where are you...

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Two days since Jacques visit

Weiss sat in her dorm room along with yang, Blake and team JNPR. "She's been gone for two days what are we gonna do?" Jaune asked looking to yang. "I'm not sure..." Yang said in a small voice. "Do know where she could've gone?" Ren asked. "No," was all yang could say. "Maybe she...went to patch," Blake suggested. "I mean she did grow up there," Nora said. "Maybe...we should ask ozpin if we can look for Ruby in patch," yangs said.

Ozpins office

"You wish to go to patch?" Ozpin asked sipping his coffee. "Yes sir we think Ruby might be there," yang explained. Ozpin thought for a moment. "Very well...you will leave tomorrow," he said. "Dismissed," he said. As team well WBY walked down the hall with team JNPR they began to talk. "We should start packing," Blake said as the entered team RWBY's dorm. "Ok we'll see you guys in the morning," jaune said as they left the room. After the WBY packed they went to bed. Weiss couldn't sleep she missed Ruby who would usually sleep next to her. ' you dolt when I get my hands on you...' Weiss thought she tried to be angry but couldn't she felt sadness.

The next morning

Weiss, yang ,and Blake were up early ready to leave as soon as possible. They knocked on team JNPR's door. They all walked to the airship. They flew to patch in silence even Nora didn't say anything. They were all to lost in thought to talk. After a few hours they made it to patch. "Where should we go first?" Phyrra asked. "We should check Ruby's old village," yang said. They walked to Ruby's old village "we should split up to cover more ground," yang said. Yang went with Blake Ren went with Nora ,and phyrra went with jaune. Weiss looked around finding nothing. Weiss then spotted a path with foot prints. ' they're fresh ' Weiss thought looking at the foot prints. Weiss walked down the path after a few moments the path ended. Weiss saw a hooded figure sitting in front of a grave stone. The figure wore a red hood ' Ruby...' Weiss thought as tears filled her eyes. Weiss heard Ruby's voice begin to sing.

"Mom...I did something really bad.....I almost killed someone...I'm scared my friends are going think I'm a monster...I'm scared," Ruby muttered. "Ruby..." Weiss muttered just so she could hear her. "Weiss...how long have you been there?" Ruby asked wiping her tears. "We've been looking for you why did you run!?" Weiss asked as tears filled her eyes. "I...I..was scared you were gonna think I was a monster," Ruby said hanging her head in shame. Weiss knelt in front of Ruby cupping her cheeks "there is nothing you could do to make me think you were a monster...I love you," Weiss said her voice filled with nothing but love. Tears streamed down her face "thank you Weiss I love you so much," Ruby said sweetly. "Weiss! Weiss where are you?!" Yangs voice could be heard. "RUBY!" yang yelled running to Ruby hugging her sister tightly. The others came from the forest and ran to Ruby and Weiss. They held each other in a group hug. "We missed you so much!" Yang yelled. We were so worried!" Phyrra said happily. "Sorry guys I just was scared you guys would think I'm a monster," Ruby said looking down. "Are you kidding you kicked that snooty bastards ass!" Yang yelled. "no offense Weiss," yang said nervously. "None taken," Weiss said. "Ruby...did you come here to talk to mom," yang asked her little sister. "yeah..." Ruby muttered. Yang hugged her sister tightly "she'd be proud of you..." Yang said with a smile. "Thanks yang," Ruby said wiping a tear out of her eye. "C'mon let's head home," yang said. "Yes please but...I need to do something first," Ruby said. Ruby turned to her mothers grave she slowly walked to it. "Goodbye mom I promise to visit soon...I love you," Ruby said as tears filled her eyes. She placed a single rose on her mother's grave.

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