give me back my puppy

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Ruby's POV
I slowly opened my eyes and immediately noticed Weiss wasn't there. I began to panic suddenly I heard the door open ,and their Weiss stood holding a coffee mug and a plate of cookies. "Morning bright-eyes how did you sleep?" She asked walking over to me sitting at the foot of the bed. "Fine but I panicked a bit when you weren't there," I said in a fake sad tone. She giggled and handed me the coffee. "Don't worry I put in cream and five sugars," she said as I took the coffee. "Thanks shorty," I said kissing her cheek. I took a sip from the coffee my tail began to wag. "Weiss this is the best coffee I ever had," I said as I took another sip of the coffee. She blushed " problem," she said embarrassed. "You should get ready classes start soon," she said getting up and began to grab her books. I finished my cookies and dashed into the bathroom. After my shower I brushed my teeth and combed my hair ,and my tail. I walked into the main room and saw Weiss was gone she got my books ready for me. I smiled as I picked up my books ,and walked to class. I sat next to Weiss ,and professor ports began his lesson. I tuned him out as I stared at Weiss. ' how can someone be so adorable and hot at the same time ' I thought as I stared at her. Port noticed I wasn't paying attention and said "Mrs rose please stop making good goo eyes at Mrs schnee and pay attention," he said calmly. I blushed and sunk in my seat my ears dropped and my face turned bright red. "Y...yes sir," I muttered. I felt Weiss's eyes on my I avoided eye contact. The bell rang and I got up and we began to walk to the cafeteria. When black and yang weren't looking Weiss dragged me into a empty hallway and pinned me to the wall. I blushed redder than my cloak "w...Weiss," she began to stroke my tail. "Ahhhh~'s...r... really...s... sensitive," I moaned. "So you were staring at me in class hm~" she cooed. "I...I...y...yeah," I mumbled. She suddenly kissed me passionately. She bit my lip asking for a entrance. I opened my mouth and our tongues began to wrestle for dominece. We both pulled away a string of saliva connecting our tongues. We were both panting. "W...weiss~" I moaned. I burried my face in her neck in embarrassment. She giggled "your so cute puppy," she said stroking my ears. My stomach rumbled Weiss giggled "we should go get some food," she said taking my hand and leading me to the cafeteria. As we walked to the cafeteria the image of our kiss played in my mind I blushed as my tail began to wag. We sat with our friends as we talked and ate. I felt like I was being watched. I turned and looked out the window their was a figure with a hood standing in the forest watching me. "I... I'll be right back guys," I said getting up. I walked out of the cafeteria and walked into the forest and found foot prints. ' hm something's not right ' I thought as I followed the foot prints. The foot prints stopped abruptly "what the..." I mumbled looking around. I suddenly heard a twig snap and a knife fly fight by my face it hit a tree behind me. I saw a sillhoete of someone rush pass me. I felt something sharp piece my neck everything began to go black the last thing I saw was Kipo. "Nighty night Ruby," he said as I passed out.

Weiss POV

'rubys been gone for a while' I thought as I waited for Ruby to return. "I wonder what's keeping Ruby," phyrra said with a worried expression. "Yeah she always really fast," yang said with a worried look. "We should go look for her," Blake said getting up. "Good idea," Ren said. We walked outside and noticed foot prints leading into the forest. We all followed the foot prints and it led us to a clearing. We looked around "look!" Nora yelled pointing to a note. Yang picked it up and read it.

Hello Ruby's friends I have taken Ruby to the remains of our old village come get her while you still can...
Yang finished and looked at us with a horrified look on her face. Blake hugged her as yang cried. "That... Bastard...took my sister," she muttered. I took out my scroll and called Kupa. "Hey Weiss what's up," he said as he answered the phone. "Kupa we need you Ruby was taken by kipo he said he took her to her old village can you help us," I said blinking back tears. "Of course I'll be there as soon as possible!" He yelled into the phone. About ten minutes later he arrived with snow and comet. He turned into a wyvern "hop on," he said with a determined face. We flew to patch and landed in a village. It was burned down there were skeletons of deceased werewolves. Phyrra put her hand over her mouth as she stared at something which drew our attention. "Phyrra whats-," I was about to ask but stopped when I saw a familiar white tattered cape with a broken white syphe. " that Ruby's mom-," I was cut of by yang "'s summers cloak and syphe," yang said with sad eyes. Blake put a hand on her shoulder giving her a reinsuring look. Yang smiled as Blake kissed her cheek. "C'mon let's go find Ruby," Kupa said walking past them. We searched the buildings but didn't find anything. "Where are you dolt..." I muttered I was really worried. We made our way to the largest building "this is where the alpha would stay she might be in there," Kupa said he pulled out his battle axe. We all pulled out our weapons preparing for a fight. We slowly walked inside the building was burned and broken. The floor boards surprisingly not breaking just creaking. We suddenly heard slow laughter. We froze looking around not seeing anyone "well well look what we have here," the voice of Kipo said. Suddenly candles lit lighting up the room revealing him sitting in the burned throne with a smirk on his face. "WHERES RUBY!" I shouted at him before he could say anything. "She's...alive," he said with a evil smirk. I felt sick as he stared at me with a evil smirk. "Kipo give us Ruby and we'll leave peacefully," Kupa tried to reason with the wolf. "Oh I don't wish to fight I have a challenge for you," he said standing up. "You will win Ruby at the end...if you survive," a big trap door opened "good luck," he said and suddenly vanished into thin air. We all looked at the trap door it was dark. "Well let's get our friend back," yang said jumping down we all followed her. Kupa lit a torch lighting the way we walked down the long stone corridor. There were writings on the wall and pictures ,and portraits of old alphas including Ruby's parents. We reached a room as soon as we entered the room the stone door shut. Yang was about to step on the stone floor but Kupa grabbed her "wait it's booby trapped!" He yelled pointing at the ground. "Weiss can you use your glyphs?" Snow asked. "Of course," I said I used my glyphs to create a bridge and the others began to walk over the glyphs. We make it to the next room it was empty except for a giant stone statue. As we walked twords the exit but Nora stepped on a stone which triggered the statue. It eyes began to glow as I lifted it's sword. It swung at us "SCATTER!" comet yelled. We all scattered as it swung it's sword. Nora shot her bombs and it managed to chip at the golem. Kipo used his earth bending to tip over the golem. We all began to use our weapons to kill the golem. It finally died we progressed to the next room. After a hour of challenges we finally made it to where Ruby was being held. "RUBY," I yelled as I ran to the cage. "RUBY ARE YOU OK!?" I yelled "w...Weiss you...came," she muttered she was badly beaten. "Don't worry we're gonna get you out of there," I said calmly to try and sooth her. I looked at Kupa he took out his battle axe ,and sliced the lock. Ruby collapsed into my arms. I picked her up "let's get out of here," I said as I held her in my arms. We made it back to Beacon and Ruby was taken to the hospital. I sat next to her she was laying in the hospital bed sleeping. I held her hand as I watched her sleep. '  I should have gone with her ' I thought as I stroked her hand with my thumb. "Ruby...I don't know if you can hear me...but I'm sorry...I love you...I should've gone with you I'm sorry please...wake up..." I mumbled to her. I began to cry but suddenly I felt a hand on my cheek. I looked up and locked eyes with ruby "hey short-stack miss me much," she said with a weak smile. I began to cry as I hugged her she hugged back. "I thought I was gonna lose you," I said into her shoulder. "You can't get rid of me that easily," she said sarcastically. "You dolt..." I muttered pulling her into a passionate kiss. We parted both panting for air. "I love you shorty," she said with a sweet smile. "I love you too," I said kissing her again

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