New Year New Start

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Hermione's POV

I'm so glad my parents memories are back. That's all I've been thinking about now. Moving back in with my parents.

They are extremely mad at me, I get why. But they don't understand why I did it. I try telling them about the war and Voldemort, but they just don't comprehend why they had anything to do with it.

"Hermione! There's an owl here for you!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. Who would send me an owl on a nice, relaxing Sunday morning after the grand battle. I needed rest to heal.

"Coming!" I yelled back. I pulled on my casual red hoodie over my pajamas and stomped down the stairs. My mom handed me a letter.

I didn't even need to read the return address that was always stamped on the front to know who it was from. Only Hogwarts uses a red seal like the one on the letter.

'Dear Hermione Granger,
Under commission from Headmistress Minerva McGonagall, all students are to return for one more year. The battle agains He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named took up a lot of the school year and nothing but the dark arts was taught in Hogwarts after Severus Snape became Headmaster. We expect you in autumn.'

I reread what it said. Another year.
In Hogwarts. I pulled out the student list, the shopping list, and the ticket to Hogwarts Express.

"Mum! Dad!" I yelled out.
"Yes dear what is it?"
My dad asked. He was very worried about me after the battle.

"I'm going back to Hogwarts for one more year; I missed most of it searching for horcruxes," I said, letting the news sink in.

"Oh Hermione, what if you get injured again?" My mum asked.
"Mum I always get injured. In my second year I was petrified, but I came out ok, right?"

They looked at me with wide eyes. 
"Alright, let's go shopping," my dad said. 

We headed out the door and before long I was in Diagon Alley.
It felt so wonderful to be back here.  Everything was brightly colored after the battle, everyone was awed by me.  People asked for autographs and I was beyond shocked. 

"Alright, books, and several other things should be in this store," I said, leading them into a crooked brick house with a roof made of silver.  

After shopping we headed home, where I found a brown owl waiting for me.  I had never seen this one before.   It had green eyes and small specks of orange in it's feathers.  I pulled the letter out from his mouth.

'Dear Hermione,
         Did you get your letter from Hogwarts yet?   I can't believe we are going back another year.  Don't we know enough stuff after all we did in the battle?   Anyway, can you come to the Burrow tomorrow?  Ron, Ginny, and I all want to see you.   Even Luna and Neville are coming to visit tomorrow.  Please respond right away,
Ron is very upset about your break up but says he is willing to just be friends again,'

Ron and I broke up over the summer.  He started dating Lavender Brown again.  I had no problem with that.   Our dating just made Harry awkward.  

"Alright, can we go out to eat before you head off to the Weasleys?" My mum called.  I smiled.   Maybe food that didn't appear from a kitchen where house elves slaved would be nice for a change.

Forgetting the Past, A Dramione Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now