Night With The Bartons

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Hey lovely, look at this ··>Maybe one where Peter is Tony's 12 year old biological son and he has to go to the Barton Farm with Tony, so he hangs out with the Barton kids-tessalucy Guys!!! My first request! Thanks so much for requesting, I respect you as a helper on my writing journey. Remember guys, requests are open, to anyone and anything (except for smuts)
being the son of a billionaire wasn't always easy, there was always paparazzi waiting to get a pic of 12-year-old Peter Parker, and kids at his school were always telling him he was spoiled. Yet one thing he loved about it was the fact that he got to hang out with the avengers 24/7 all day every day, today he was going to spend the weekend with The Barton family, he was especially excited to hang out with the children of Clint. Little Peter wasn't entirely sure why he was staying at the farm with Tony, but he knew it was for a week or so and thats pretty much it.
"Ok kid, you got your stuff packed?"
Tony asked, popping his head through the door of Peters room.
"Yep!" Peter said popping the P at the end. The two Avengers gathered into the Private plane and made their way to Minnesota. Peter had a small fear of Planes after his parents died in one, but with Mr. Stark their with him he was more calm. It was only a 2 hour ride but it felt like a few minutes because he fell asleep as soon as he got on the flight.
" Kid come on we're here."
Peter woke up startled, he let out a small whine but got up, grabbed his phone, and got off the plane. Looking around Peter saw a small brown barn and beautiful blue house, he also sqw a green tractor and pieces of wood thrown about the yard.
" Hey Katniss, where's the little ones, I wanted introduce them to Peter."
" Their inside with Laura."
" Pete go inside, The adults have some catching up to do" Right then Clints wife walked out and Started to talk to Tony and Clint. Peter slowly walked into the old blue house in hopes of making a new friend, walking in he saw two teens on a couch and a toddler eating a popsicle on the floor. The door slammed shut behind him and all three of their heads looked to him.
" Your Peter, right?"
" Uhm uh, yeah Peter Stark"
" hope your not as rude as Tony" The teen boy said.
" Cooper be nice!" The teen girl said to who Peter now knew was Cooper, The girl smacked Cooper on the back of the head then got off the couch to introduce herself.
" I'm Lila, that's Cooper and that's Nathaniel, but you can call him Nate." Lila then shook Peters hand.
" Hewro " the small boy said
"Wanna pway Legos"
" Sure, whatcha building?" Peter said, as if it was casual to talk to a toddler.
" The um scene in Space Wars where its a pancake flying"
" Millennium Falcon! Ive already done this, here put this piece there" Peter and the toddler placed fpr about 30 minutes before Lila said.
" We should play hide and seek!" There was nods of agreement around the room. Peter was especially excited because he was amazing at hide and seek. Nate started counting and Peter ran upstairs to look for a hiding place. He looked for awhile before finding a high ceiling where he could climb up. He slowly scaled the building when he heard. " ready or not here I come" Peter quickly climbed the rest of the ceilin and curled up in the corner of the ceiling, he looked out a window to see his Dad and uncle Clint talking.
Tony on the other hand was looking around when he saw something in a window, was that. Peter? His eyes widened a bit and he made an confused face, Peter sent a goofy wave his way and then closed the blinds. After closing the blinds Peter hid in the corner, knowing he wouldn't be found. A few minutes later he heard someone coming up the stairs, Nate then walked into the room where Peter was hiding.
" Hewro, anyone there?" Then the unexpected happened, Nate looked straight at Peter. On the ceiling Peter. Upside. Down. Peter. And said
" Found u"
Nate then motioned for Peter to get down, which he did.
" Your first found so u have to help me wook" Peter gave an awkward smile towards the clueless toddler. He had just been caught by a toddler while he was attached to the ceiling, his heart was still racing but he helped the toddler look. Nate and him ended up finding Cooper and Lila and they all went into the living room to watch T.v. Nate fell asleep on Peters chest while they watched Paw patrol and Lila and Cooper played on there Phones. All of the sudden Lila picked up an Empty water bottle and said.
" This shit empty. Yeet!" Then proceded to throw the bottle at Cooper head.
" who ever threw that bottle, your moms a hoe" Peter couldn't help but laugh at the two of them, the next few hours consited of the three of them quoting vines and throwing things at each other. That night was the most fun Peter has had in awhile. Nate had cried for hours after Peter left and Peter had to FaceTime him to make him calm down. Peter felt like he had a second family, One that loved vines and loved Peter Parker Stark.

Clint and his family all gathered around at the dinner table.
" Bubba had the best hiding spot ever" Nate said, as all the heads turned to him.
" Where was it?" Cooper said, taking a bite of his steak.
" The ceiling." Clint nearly choked on his steak with surprise. While the rest of them just looked confused.

Thanks so much for reading, I love all of you so much!!! Also I didn't have a chance to revise this so I'm sorry if it ot mispelled and miswriten. Love you 3000. All characters are owned by Marvel. Bye Chompers!!!

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