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I promised I'd update today, and I am. And this chapter will have drama, just telling you. So here's this chapter. Let's get this tape rolling.

Aizawa POV

Today's Sunday, and I'm just enjoying a Spy Kids movies with my family. Spy Kids 2, to be specific. A scene comes on where there's a little girl in an amusement park. "Amusement parks are so awesome. I love them!" Hitoshi, shouts passionately.

"Oh, I've never been to one." Izu, says looking down. Zashi, spits out his coffee. "Where going to an amusement park!" Zashi shouts, standing up. "Really?" Hitoshi, and Izuku ask at the same time.

"Of course. Now go get dressed in something comfortable." Both boys sprint to their bedroom. I look up at my husband. "Really?" I asked. "He's never been to an amusement park, Sho." Zashi says giving my puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, fine." I say, dragging my hand across my face. Welp, there goes my carefree Sunday.

Time Skip

"Everyone ready?" Zashi asks, turning the car engine on. "Yeah!" The teen boys, shout in response. "We should play road games!" Zashi says, after a few minutes of driving.

"Yes!" Hitoshi says, pumping his fist into the air. "Okay, I spy with my little eye a reflective surface." Zashi, says while keeping his eyes on the road. "Oh, it's the rear view mirror!" Hitoshi says, with more excitement than should be allowed at this hour.

"Yep, your turn Hitoshi." Zashi, says a bit irritated, he got it on the first try. A devilish smirk makes it's way to Hitoshi's face. Oh no. "I spy with my little eye, something sweet and caring." Hitoshi says. "It's a cinnamon roll isn't it?" I asked, leaning my head on the window. 

"Yep!" Hitoshi says energetically. "But, I don't see any cinnamon rolls here." Izuku, asks confused. Hitoshi holds up a mirror. "Stop calling me that!" Izuku says, crossing his arms. 

"Okay we're here." Zashi says pulling up to the amusement park. Everyone gets out of the car and we make our way out to the attractions, we pay for our tickets and walk through security. Hitoshi, gets a map so he can see where all the rides are.

"Let's go to the haunted house!" Hitoshi says, pointing eagerly. Me and Izu both groan in annoyance, but eventually agree. Me and Zashi step into the first car, and Hitoshi and Izu take the second.

The ride starts pretty decently, not to scary. Things would jump out at you, but never come anywhere near you. That was until we heard a scream from behind us. I looked back and saw Hitosh I wearing a monster mask, and Izuku looking like he was about to shit his pants.

I grabbed the mask off Hitoshi as he was laughing hysterically. "You scared me half to death, Hitoshi!" Izuku, yells annoyed. "I love having a little brother." I hear, Hitoshi say behind us. Once we got off the ride we decided to catch our breath on a park bench.

"It's now like I was that scared, I was just letting you think you were scary." Izuku, states proudly. "Boo!" Hitoshi yelled from behind. Izuku scream in respones. "Not funny." Izu says, shoving Hitoshi lightly.

After riding a few more rides we decide to indulge ourselves in some suspiciously prepared nutrition. Or you could just say we got junk food. After then we decide to walk to the child's side of the park, so Izu can ride some attractions without getting the shit scared out of him.

After about ten minutes, Izuku comes back to us, running and crying. He grabs onto Hitoshi, and just starts sobbing. "What's wrong Izu?" I hear Zashi ask. Izuku didn't respond as sobs racked his small frame. After about ten seconds a tall muscular man, with green hair and a green beard comes up to us.

He's wearing a white t-shirt, and dark green cargo pants. "Izuku, it's me." The man, says kind of aggressively. "And who would you be." Zashi, spits at the man, with some sass.

 "I'm his father."

Everyone was shocked. I stepped in front of Izuku. "I don't think your son would like to see you right now." I say, already getting a good handling on my scarf. "He's my son!" The man tries to push pass me, but I stand my ground.

"Let me see my son, I never did anything to him." He says, trying to shove me out of the way. "Liar!" Izuku, says turning around with tears in his eyes. "Look at this and tell me you never did anything to me!" Izuku, says lifting up his shirt.

And there lies, about ten precise scars, all along his stomach. Izuku, is glaring at his biological father. Key word there, biological. A security guard approaches us, obviously suspicious of the scene laying out before him. 

 "Is this man giving you trouble here?" The security guard asks, pointing at Izuku's biological father. "No, he was just leaving." I say, glaring daggers at the man that dare hurt my son. He gets the hint and walks away. 

The security guard wishes us a good day, and walks off. I look over to see Izuku, hugging Hitoshi again. I look over at Zashi. How did we not know about his scars? I mean, shouldn't they have told us, when we adopted him. That sounds way more important than what his favorite color is.

Or did they just not know. I mean it's also on his stomach, so it's not really visible. Has Izuku really been keeping this a secret for all these years. I mean if the orphanage didn't know, than that's five years.

"Hey, little listeners, let's head home." Izuku nods, and we all start to make our trek back to our car. Once where in the car no one really says anything, and eventually both Hitoshi and Izuku nod off to sleep.

I wanted to talk to Zashi, but not now. We don't wanna risk having one of them hear the conversation. But we will most definitely talking about it at the next support group meeting.

Author Chan

Well that was your dramatic chapter. There are only two more chapters left in this book. I won't be updating this book tomorrow, because I'll be posting a one shot, so look at that if you want too. It's time for me to roll out.

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