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Two years after defeating Salem
Ruby took out her journal and began to write
It's been two whole years since I killed Salem...the Grimm are still around but are less... agressive. Instead of attacking instantly they...only attack if you anger them kinda like real animals. Blake and yang got married and moved to managerie Blake's home. Blake runs the white fang and has made it more peaceful. Yang is a huntress but has stopped for awhile due to her being pregnant. Weiss's Brother Whitley is now the head of the SDC and he's a pretty good guy now according to Weiss. Winter is now the general and is engaged to penny. Oscar is now the head master of Beacon. Nora and Ren live in Mistral they're expecting a third child in a month. Jaune moved to Argus and is now a huntsman there. I plan to propose to Weiss but I'm a really nervous. Ruby sighs putting her journal away. Rubys smelled a familiar person in the house ' Weiss is home!' ruby thinks happily as ruby ran to the front door. She is still taking off her shoes "WEISS!" Ruby yelleds tackling her mate into a hug. "Ah! Ruby don't do that!" Weiss yelled but hugged her back. "How was your trip to atlas?" Ruby asked as she began brewing some coffee for her and Weiss. "Fine Whitley sure has made the schnee dust company alot more faunus friendly," Weiss says taking a sip of her coffee. "That's nice can we cuddle?" Ruby asked with puppy eyes. "Hmm~" Weiss hummed in response as they both walked to the couch cuddling close to each other. Ruby was purring as she snuggled close to Weiss. "Hmmm~ I missed you~" Ruby cooed wrapping her arms around Weiss. "I missed you too puppy," Weiss cooed petting Ruby's soft ears. Suddenly Weiss's scroll began to ring. Weiss sighed "sorry puppy I have to take this it's the council," Weiss said getting up "it's ok I'll take care of dinner," Ruby said kissing Weiss's cheek. Weiss smiled and walked to her office. Ruby went to the kitchen and pulled out her scroll she flipped through the contracts before landing on yangs number. Ruby pressed the call button it was ringing "hey sis what's up," yang said answering her scroll. "Hey yang how you doing?" Ruby asked leaning against the counter. "Good Blake's in a meeting with her dad so I'm here taking care of Xiao," yang said. "Heh how is my nephew?" Ruby asked. "Great he got an A in his spelling bee," yang said proudly. "So do you know if your getting a boy or girl?" Ruby asked. "No but we hope it's a girl Xiao keeps saying he wants a sister," yang said with a small chuckle. "Heh how adorable so how are things in managerie?" Ruby asked. "Good but it's hot as hell here," yang said. "Heh that suck its perfect over here patch is pretty cool this time of year," Ruby said. "Heh managerie is ok lots of faunus but humans are starting to move here and even werewolves," yang said happily. "That's nice it's great that people accepted werewolves," Ruby said scratching her neck. "Anyway yang there's something...I wanna ask...you," Ruby said nervously. "Sure what's up?" Yang asked. "Well...I wanna ask Weiss....to marry me..." Ruby said sheepishly. "REALLY?!" yang shouted through the phone causing Ruby to pull the scroll away from her ear. "Ruby I'm so proud have you decided when?" Yang asked. "No I have a ring but Weiss is really busy and I don't wanna bother her," Ruby said with a glum tone. "Hey she loves you I'm sure asking her to marry you won't bother her she'll be overjoyed Blake was when I proposed," yang said in a  chipper tone. "Ok I also wanted to ask you to be my bridesmaid," Ruby said happily. "Of course I'm so proud of you... you've really grown up sis," yang said sincerely. "Thanks yang I'm gonna do it tomorrow we have a date thanks yang I love you bye," Ruby said hanging up. Ruby let out a long sigh Ruby's ears perked up when Weiss's office door opened. Weiss walked into the kitchen "hey bright-eyes," Weiss said sweetly. "Hey shorty," Ruby said teasingly. Ruby was washing the dishes while Weiss hugged her from behind. Weiss began kissing Ruby's neck softly Ruby giggled "weiss~ stop that tickles~" Ruby giggled. "I love you my little puppy," Weiss cooed. "Ruby smiled and turned around cupping Weiss's cheeks kissing her. They kissed for a few moments they pulled away both smiling "I love you," Ruby said sweetly Weiss smiled "love you too," Weiss said kissing her cheek. They walk to the couch and watch a movie. "Oh c'mon even children know not to split up in a murder house stupid teens," Ruby said frustrated at the horror movie. Meanwhile Weiss was curled up in her lap shaking "weissy are you scared?" Ruby asked with a slight smirk. "N...no," Weiss said. "Don't worry princess your safe with me you don't need to be scared," Ruby said sweetly kissing the top of Weiss's head. "Thank you Ruby..."  Weiss said cuddling closer to ruby. The movie ended "wow that was ho-" Ruby stopped when she realized Weiss had fallen asleep snoring quietly. Ruby smirked picking up Weiss and bringing her back to the bedroom gently laying her in the bed kissing her forehead. "Goodnight princess..." Ruby whispered. Getting changed into her PJs and getting into bed wrapping her arms around Weiss's waist.

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