Ep 2: Bus Card

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All the scenes and happenings in this book is fully fictional and didn't happened in real life.


The bell ring, it's recess time. Most of them didn't do anything today since it's the last day of school. Ryujin grabbed Yeji's arm when she saw her. "Let's eat! I'm hungry". Yeji, Soobin, Ryujin and Beomgyu walked together to the cafeteria.

After buying some foods and beverages they sit and start chatting about their fun plans during holidays. Again, they're disturbed by a dark aura beside them. It's Yeonjun, since the other tables are already full, he sat beside them. They ignore him since he won't bother talking to them anyway.

Suddenly, Lia stopped at their table, beside her are Olivia and Mia. She pointed her finger towards Soobin. "Can you help me with some books?". Soobin rolled his eyes, but nobody saw it except for Lia and Yeji.

"I'm sorry but can you see we're eating?", Ryujin put down her sandwich, obviously annoyed. Soobin give his sandwich to Beomgyu. "I'll be right back". He stand up and walked away. "Hey, Choi Soobin! You promised to hang out with us", Beomgyu's eyes follow Soobin's step but he didn't even look back. Beomgyu then tilted her head towards Lia. Olivia smirked and they walked away.

"What's wrong with him? Why is he following Lia around?", Ryujin smelled something suspicious. Yeji just shrugged. "Who knows?".


Soobin didn't talk at all, he just quietly arranging the books. Lia watches him from afar. For the last book, Soobin doesn't know where to put it. Lia walked towards him. "There, behind you". Soobin turn his body and put the last book to it's shelf. He looked at Lia.

Lia avoided his gaze and look down. "I'm sorry".

"Stop pretending to be nice and just be the bitch you always are. What a bother", Soobin walked away, leaving her alone. Lia try her best to hold her tears, she know she deserve it but it still hurts.

"Hey, Choi Jisu!", she heard someone called her from the table. She turned her head. Her eyes are red. Olivia rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Now you wanna cry? Hey, Choi Jisu. Remember, you're a bad bitch so stop being a cry baby!", Olivia closed the book and stand up. "You're not a nice girl, Julia". Olivia and Mia walked out from the school library.

Lia wipe the tears that are falling down. "It's Lia".


Beomgyu rubs his tummy, "I'm so full". It's already 8 in the evening, they just got back from a tteokbokki stall, just like Beomgyu promised them. "Of course you are. You ate 3 servings!", answered Ryujin. Yeji just laughed at the two, they bickering like they always do.

"You ordered them all but you didn't even finished one!", angry Beomgyu pinched Ryujin's cheek. "I'll be fat if I eat them all!"

"It's so good to be hanging out with you guys", Soobin walked beside them, he promised to hang out with them since he ditched them during recess. They smiled, even though they quite mad, Soobin apologized anyway. They won't bother to ask about it.

"I'll walk this way",Yeji pointed to an alley towards the main road. Ryujin's eyebrows crossed. "Aren't you going to ride the bus?", Ryujin asked, since Yeji's house is quite far from there, and walking might take nearly an hour. Yeji nodded, "Yes, it's still early. And I just wanna take some fresh air".

"I come with you", Soobin insisted. "But your house is just nearby", Yeji looked around, this is definitely Soobin's neighborhood. "It's okay, I'll accompany you half the way".

"Okay then, we'll go this way. Have a nice holiday!",Ryujin and Beomgyu are going to different way. "Okay, thank you for the treat Beomgyu. See you guys later!". They bid their goodbyes and go to a different way.


"So you're going to Australia to visit your uncle this holiday?", Soobin asked while kicking every small stones he found. Yeji followed him,kicking and playing with those small stones. "Yep, they invited us since it's been awhile since we last meet them". Soobin just nodded. "Too bad, we could have going on a trip somewhere before going to high school".

"I know right", Yeji sighed. She kicked the last big stones before looking up. "Oh, that's Yeonjun right?". Yeji pointed to a boy sitting alone at the bus stop. Soobin looked at it. "Brown-haired jerk, must be him", Soobin scoffed. Yeji hit his arm and chuckled, "Don't say that, you're brown-haired too".

Yeji speed up his steps and walked towards Yeonjun. He just look at her with a blank face. "Wanna come with us? I'll be going this way too", Yeji invite him, since he lives in the same neighborhood as her. He took out the earbuds from his ear. "What?".

Yeji's eyes widened, "You can talk!", said her, jokingly. "I said do you want to come with us? We're going the same way anyway".

"And why should I do that?", Yeonjun answered, soulless. Yeji scratched her neck, don't know how to answer him. "Uhm....". Soobin grabbed Yeji's arm and rolled his eyes. "Let's go. We're wasting our time talking to him". He pulled her arms and walked away, leaving Yeonjun alone. Yeonjun's eyebrows crossed, "What's wrong with him?".

Yeonjun stand up when he saw a bus coming. He slipped his hand to his pocket and searched for his bus card. 'Shit! I forgot it this morning'. He then smile bitterly to the driver, "Can you let me go this time? Just once". The driver's face turned red. "No! Get off! This is your 6th time! Get off!".

Soobin and Yeji turned their heads towards the bus after hearing a bickering sounds. "What's that?", Yeji asked while looking at Yeonjun in the bus, getting kicked off. Soobin scoffed, "He's making trouble everywhere, every time".

Yeonjun walked down the bus after can't found his bus card. He then look towards Yeji and Soobin. 'Huh, great'


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