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Sunday morning
Ruby's POV

I awoke to sunlight hitting my eyelids waking me up. I yawn rubbing my eyes sleepily my gaze turns to Weiss sleeping peacefully. A small smile grows on my lips. "Weiss~ wakey wakey~" I said trying to wake her up. She groans pulling the blankets over her head. I gently grab her chin making her look at me. I stare into her icy blue eyes "time to wake up princess~" I cooed. She sighed "ok ok..." She says stretching her arms out. I smile and get out of bed stretching as well. I turn my head and see Weiss staring at me. "See something you like~~" I said seductively. She turns red but then she smirks. She crawls twords me "yes~~" she purrs. I lose my confidence and turn red. "Y... you've gotten...b... braver," I mutter. "Well I have to help professor goodwhitch with an assignment so I'll be gone for awhile ok," she says getting ready. "Ok I might go visit Kupa," I say as I finish putting my boots on. "Oh ok sounds fun," she says putting her hair into her usual ponytail. "I'll see you later I love you," she says leaving closing the the door behind her. "Bye..." I mumble I suddenly begin to cough violently. ' what the...' I think as I stare at the black liquid dripping from my mouth to my hand. My hands begin to shake. ' it's.... probably nothing ' I think as I wipe away the black liquid. I climb out the window and turn into a hawk flying to the village that my tribe has been living in ever since...the fire. I shake my head trying to get the image of my village burning. After about half an hour I make it to the new village shikunoru is its name. I land and see Kupa,snow,and comet. "Hey guys," Ruby said waving as she walked over to them. "Hey Ruby ready for some tea!" Snow yells in her usual energetic tone like Nora. "Yeah!" I say happily. We all sit down in the small cafe in shikunora. "So Kupa how is alpha life?" I ask sipping my tea. "It's cool I'm making sure I run this place like...your parents," he says I look at him for a moment before my frown turns into a smile. "Thank you..." I mutter. I wince as my arm begins to burn "I...I'll be right back," I say nervously getting up and going to the bathroom. I pull up my sleeve and there's a black patch on my arm my veins are black. I panic as I try to wash it off but it only made it worse the pain getting worse. "Ruby you alright?" I heard comets voice from outside. "C... coming!" I yell pulling down my sleeve. After two whole hours of talking I head back to Beacon. I enter my dorm and walk into the bathroom. I look into the mirror I look...paler and my arm is covered in that... infection from my shoulder to my elbow. "What the hell is happening?!" I yell. I hear the door open "Ruby?" I hear yangs voice. "C... coming!" I shout. I walk out of the bathroom "hey sis how was your hangout with Kupa, snow ,and comet?" She asked. " was ok," I say with a nervous stutter. "You alright you look really pale," yang ask with a concerned look. "I'm fine..." I muttered. "Are you s-" I cut her of angrily shouting "I SAID IM FINE!!" I shouted angrily. Yang flinched stepping back I felt like something was controlling me. I run out the door yang calling my name but I ignore her running to the garden. I stand there for a moment before my arm begins to hurt more. "Gahhhh!!" I yell as my arm begins to burn with pain.

Third person POV
Ruby's skin turns black like a grimm

Third person POVRuby's skin turns black like a grimm

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Ruby transformed into a Grimm like creature. Ruby growls as she walked twords the dorms on all fours.

Weiss POV
I opened the door entering the door room seeing yang sitting on her bed. "Yang is something wrong?" I ask with a concerned expression. "I think... something is wrong with ruby shes acting... strange," yang explained with a worried expression. "What do you think is wrong with her?" I asked worried. "I don't know but something seems to be wrong with her arm she was clutching her right arm she look like she was in pain. ' is...she cutting again?' I think to myself. Suddenly an alarm begins blaring "attention students there is a situation please stay inside this creature is not a grimm," ozpins voice could be heard on the intercom. Suddenly Blake burst through the door panting with a horrified expression she began barricading the door. "Blake what's wrong?!" Yang asked. "It...Ruby something's.... wrong!" Blake shouts. "W...what's wrong!" I asked. "S...she's different...she's like a grimm," she says. "I'm gonna call Kupa," yang said grabbing scroll. Suddenly the door began pounding and growls could be heard from outside the door. "Oh no...yang quick!" Blake yelled. The door began to crack "the window!" Blake yells pointing to the window. We climbed out the window I was the last one out I heard the door Break. I turn and saw Ruby her eyes blood red ,her skin black. 'she... really did look like a Grimm's I thought as I felt fear rise in me. I stopped staring at her "r....Ruby...." I mumbled. She growls in response with a evil face. "Weiss we have to go!!" Yang yelled. I turn and climbed out the window. I used my glyphs to get us all down. As we made it to the ground we were all panting. "W....what the hell was that?!" Yang asked her eyes flashing red. "That was Ruby..." Blake muttered. At that moment Kupa arrived "what's happened where's Ruby!" Kupa asked frantically. "She's in there," yang said pointing at the dorm. "Something's wrong with ruby...she looks like a grimm," yang said in a small voice. "," He muttered. "What..." Yang asked. "She's.... corrupted," he said with fear and worry all over his face. "What does that mean!?" Yang asked frantically. "When...a werewolf experiences to many negative emotions and trauma they can become what she has become a creature they lose all sense of humanity and morals," he explained. "Is...there a way to cure her?" I asked. "Yes...but the only way is to remind her of who she is," he explained "but only the werewolves mate can cure her," he said looking at me. "You are the only one who can help her Weiss," he said. I nod suddenly a thud could be heard we all turned around looking at Ruby...or what is left of her. She growled she was in beowolf form. She growled "Weiss.........blood..........hunger," she growled. "When a werewolf is corrupted they thirst for blood but...only the blood of her mate will satisfy her," he said muttered. "Weiss.......blood..........hunger," she growled stepping closer. "We can't fight her!" Yang yelled. Ruby lunged at us managing to slash into everyone with her claws including me. I slowly got up from the floor I look at Ruby her red eyes stared into mine. I get an idea ' I have to remind her who I am ' I thought as I slowly got up with pain.

(Teka is corrupted Ruby)
(Moana is Weiss)
Ruby transforms back into a human. She was in my arms her eyes opened slightly "hmmmm.....Weiss......?" She asked groggily. "Ruby you're ok!" I yell hugging her tightly. "RUBY!" Yang yelled we all grouped hugged we were all crying like babies.

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