Snorkeling in the Sun

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Hey guys I'm having a little writers block on Parker Twins. So I decided to start this, sorry for not updating lately, Enjoy!

Peter Parker's life was hard these past few years, Aunt May died of a heart attack while he was at school, foster care tried to take him away, Tony adopted him and he was adjusting to life in Avengers Tower(no one died and no one fought). But now Peter was bursting with energy to go on an exciting adventure with his new family.


Peter, being the smart boy he is, packed his bag the day before. His family on the other hand decided they could pack the next day. Peter was rolling his bag along the hard floor of his room when his enhanced senses picked up on his family in the common room.
" Clint you bastard, give me my tampons back! "
" Where are my sunglasses?! "
" Have any of you humans seen my flip flippers? "
Peter was already dreading looking at the mess they had made, though he had to. Walking in Peter saw Clint with tampons in his nose, running from a very angry Natasha. To his left he saw Wanda on the couch with Bruce, both of them zipping up their full bags, next to the couch was Thor, looking for his flip flops under the couch. Moving his attention to the right he saw tony, wandering around looking for his sunglasses, that were on his head, and Loki trying to reach the cookie jar on top of the fridge. In the Center of all the commotion was Steve, trying to tell Clint to be nice, while telling Loki to quite stealing from Bucky's cookie jar. " Ah Peter, nice of you to join us " Steve was first to notice the confused teen, all heads snapped to Steve and then Peter, At that exact moment Natasha decided to tackle Clint to the ground with enough force to take down an elephant. After the commotion was lowered to a few death glares everyone started piling into a fancy bus, After Happy looking back to make sure everyone was accounted for they were on the move. After about thirty minutes of sitting In silence Thor's booming voice declared "  HAS ANYONE SEEN MY BEARD BRUSH!?!?!"                                                  " You have a brush for your beard? " Tony exclaimed clearly interested in the gods worry.         
" Of course " Thor replied as though it was completely normal to have an entire brush for a beard.


After what felt like hours the group of Heros finally arrived at a small Bed and Breakfast near the Snorkeling area. Peter let out a large sigh when he realized he was staying with Bucky Steve and Sam, he loved all of them like uncles but they get in the stupidest arguments over history.
All. The. Time. So this was going to be very interesting. Everyone had already unpacked and it was time to go snorkeling, Peter was anxious and excited, he had never been snorkeling and he was thrilled for the new adventure, everyone got their swimming gear on as soon as they arrived, Thor was the first to speak up when they got their
" Will their be any mermaids under the slosh wetness? "
" No dip shit, mermaids dont exist " Sam retarded harshly
" He's just kidding Point Break " Tony said knudging Thor's Shoulder.
After about thirty minutes of the directors explaining what to do Peters anxiety washed away, first to get in was Nat, then Bruce ,then buck, and soon enough everyone was marveling at the differnt sea creatures, Peter inparticuler was on a more shallow part of the coral reef, looking at the short coral pieces when he saw a small crab, wanting to get a better look he slowly swam closer to the crab, carefully he stepped his left foot on some sand and then his right foot on something very painful, Peter panicked, looking down at his foot to see a red ball of spikes? Oh shit, he just stepped on a sea urchin, Peters foot screamed in agony, quickly he swam back up, taking his mask off he gritted his teeth in an attempt not to cry, the only person who was up from the water was Steve, Peter stared at Steve with panic in his eyes, Steve looked like a confused fish. Blood started to pool around Peter, it was bright and it felt like it was suffocating him.
" Peter, son whats wrong?!?" Steve stated worried
"S-stepped on a s-sea urchin" Peter stuttered
That's when Tony swam up, seeing the blood he had become worried
"What the hell happened
" Peter get on the boat, Tony get everyone else on the boat!"
Quickly Tony tapped the shoulders of the differnt Avengers, all of them were coming up, confused and annoyed Peter was just about to swim to the boat when.
"What was that?" Bruce said, looking at his feet.
"I felt it too!" Clint said trying to look into the water, though it was bloodied so he couldnt see a thing.
Peter was about to ask what they were talking about when suddenly he was sucked under the bloody water, Peter instantly saw red, he was able to get a swam glimpse of what brought him under and he screamed louder than he ever has, it wasn't because of the pain but because their was a shark attached to his foot.


If you guys want a part two please leave a comment, idk if people even like my writing. Love you 3000. All characters from this story belong to marvel. Bye chompers!

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