Can't Control It

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Draco's POV

Goyle had come back into the room. He pulled out his wand and pointed it at me. I was shaking. What if he used the killing curse on me?
"Goyle! Stop! What are you doing?" A blast of light hit me.
"Imperio!" I heard Goyle shout.
"Now, we shall break the mudbloods heart, and ruin your life," his slurred words formed together from all the butterbeer he had drank earlier.
I started to walk out of the room or requirement, not of my own will.
'You have to fight it, Draco!' I told myself. I tried pulling away, but the spell was too strong. Ah it did feel good to relax. It was almost like I wasn't even doing anything. Then I bumped into Hermione and Astoria.
"Get out of my way, Astoria," I heard myself yell as I pushed her away.
The girls looked shaken up.
"Maybe you should come to the hospital wing, you have bruises on your face, Draco," Hermione pointed out.
"I don't need your help, Mudblood," I sneered. 'Draco! Stop!' I have to fight it. But I wasn't succeeding. Since when was Goyle a good wizard?
"Wha-what? Draco, y-you..." She trailed off.
"I insulated you? Yeah I did. Get used to it, Granger. Did it ever occur to you I was using you? For a laugh with Goyle?"
"Draco?" She asked. She looked to inocent. Her eyes had began to tear up like crazy. A single tear fell.
Goyle came up behind me. I smiled. I didn't want to smile. I wanted to punch Goyle in the face.
"Get out of my way! Granger, Greengrass, MOVE!"
I shoved them harshly into the wall. I heard a crack and Hermione fainted.

That was enough for me to jump the curse.
"GET HELP NOW!" I shouted at Astoria. She nodded, eyes wide. Then the paintings all left to go get healers.
"GOYLE! YOU! IF SHE DOESNT TURN OUT OK I SWEAR I WILL PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE SO HARD YOU BLACK OUT FOR A YEAR!" I shouted. I had never been so angry. I had hurt her, mentally, and physically.
Astoria just sat on the ground, shaking Hermione slightly.
"What's wrong with her?" I bent down.
"Get away from her!" She cast a spell and I was pushed against the other wall.
Harry, Ginny, Luna, Ron, Lavender, Neville, Blaise, Theo, Pansy, and Madam Pomfry all rushed towards me. Ginny shot a curse at me and I flew up at the ceiling.
"Guys! I was under the - " I started, but Ron cut in.
"We never should have trusted you! I left my ex-girl in the hands of a death eater! How was I so bloody dumb?" He screeched at me. Everyone looked enraged.
"WE WERE ALL FRIENDS WITH HER AND YOU DO THIS?" Blaise yells, he looks down at Hermione, "IF SHES DEAD-" he stopped and looked at Ginny, who had started crying.
"She's not going to die is she?" Ginny asked Madam Pomfry.
"No. I have to take her somewhere now. I assume you can handle him?" She nods up at me.
"We got him!" Harry said.

"Mr. Malfoy? I am very surprised with what you did this evening!" Headmistress McGonnagle looks at me from across a table.
"I was under the imperious curse!" I blurted out.
"Oh? Who cast it?" She asked.
"Gregory Goyle!" I breathed.
"I see. We must do some research, but within no time I'm sure you will have your reputation, friends, and girlfriend back," she smiles and leads me down to the hospital wing.
I crane my neck to see Hermione. She was lying on a pure white bed with a bandage around her head and flowers and candy by her bedside.

"He was, indeed, under the imperious curse!" The healer said.
"I'll go tell your friends," McGonnagle smiled. I looked at Hermione, relived. In only a few days, I will be with her again, no troubles, Goyle was expelled.

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