Midnight Terrors

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Sorry, this is going to be a very short chapter, but I will update tomorrow, this is important to the plot line though. Let's get this tape rolling.

Aizawa POV

When Zashi and I walked into the living room, we found Izu snuggling cinnamon roll. And Hitoshi  had fallen asleep, after his giant sundae. I shook him awake. "What happened?" He asked in a sleepy voice getting off the couch.

"I think that you passed out after eating ice cream." I said."Oh, ya." He said with a shrug, as he got up to take a shower. His phone went off, and I checked the ID. It was a text that read 'hey, how are you doing.' But I was more interested in the name of the person texting.

⚡️Babe⚡️, was the ID. Now I wonder who that could be? I thought with a smug face, at the fact my son had gotten a boyfriend. But was kind of disappointed at the fact he decided to date a loud blonde. Zashi, looked over my shoulder with a huge grin on his face.

"Our son is so grown up." He said, wiping a fake tear.

Time Skip

I awoke to a loud banging on our door. Me and Zashi got out of bed , and answered the door. "Izuhadabaddreamandisnowterrified." Hitoshi said, quickly out of breath. "Wow, wow cool down little listener." Zashi, said shaking Hitoshi's shoulders. 

He took a deep breath and tried to talk again, "Izu had a bad dream, and is now terrified." Hitoshi said, then ran down the hallway, back to their room. Zashi and I looked at each other than headed down the hall.

On the floor was a crying Izuku, huddled in a green blanket. He had his hands over his ears, and tears streaming down his face like a waterfall. "It's okay." Zashi said in hushed voice, patting Izu's head. While I looked around for cinnamon roll, who was no where to be seen.

I walked back into the hallway, and checked around the table, and couch. Not there. I checked near the TV and kitchen. But then I heard I meow and looked around. Then I saw emo, Hitoshi's cat. 

But I needed cinnamon roll, I looked in the drawers. As I continued to hear muffled sniffles from down the hallway. Eventually I looked up to see a dark silhouette in the microwave. I opened it, and there was a sleeping cinnamon roll. How did she get up there?

I grabbed her and rushed down the hall. Where Hitoshi was standing awkwardly, and Zashi was still trying to calm Izuku down. "Do you want cinnamon roll?" I asked, to which he gave a small nod. 

I put the cat on the ground and watched as the green fur ball made its way to the crying teen. As soon as she was in arms reach, Izuku reached out a grabbed her, holding her close. She licked his face, and he smiled at the affection.

Seemingly calmed down, me and Zashi ushered him up the ladder, and in his bed again. Once we where sure both boys were sound asleep we moved towards the door. Just as we were about to close the door we saw Izu shift towards us. And in a tired voice he said, "Good night dad, and papa. I love you." We both smiled.

"We love you too, Izuku."

Author Chan

That was a bit shorter than my usual chapter, but I'll update tomorrow. And I got some drama prepared. But this was important to the story. It's time for me to roll out.

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