Ep 27: Wannabe

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All the scenes and happenings in this book is fully fictional and didn't happened in real life.


Beomgyu was waiting outside under the small gazebo in front of his house. It's nearly 9 in the evening, but Ryujin is not yet back home. She isn't answering calls and replying text which made Beomgyu worried to death.

He immediately stood up when he saw a car parked outside his house. He walked to the gate and saw Ryujin coming out from the car. "Hey Beom!".

He didn't smile nor greet her back. He waited for Hyojin at least say something to him. Hyojin rolled down the car window and waved at him. He waved back indifferently.

Ryujin bid a goodbye before Hyojin drove off from Beomgyu's house. Ryujin was all smiley and jump excitedly towards Beomgyu. "I have good news!". Beomgyu didn't move an inch and crossed his arms.

"Why didn't you answer my calls?", he asked her, upset that the girl ignore him the entire day. "Sorry, my phone was out of battery".

Beomgyu nodded softly. "What's the good news?".

Ryujin grinned and swirled around in front of him. "I found a house! I can move in this weekend!". Beomgyu's eyes widened after he heard her. "What?".

"You know, living with you is such a great time. But I felt uncomfortable with your stepmother around and I can't do any single thing to help. So I decided to move out. Well, I can't stay here forever right?".

"Oh", Beomgyu replied shortly. "Good for you", he walked away to the door, leaving confused Ryujin behind.


Taehyun walked alone to his house. He's still not used to this. Usually, Chaeryung will accompany him after his shift ends, whether they'll go out date or just chilling at the park. But here he's now, all alone under the dark sky with no stars.

"Taehyun!", Yiren run to his side, smiling. "Oh, hi Yiren. What are you doing here at this time?", he asked her, trying to spark casual conversation.

"I just got back from the convenient store, bought some sweet potatoes", she showed him the plastic bag in her hand. Taehyun just nodded. Yiren looked around.

"What's going on between you and Chaeryung? Did you guys broke up? ", she suddenly asked. Taehyun scratched the back of his head. "Just some misunderstand shit. It doesn't matter. I don't want to talk about it. And I think we are".

"She doesn't deserve you really". Taehyun turned his head towards her, shocked by her statement. "What did you say?".

Yiren shrugged. "I mean, it's obvious that you cherished your relationship more than her. Whatever happens, she should've believe you. Rich bitch behavior".

Taehyun stopped and looked at her sharply. "Don't say like that about her.  She's the sweetest and kindest person alive", he looked furious but that don't bother Yiren a bit.

"You sure didn't know her true self. I see... ".

Taehyun looked at her, confused. "What do you mean?".

"Easy, rich girls have eyes on two types of boys. One, rich boys, same with them, who can give whatever they want. Two, the not-so-rich boys. They can't have a rich boyfriend so what they do? Showing off. Literally give them everything so they can remind you that you're nothing compared to them".

Taehyun scoffed, trying hard not to catch the bait. "That's so lame. I refused to believe that".

"Well, I told you this because I figured out that Chaeryung give you the money for your school fees. She also keep giving you expensive gifts right. Like that Rolex you're wearing now".

Taehyun looked at his hand. The watch is kinda expensive for someone like him.

"But seriously Taehyun, she don't deserve you. You deserve someone else", Yiren said to him while kicking the small stones on the road. "Like who?".

Yiren clear her throat and flip her hair. "Like me?"


Yeji stares at the night sky. The nurses helped her to sit on the wheelchair and let her see the night sky before going to bed since no one is there.

She kept thinking about the boy who she called him an Angel. She tried to remember who is him to her and why she didn't remember him at all. But the real deal is, why 'angel' is the first thing that popped out from her mind when she was thinking about him?

Her thoughts were cut off when she heard footsteps behind her. And when she turn around, it's her brother, Minhyun. He was told that she finally can talk so he rushed to the hospital right after he done his work.

He can't hide his happiness and hugged Yeji. Yeji hugged him back and started getting teary when she finally can hug her brother.

He let go of the hug and looked at her full of hope. "What's my name?". Yeji smiled and hit his chest gently. "My brother, Hwang Minhyun".

Her facial turn sorrow when she saw a tear rolling down from his eye. He must have been missed her just like Yeji missed him.

They talked a lot that night. Minhyun told her everything, from when she was born to her school, hobbies amd everything. It's a bit unfortunate that Yeji forgot more than half of them including her friends.

"Minhyun, who's that guy beside Beomgyu?", Yeji suddenly asked him out of curiosity. Minhyun's eyebrows crossed as he try to remember it. "Soobin?".

Yeji shook her head. "No, I know him".

"Another guy... Uhm... The guy with plump lips", she doesn't know how to describe him. Only his lips that catched her eyes.

"Uh, that boy....", Minhyun fidgeting, if he need to tell her. Yeji's eyes widened excitedly. "Yes! Who's him?".

Minhyun took a deep breath before let it out heavily. Seeing Yeji didn't remember any single thimg happened during the accident, this is his chance, to protect his sister. He know he'll regret what he's going to say.

"He's not a good person, Yeji. Whatever you suffered today after that accident, he caused it. You're sitting on a wheelchair now, he made you like that".

Yeji lean back, is he really that kind of person? Minhyun took her hands and grasped it. "So I tell you this, please stay away from him. You were stubborn before and look what happened to you. Now listen to your brother for once".

Yeji looked down, disappointed.

'So he's not my angel... '


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