Wattpad deleted my title!

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Hey guys. Can anyone else relate to this title. No, just me? Okay. This is going to be more of a comedic chapter. But anyways. Let's get this tape rolling.

Aizawa POV

It has been two weeks since Izu's first day of school, and he has been doing great. We all decided to take this weekend to relax. That was until I heard a scream from the boys bedroom.

Me and Zashi got up from the couch, and sprinted down the hallway. When we got there we saw Hitoshi holding Izuku's phone above his head, were he couldn't reach. "Little listeners what's going on?" Zashi asked, confused at the scene we were witnessing.

"Izuku liked every single one of Bakugo and Todoroki's posts on Instagram." Hitoshi, started laughing. "It doesn't mean anything." Izuku screeched. "Whatever helps you sleep at night." Hitoshi said, sarcastically.

I facepalmed. First me, then Hitoshi, and now Izuku. Why does everyone in this family always date loud blondes? "Now give me my phone back!" Izuku yelled, still reaching up in a fruitless attempt. 

Hitoshi hopped off the bed, and Izuku followed. Once they landed Izuku snatched his phone back and ran up the bed, with Hitoshi chasing him. Izuku used his quirk to fall through the the bunk bed onto the floor again.

"Hey if you can use your quirk, can't I?" Hitoshi asked. "Of course not, Hitosh" he was cut off, by Hitoshi activating his quirk. "Give me the phone." Hitoshi, said sticking his arm out. Izuku robotically moved up the ladder and gave Hitoshi his phone. 

"Hey no using your quirk on your brother." I said. "Yeah, yeah." He said, snapping his fingers releasing Izuku. Izuku snapped back, and started trying to get his phone back. "Where are Bakugo and Todoroki in your contacts?" Hitoshi asked, going through the smaller teens phone.

Realization hit his face. "Oh I forgot you call them." He coughed. "Kacchan and Shouchan~" He said, in a high voice. "I do not sound like that." Izuku pouted. Hitoshi must have done something, because then Izuku started freaking out.

"No Hitoshi why would you do this to me?" He screamed, grabbing his phone back once again, and leaping off the bed. Me and Zashi walked up to the two troublesome teenagers. "What did you do?" I asked, glaring at a snickering Hitoshi.

"He texted 'ily' to Shouchan." Izu said, putting his face into his pillow on the floor. I glance at the phone and saw Todoroki was typing. Eventually the message came through. 'Was this mean for me.' Izuku glared at Hitoshi.

'Of course it was silly, I was just telling you how much I love yearbooks. I mean there great you get signatures and everything.' Izuku sent. "I can't believe you did that." Izuku screamed throwing a pillow at Hitoshi.

"Now, Shouchan is going think I'm a total weirdo." Izuku said crossing his arms. "Don't worry little listener, your boyfriend could never think of you as a weirdo." Zashi, said in a comforting tone.

"He's not my boyfriend!" Izuku, screeched. Izuku checked his phone again, making sure Todoroki bought it.

Izu let out a long sigh. "Hitoshi, I hate you."

"Awww, your my favorite brother too." Hitoshi said, putting a hand over his heart.

Author Chan

Next chapter will have DRAMA. But sadly it won't be out until Monday, because I have to go to an all day thing tomorrow, and on Saturday and Sunday I will be updating my other book. Just thought I'd let your guys know. It's time for me to roll out.

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