Ⅽի𝓪𝛒𝓮❘ 𝛔𝓯 𝙇𝛔𝑽𝓮

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hehe i love this song🥺

A few weeks later

"Babe," Aria walked into the living room where Jimmy was watching the tv. "We need to talk."

"About?" He turned the volume down and looked at her. "Are you alright?"

"I think I want to move the wedding closer," Aria bit her lip.

"Okay, how close?" He asked.

"Within the next month or two." Aria said nervously.

"Woah, that's... Thats really close. Why?"

Aria sighed, "Follow me."

She lead him to their bedroom and into the bathroom. On the countertop laid three pregnancy tests. All positive.

"Ohhh my god." Jimmy picked them up, yup. All positive.

"I hadn't had my period in awhile and I can't even remember the last time I took both control. So I put two and two together.. And yeah.. I just found out today." She quietly said while looking down.

Jimmy's eyes stung with tears. "You're pregnant.."

Aria immediately started crying, a thousand negative thoughts running through her head. Was he happy? Was he mad? Was he disappointed in them for having another kid so soon? Did he want to leave them? Was this too much for him to handle at a young age? Did he still want to get married. Did he want to be a family?

"Hey," He gently cupped her face, snapping her out of her thoughts. "What's wrong?"

"Do you even want this?" She asked him, the tears already steaming down her face, like an endless waterfall. "Viviana is barely going on ten months and the wedding, and I mean do you even want to still get married? Do you want to still be with me? Is this all too soon-"

He cut her off with a soft kiss. Gently wrapping his arms around her, holding her to make sure she knew, he was there for good. Aria sighed into the kiss, emotions running wild. After awhile, both pulled back.

"Look at me baby," he turned her face towards him. "I made a commitment to you once I proposed again. So don't ever doubt that I still want to be with you. I am not going anywhere, this is my family."

"Really?" She asked which made him chuckle.

The truth is. Jimmy absolutely adored Aria and his daughter. The progress he had made since he left Alexandra and promised Aria he would be a new man, was unbelievable. But it was for the best and honestly everyone loved this new Jimmy. He was doing what he needed to all along, and he was genuinely happy. He had a family, something he's always wanted. And he was finally going to redeem himself and make Aria his wife again, but this time; divorce wouldn't be an option. Because he was going to work and show her, he's the one and he is sorry what his past doings. Now that she was pregnant, he was overjoyed. He did want another child with Aria. But he didn't think his dream would come true so soon.

"Yes, I love you so much. And now we have another one on the way," he placed his hands on her stomach. "I'm going to take care of you guys okay? I'm not going anywhere baby."

She nodded and grabbed a tissue, "Okay. Promise?"

"I promise," Jimmy smiled. He then picked her up and spun her around, "Holy shit you're pregnant!"

Aria giggled as he sat her back down, "This happened really really soon."

"Hey you said you missed being pregnant." He teased.

"I didn't think I'd be pregnant so soon, or even have another kid right now." Aria pointed out. "But I am happy and excited."

"Me too," He grinned. "I'm emotional now that I am with you," he laughed and wiped his eyes, getting rid of the tears that had sprung upon him.

She laughed and shook her head, "That's a great thing."


"Okay, yeah. Sounds great, thank you." Aria hung up with her wedding planner. Thankfully Aria was able to push the wedding to the end of the month, still getting everything her and Jimmy wanted. Especially with the connections and friends she had, everything was set into place and ready. She also called all the people they invited and let them know, and all still being able to make it. Aria really didn't want to be severely pregnant on her wedding day. They haven't even told anyone yet about the pregnancy.

"What did they say?" Jimmy wondered while he fed Viviana.

"Everything we want is still good to go, the only difference is the wedding will be at the end of this month." She said and sat down by them.

"I can't wait to you in a wedding dress. Walking down the aisle and knowing, it's me and you forever." Jimmy confessed and shyly blushed.

"I can't wait either," Aria smiled before sighing, "We deserve this."

"Yes we do," Jimmy nodded in agreement. "Finally our turn for a truly happy ending."

Aria grinned before wiping Viviana's mouth. "She's all messy babe, you're giving her a bath."

"She's fine, she isn't even that messy." He argued.

"There's food all over her face, poor baby." Aria scooted Jimmy out of the way so she could be in front of her high chair. "Dad just doesn't know, he's a very messy eater."

"I'm still here!" Jimmy slightly yelled, offended.

"Seriously though you're giving her a bath," Aria told him.

"Mm we'll see." Jimmy challenged his fiancé.

"Jimmy," Aria warned.

"What?" He laughed.


Both parents turned to their daughter.

"What was that Viv?" Jimmy questioned.

"What did you say Vivy? Say it again," Aria encouraged her.

"Mama!" The baby squealed and looked at Aria.

"She said mama." Aria said in disbelief. She jumped up and down, "She said mama!"


"Yes! Very good Viv!" Aria cheered and held her.

"I was still first." Jimmy nudged her.

"Shh!" She shoved him. "Let me have my moment!"


to be continued

story time part two!

this hoe really keeps texting my man and he blocked her right, but this crazy ass mental girl has like 500 phone numbers. like damn girl how many phone numbers do you have? anyways umm she keeps calling and texting so we may have threatened her with getting the police involved for harassment, and she shut up for a bit but then continued to bother him. so like i'll keep you guys updated on this crazy ass girl, but she keeps testing me. i'm bouta pull up to her place and run her over with my damn car cause she is just ughhhhh

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