Support Group #2

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Hey guys, sorry I didn't update yesterday, my friend needed something that took up most of the day. But I'm here now, and my headache is fully gone. Let's get this tape rolling.

Present Mic POV

"Bye, little listener." I said to Izu, as I headed out the door. He didn't respond, he was having to much fun cuddling Cinnamon Roll. "The worlds gonna explode in five minutes." I said as a joke. Silence, he really wasn't paying attention.

I walked into the living room, where I saw Hitoshi making ice cream. "Watch him." I said, walking out the door. He nodded in response as he poured an unnecessary amount of chocolate syrup on the ice cream.

I walked over to the car in the front, Sho was already at the steering wheel waiting for me. I climbed in, and listened to the engine turn on. We headed down the road to the support group. We had some good news to tell.

FlashBack to the night Izuku got his cat

Me and Sho, headed to Izu and Hitoshi's room to wish them good night, when we realized Izu hadn't pulled the ladder up. "Hey Izu did you forget to pull the ladder up?" Sho asked him. "Oh, no I think I'm safe here, and even if he shows up, cinnamon roll will protect me." He said holding up the green cat, who gave a meow in response. 

"Okay, good night you two." Sho and I said stepping out of the room

End of Flashback

I was so excited when he said that. I think he was getting along with everything great. Everyone at school has accepted him. And he has been hanging out with two people a lot lately. An angry little Pomeranian, and a Canadian flag. Every day both of them wait by the gate to walk him to class.

I think it's adorable, while Sho is a little. Let's just say protective of the newest member of our family. I did feel guilty at the thought Izu thought we left him in the store, so we made it up to him by getting him more hero journals.

And he finally has socks, so I don't have to worry about that anymore. Finally we arrived at support group, and we got out and headed inside were we where met with a circle of chairs. We took our seat and waited for the session to start.

After awhile Alexandria walked in and began the meeting. The other adults talked about kids slamming doors, or blasting emo music. Some even found out there teen had snuck in two girls in the middle of the night.

Eventually it was me and Sho's turn, and before I even opened my mouth he went on a rant about Bakugo, and Todoroki. "I don't think it's right, they all have such different personalities. And Izuku's is still adjusting. Bakugo's is a angry little bitch, and Todoroki is like an emotionless robot." I snickered as he continued to insult his own students.

"Their first focus should be hero work, not romance. What if Izuku feels pressured into the relationship. Of course we will support him, but what if if something happens. It's not like these two have to cleanest record, and" I cut him off by putting a hand on his shoulder.

Alexandria spoke up. "I understand your concern, but unless you have actual evidence that they would try something it's better just to support him. And I think it might be just nerves. It's weird to think of your child being a relationship with someone." She said with a kind smile.

"Fine." Sho sighed, crossing his arms and pouting like a child. I laughed at his reaction. "Sho forgot to mention how we got Izuku a cat this weekend. And how he put the ladder down." I said with a smile giving Sho, the side eye. 

"Oh, that's great." Alexandria said, putting her hands together. "But we also, lost Izuku in a mall, for twenty minutes. And when he found him he was mid panic attack." Sho said with a grim expression. "And he thought we left him." I added.

Alexandria looked down. "Yes, because of Izuku's father disappearance he most likely has abandonment issues. We don't even know how Izuku ran away, or why because he won't talk. And with his father no where to be found, we have very little information about him."

She looked up at us, "so it's your job to establish a trusting relationship, and be someone Izu can lean on." She said, with determination in her eyes.

"Agreed." We both said. "And with that we end the meeting." She said getting up, as we followed suite. During the car ride home  I pondered the words she said, what exactly happened to our little cinnamon roll?

We unlocked the door and looked around. Izuku was in a chair cuddling cinnamon roll. I swear that cat gets so much love. And then we saw Hitoshi. Sleeping, empty ice cream bowl in hand, with chocolate smeared on his face.

Author Chan

Sorry this chapter turned out shorter than planned, but I got some drama prepared, so be ready. Well it's time for me to roll out.

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