Ep 11: Should We Run?

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All the scenes and happenings in this book is fully fictional and didn't happened in real life.


Yuna drink some water after her 5th lap. It's still early in the morning but she already sweating from jogging a lot. She wipe her sweats using a towel around her neck. Five lap is nothing to her compared to 15 laps she did in the past.

She untied her pink Nike windbreaker around her waist and wear it. She decided to do just 5 laps since the sun is up. She tighten her shoelaces and walked to the shop row, looking for a convenient store or 7eleven. Her stomach has been grumbling because of hunger.

Suddenly she bumped into a boy when they about to go into the store at the same time. Yuna dropped her water bottle while the boy dropped his jaws looking at Yuna (lol kidding)

Yuna pick up her water bottle and his cap. She handed it to him. "I'm so sorry". The non-Korean looking boy shook his head. "No! It's okay! I'm sorry too. Thank you". Yuna quite shocked at him fluently talking in Korean since she thought he was a foreigner.

She walked in and took some breads and fruits. After paying for it, she sat down on the small chair and table in the store to eat it. While she was eating peacefully, she heard a struggling sounds near the coffee machine and instant noodles corner. That boy keep pressing buttons but nothing happened.

He noticed that she was looking at him and chuckled nervously. "Uh, can you help me with this?". Yuna put down her bread and walked to him. "Are you trying to make a ramen?". He nodded while smiling shyly. Yuna casually do the whole thing including making coffee for him eventhough he wasn't asking for that.

"Here's a coffee. It's free", Yuna handed him a cup coffee and smile. "The ramen will be ready in 3 minutes". The boy bow and thanked her. Yuna noticed something anf walked to the counter. She have him the chopstick. "Oh my god, I forgot about this. Thank you!".

Yuna went back to her place and continue eating. She just stared at outside since she didn't bring her phone. The boy came to her side again. "Can I sit with you?".

Yuna looked shock but she adjust the messy table. "Sure!", she smile sweetly. The boy sit beside her and started eating. Yuna watched him eating without him noticing.

"Did you just got back here from abroad?", Yuna break the silence between them. The boy looked up and wipe his lips. "Yes. I'm from USA but we moved here because my sister got accepted as a trainee for Kpop group".

Yuna was surprised because the boy in front of her isn't really a Korean. And his sister is a soon-to-be Idol! "Woah! So she'll be an Idol?". He nodded and smile. He's so proud when people talked about his sister.

The boy blinked his eyes and remember something. "Sorry I forgot to introduce myself. Hi, I'm Kai. Jung Kai". Kai give his hand ready to shook it with hers. Yuna took it and shake it. "Yuna. I'm Shin Yuna". Both of them smile.

"Jung Kai is your korean name?", Yuna asked while letting of each others's hand. "Yes. My birthday name is Kai Kamal Huening. But I go with Huening Kai".

"Oh... ", Yuna nodded. She finished her bread while mumbling. "Huening.. Huening... NingNing", she talked to herself with her mouth stuffed. Kai glance at her. She realized what she just did and apologize. "Sorry! I didn't meant to mock you!".

Kai burst out laugh looking at panicked Yuna. Yuna gave him a confused look. "No, it's completely fine! NingNing is my all time favourite nickname though!".

Yuna hit his shoulder. "Hey! I thought I did something wrong!". They both giggled and continue chit-chatting. The started talking about summer holiday and stuffs. "So which school do you attend after summer ?", Yuna asked him while he's here. "Hanlim", Kai answered which make Yuna excited. "Really? Me too! We'll be in the same school then!"

They finished their breakfast and were about to go back home. They also shared their numbers so they can keep in touch. They bid their goodbye but realized they're going to the same way. "You're going this way?", Kai asked her . "And you too?", Yuna asked him back. Kai nodded.

"So you're our new neighbour!", Yuna claimed, surprised. Kai get into position and looked at her. "Should we run?". Yuna raised her eyebrow. "Huh?".

"First to arrive at their house win", Kai started running. Yuna stomped her foot. "Hey! That's not fair!". She then chased after him. Kai laughed while running.


Beomgyu sneak into his house while taking some of Ryujin's luggage. They walked so carefully that they can't hear their own footsteps. They went upstairs to the guest room near Beomgyu's room. He put her things on the bed.

"Take some shower and rest. I'll call you for lunch later", he showed her the bathroom. Ryujin still has the worry look on her. "Is it okay that I stay here? It just doesn't feel right". Beomgyu held her shoulder, try to comfort her. "Don't worry. Just stay here while we look for a new place for you. Okay? I'm here", he told her.

Ryujin yawned and massage her shoulder. She definitely look so tired. "I'll leave you for now. Just tell me if you need anything", Beomgyu said before closing the door.

Beomgyu surprised when her stepmother waiting for him outside the room with crossed arm. He cut if off quickly walked away. "Who allow you to bring people here?".

Beomgyu turn his head and glare at her. "Me". He rolled his eyes before making his way to his room. "I want her out from this house by afternoon", her words make him stop from grabbing the door knob.

"And who are you to do that? This isn't your house", he want to pull the doorknob but she stopped him. "I'm your father's wife. Which means I'm your mother".

He brushed off her hand from his and stare at her sharply. "You are not and will never be my mother". He pulled the doorknob and open the door.

"Crazy bitch", the door closed on her face.


A/N: so I wanna change some of this book information here. They all went to the same high school including Taehyun and Chaeryung. Yeonjun, Soobin, Lia and Yeji joined late so that's why they're in the same grade with other 01 babies. But BeomRyu are in different class. TaeRyung are in the same class and Chaeryung is a trasferee so she's new there. Maknae babies will join later so Kai won't be in the same grade with Taehyun. And thr exam they took before I changed it to final semester exam.

Drop questions here if you wanna ask😘 thank you for reading this💜

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