Support Group #1

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Hello, sorry this chapter is a little late, last week of school hit me hard. But during Summer I think I'm going to start to at least try to have daily uploads. So look forward to that.

Present Mic POV

"Bye Izu." I said, waving my hand goodbye, as I walked out the door. "Bye, Hizashi, bye Shota." He said waving back, with a small smile. "Bye, dads." Hitoshi said, standing behind Izu. I heard a car horn go off, telling me Sho was getting a little impatient.

I smiled as I closed the door, and walked down the lawn to the car. I hopped in the passsenger seat as Sho started to drive down the road.

Today we were going to a support group run by the orphanage. Any time a child gets adopted they recommend you coming to these. You express the problems you have with adjusting your child into the new environment, and they give you advice on what to do. Since they have worked with children before.

We went to one of these with Hitoshi. He was more than a little a rebellious. I thought, thinking back to them time he set his textbook on fire, because he failed the test. But Izu was a little bit of a different case, he did whatever we told him, the first time we did.

Any timed we weren't doing anything as a family he would be researching hero's, extra quietly. It was almost disturbing how much he followed the rules, he would walk very quietly which would always startle me. And he would panic any time he accidentally did something that would even cause a little bit of noise.

One time he fell on the sidewalk and his leg was bleeding, but we was concerned that we'd punish him for falling over. So Izu would be starting school tomorrow, and we decided that instead of getting a babysitter, we were going to show Izu we trusted him by leaving him at home alone. With Hitoshi of course.

The car came to a stop, which pulled me out of my thoughts. I then realized we were already at the support group meeting. Sho and I stepped inside the building, and took our seats in the circle of chairs set up.

I waited for the the meeting to start, bouncing my knee up and down. Sho gave me a small side smile, to calm my nerves. I sent a small smile back. Just as the two administrators who were in charge of the orphanage took their seats. The whole room went quiet in anticipation for the meeting to start.

"Okay so you have all adopted kids, between the ages 13 and 15." The administratior said starting the meeting. "My name is Linda, and I'm the head of the orphanage. And this is Alexandria who has worked with many of the children." Linda said, I recognized Alexandria instantly as Izu's social worker.

"Today we will go around the circle, and you will all tell some issues you have been having with your child, and we will do you the best we can to give you some advice to help you." Alexandria explained, motioning around the circle of parents.

Sho and I were towards the end of the circle, so we listened to parents tell their stories about teenagers who were failing in school. One had a girl start a food fight in the cafeteria. Another had two twin brothers sneak out to go to a house party down the street. 

Eventually after an hour of waiting it was our turn. "You wanna go first Sho?" I asked looking over at my husband. "Sure," he said, in reply. "One of my biggest concerns about Izu is he always lifts the ladder of his bunk bed up. And when we asked why he said something along the lines of 'so he can't get me.' But when we asked who 'he' is, he brushed it off."

"Yes, sadly we have no idea who 'he' is." Linda, stated. "It's hard with Izuku, because you never will know what he is thinking, he doesn't trust anyone." Alexandria, said going on. 

"Yeah." I tuned in. "He doesn't say anything, unless someone asked him a question. The only time he gave more than a one sentence answer is when Hitoshi asked him about his hero journals." I said with a small smile, thinking about how excited he looked to be able to discuss the journal with us.

"And one time," Sho said going on. "He fell down on the sidewalk and was bleeding bad. But he was worried we would punish him." Sho said, gravely. Linda looked down. "Yes, sadly Izuku has frequent panic attacks, and always thinks he's going to be severely punished for the littlest of things."

Alexandria cut in, "but I think I know a way you could calm him down in those situation." She said. "Give him an object that he could carry around at all time, something that makes him feel safe. Something he could grab onto, just in case." Alexandria said.

That brought a smile to Sho's face, as he thought of what we could get him to calm down. "Anyways, today's group session is over." Linda said, as everyone started to get up.

Time Skip

Sho unlocked the door to the house, and we both stepped in. We looked at the living room and there on the couch, both sleeping peacefully were Izu and Hitoshi. I smiled at how adorable they looked. I looked at the TV to see what movie they had both been watching.

It was an All Might movie, of course.

Author Chan

This chapter was was longer than I expected, anyways since Summer is starting I will try and do daily uploads. Anyways have a good day.

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