued to the ground. "Hi, I'm Izuku Midoriya." He says shyly.



Bakugo POV

I sat down in a huff, and stared out the window. When Aizawa came in I straightened up a bit. He announces we will be having a new student since grapefuck got expelled. And in walks Izuku fucking Midoriya. "Hi, I'm Izuku Midoriya."He says eyes, plastered to the ground.

"Deku?" I say standing up with tears in my eyes at the sight of my childhood head. "Kacchan!" He says, I open up my arms, and he runs across the classroom, and I engulf him in a hug. "Never, leave me again nerd." I say, through the green curls in my face. "Never again, Kacchan."

Mr. Aizawa coughs loudly ruining the moment. "How do you two, know each other?" He asks, coldly. "Deku, and I were childhood friends, until when he was ten, he and his father disappeared." I reply, ruffling Deku's hair.

"I ran away to an orphanage, Kacchan." He says looking up at me with those emerald jewels called eyes. "Oh." I say, as I feel everyone in the entire class staring at us. "Well, Izuku please sit in the empty seat behind Bakugo's." Aizawa says, motioning for us to take our seats.

Time Skip

The lunch bell rang, and everyone immediately ran up to Deku asking questions. I could tell he was uncomfortable. So I grabbed his arm, and yanked him out of he classroom, motioning for Icy Hot to follow. Did I mention he was my boyfriend?

I dragged Deku all the way to the cafeteria and to the table Icy Hot and I usually sit at. I made him sit next to me, I know I was being over protective. But I haven't seen him for five years, I thought he was dead. 

Icy Hot sat down on the other side, of Deku. He pulled out his cold soba he had packed. "He and Deku were having small talk while I was sticking chili peppers in my mouth. "So, can I call you Izuku?" Sho, said while chewing his food. "Sure." Deku said with a joyous smile. 

"Kat, here already has a nickname," he says, motioning to me with one of his chopsticks. "He is obviously going to be your favorite, and you already know him which is no fair." Sho said, with a sad tone. "Oh, okay do you want a nickname?" Deku asked, falling right into the trap. "That would make me feel better." Sho says, with a hopeful voice. "So your, really name is Shoto, so... how about Shouchan?" Deku says, proud of the nickname. "I love it Izuku." Sho says with a mouthful of soba. "Okay I'm going to go see if they have Katsudon." Deku says standing up, I nod in acknowledgement.

As Deku walks away, I glare at my boyfriend. "What was that?" I ask, him as he finishes his lunch. "It's no fair you to know each other. Also we already know that something was missing in our relationship." He says, giving me a knowing look. "What is that supposed to mean?" I ask, irritated. "I saw the way you look at him." He says, giving me a side glance.

"And what 'way' is that?" I ask, cockily. "The same way you used to look at me." He says like it's the most obvious thing in the world. After a few minutes of awkward silence. "And, I might have a small crush on hum to." He adds, like he was just saying he likes soba. 

"How?" I asked shocked. "Because when I talk to him I can truly be myself. Not put on a facade. Just like when I talk to you." My eyes, go wide at how blunt he is. "But I also think we should give him some time to adjust to the new atmosphere before we go confessing our love for him." He says sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah I guess." I say.

Author Chan

This chapter has been edited. Just so you know.

I'm out of school and I couldn't be happier, also I know this chapter was major cringe. But don't judge me. I hope you all had I good school year. Time for me to roll out.

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