the Belladonna family (bumblebee)

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Xiao BelladonnaAge:17Personality: stubborn, acts like he doesn't care but secretly does, kind, strong, good eater, caring, smart, artistHeight: 6ft8Sexuality: straightLikes: cats, fish, cold whether, silence, jazz music, killing Grimm, books, figh...

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Xiao Belladonna
Personality: stubborn, acts like he doesn't care but secretly does, kind, strong, good eater, caring, smart, artist
Height: 6ft8
Sexuality: straight
Likes: cats, fish, cold whether, silence, jazz music, killing Grimm, books, fighting, protecting others, his family, his cousins and aunts, art, museums, parcore, bees, napping
Dislikes: dogs, loud noises, water, vacuums, hot whether, racist douchebags, beowolves, rock music, pork, wasp, loud people.

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