Save the Date

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So, this is gonna be the last chapter of this book. Thank you all for the support, I never thought when I was writing this book that it would get as popular as it is. So I want to thank all of you. Your all so supportive, and when I see people enjoying my writing it makes my day. So thank you. And Let's get this tape rolling.

Deku POV

My dad was in jail, finally. And I'm happy about it. I mean why should I? Yeah, I think it's okay. I walked into class and sat down in my usual seat and started talking to Kacchan. Then after a  while Todoroki walked in.

He sat down as we started discussing last nights homework assignment. Then out of no where Todoroki just blurts out, "do you want to get ice cream with Kat and I after school?" Wow, where did that come from? Wait don't question it Izuku, just go with it. "S-s-s-sure. Why not?" He clapped his hands together. "Great."

Time Skip To After school

I texted my dads that I would be going to get ice cream with Kacchan and Todoroki. We were walking to a local ice cream shop that wasn't to far from UA. 

"So, Izuku. What do you do for fun?" Todoroki asks. "He writes notes about hero's and quirks for hours." Kacchan said quickly. I pouted in annoyance. Well he's not wrong but he makes it sound like a bad thing.

"Aww, Izuku don't be sad." Todoroki said noticing my pouty face. "Kat will give you a piggy ride to make up for it." I smiled wide. "Yeah!" I yelled. Kacchan sighed, and leaned down. "Get on." I smiled. "Away!" I said jumping on his shoulders.

He stood back up, and I could see everything was the same. But I was tall. It felt so awesome. "Is this what it's like to be tall?" I asked out loud. They both started laughing. "Kacchan your gonna drop me!" I yelled, laughing.

"No, I won't stupid nerd." Kacchan said. "Hey Izuku, we've been meaning to ask you this." Todoroki said, as I turned my head to face us. "Do you have a crush on us?" My face turned bright red, and I buried my face in the explosion that is Kacchan's hair.

"I'll take that as a yes." Kacchan says. Oh, there gonna think I'm so weird now. "Do you want to be our boyfriend?" I choked on air. "Ask that again?" I said coughing. "Kat, asked if you wanted to be our boyfriend."

I smiled. "Yes, yes, yes yes!" I said, happily. Hugging Kacchan's head. "Izuku, I know your our new boyfriend and everything but if you keep covering my eyes, I will drop you." I took my hands off. "Please don't."

But as a joke he leaned back, so I was upside down, and we were back to back. With him holding onto my shoes. Todoroki was behind us laughing, but then he stopped.

"Izuku, what happened?" He said pointing. It was only then did I notice that my shirt had slid down while I was upside down. Revealing my ugly scars. "What's what?" Kacchan asked, confused, as I attempted to hold up my shirt. I slid off. And he started looking at me and Todoroki, expecting an answer.

"He has scars." Todoroki said, pointing at me. "C-can we see?" Kacchan stuttered, he never stutters. I lifted up my shirt, showing them all the scars that were on my stomach from the time my father dragged a broken beer bottle across my body, after he knocked me out.

I felt tears in my mind at the memory. Kacchan and Todoroki had embraced me in a hug. "Shh, don't cry Izu." Todoroki said, playing with my hair. I sniffled. "Do you not want me as your boyfriend anymore?" I asked, fearful. 

They both looked at me with stern looks. "Of course we do. We always will." I sniffled, again. "Are you sure you want something as broken as me?" Kacchan hugged me again. "Your not broken Deku, your beautiful. And the most beautiful things are a little chipped."

Author Chan

Thank you all for reading, and all the support. I will have more books coming out soon, so await that. And for the final time, it's time for me to roll out.

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