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Hey lovely, again sorry for not updating Parker twins I'm really confused on what to do next, if you guys have suggestions please tell me, Enjoy!!!!
Peter and Clint are in a major prank war and it's Clints turn to pull a prank, Clint was planning his elaborate plan and Peter was as clueless as ever. Yet this time Peters cluelessness was going to catch up with him.

Peter had just gotten back from a long day of school, he had two tests and he was exhausted. The young superhero grabbed his phone from his pocket and layed on the giant couch sighing in the process. Finally Peter was drifting into sleep, after Peter was asleep for an hour, Clint put his plan into action.
" Katniss why are you carrying like 20 blankets? " Bucky asked as the archer picked up a blanket he had dropped.
" its cold " Clint lied, convinced Bucky walked to his room. Clint then brought all 15 of the blankets to where Peter was sleeping, the Avenger put 3 blankets on the teen before he started to move around, Clint managed to get 7 more blankets on Peter, then he woke up.

Peter woke up buried alive, he was trapped under something
Oh god the building again.
Peter instantly felt like he was back under the
Warehouse, crushed by a thousand tons of cement.
" HELP " he screamed,voice cracking
Then everything started getting blurry, his eyes were filled with tears, slowly spilling over the edge.
Dying crushing screaming hurt
Everything was flashing, May and him laughing flash Movie nights with the Avengers flash hes back under the cement, blood pooling in the water around his mask.
Cant breath Can't breath
Peter could hear someone laughing, or was it crying? Nothing made sense and everything was getting more blurry by the second. Life its self was disappearing from Peters grasp, by the second he was getting paler, he felt hot, like he was under a bright fire, sizzling his insides until he was boiling with heat. Darkness was rimming his vision, taking over his eyes. Then he was out like a light, he tried to fight his panic but the stress made him pass out.

Tony was sitting in his lab, holding hands with his lover while testing out a new prototype when he was interrupted by F.R.I.D.A.Y
" Underoos seems to be in distress Sir"
Tonys heart skipped a beat, his Son was in trouble and his fathers were not there to help him, Steve gave the billionaire a look of despair. They both quickly rose to their feet, unlocked hands, and ran to their son.
" Where is Peter F.R.I.D.A.Y?"
" Peter is currently in the common room Sir."
Steve and Tony raced to the common room, almost tripping over the air. When they arrived they saw Clint next to a giant pile of blankets on the couch.
" HELP!!" A stomach churning scream came from the blankets.
" Is Peter in there!?! " Tony almost yelled. Clint gave a sheep look towards the married couple.
" PETER HAS PTSD DIP SHIT, A BUILDING FELL ON HIM!!!" Clint froze in place, fear took over his features. Peter was the sweetest boy the Avengers have ever met, he wouldn't hurt a fly and now he was going through the most scary moment of his life. Again. Tony and Steve quickly jumped into action, untangling the child from the blankets, when the lifted all the blankets the found Peter, sweaty with tear stains running down his cheeks, he was passed out and his face looked pained.
" Get him to the med bay!"
" Hun, hes not hurt he just passed out"
" Then get him a bowl of water, Now!"
Clint Quickly went to the kitchen and got a bowl of water, he gave it to Steve and then Steve dipped his hand in the bowl and sprinkled the water on Peters face.
" AHH "
" Hey hey hey, its ok bambi "
Peters face crumpled and tears ran down his face, Clint apologized over and over and Tony soothed Peter by running his fingers through his brown curls. Peter started to calm down and Clint felt so bad for what had happened.
" Uncle Clint it's fine you didnt know "
" But Peter I hurt you."
" Im fine see!"
Peter got up from the couch and ran around in a circle around the room, supposedly proving his point.

Peter ended up sleeping between his two fathers that night and then missed school the next morning, not because he was in pain but because Tony and Steve wanted to take him to get ice cream and then go to the movies. Love was the thing that had him crushed.

I know its cliche to put the title at the end but I like it. Love You 3000.
All the charecters in this story is owned by marvel. Bye chompers

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