Brownies and Mistakes

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Hey lovely, this fanfic is a little crazy but I thought it was a good idea. I'm currently working on another request but id love it if you guys keep requesting. Now without further ado. Enjoy!
Line skip brought to you by. Larry
Peter jumped out of Tony's limo to go inside the gas station that they were parked at. Tony had told Peter he could get two snacks from the store while he got gas. That was Tony's first mistake. Peter was super excited for this, it was Friday and he was getting back from a long day of school so a few treats were perfect. Walking into the store his senses picked up a strong skunk sort of smell, he assumed food had gone bad in the store or something so he kept walking. He stumbled upon a twix bar, he grabbed one then went to the register for his last item. At the register they were selling gooey brownies. Peter, being the innocent boy he is, Decided to take one. He payed and told the hippy cashier to keep the change. Tony acknowledged the brownie but didnt think much of it. That was his second mistake. Peter ate his Twix bar as he waited for Tony to fill up the gas tank. Peter ate his brownie in the car on there way to the Avengers tower. Tony and Peter got out of the car and made their way to the tower. Peter was starting to act a little strange when the two Avengers got into the elevator. He stumbled a bit and waa whispering under his breath.
" Hey tonyyyy?"
"Yes Peter?"
" How come Hulks pants never break? Also why does everyone hate Toby?Maybe he's got some kinda thing." Peters words started turning into mumbles. Tony would have thought nothing of Peter rambling on about strange things. But his words were slurring.
" Peter are you feeling okay?"
" Guess what bro? I'm a Spider!"
Tony was beggining to get worried now. A ding signalled that they had arrived. Peter suddenly ran out of the elevator.
" IM SPIDERMAN!!! WOOOOHOOOO!" Peter screamed nonsense while running down the haul way full of rooms. The group of Hero's started piling out of their rooms, trying to see what the commotion was all about. All the Avengers come out to see Peter screaming at the top of his lungs
"IM SPIDERMAAAN" Tony was still confused, he was trying to ask Peter what was happening.
"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?!?" Bucky said as he watched the crazy teenager run around the Avengers compound. Tony and Clint were now trying to get Peter off the ceiling. The young hero was still yelling like a madman.
"Hey Peter, why don't we watch a movie?"
" IS IT PG?"
Tony thought for a a second
"Sure buddy, just come down"
Everyone paused for a second, They didn't know if they should comfort Peter or laugh. They decided to just ignore that and keep trying to get him down.
Pietro being the little shit he was, bluntly said.
" Your uncle"
Everyone froze for a second, thinking about what he just said. Peter than let out a loud sob that filled the building. Pietro apologized immediately and tried to comfort Peter. Peter fell from the ceiling and landed gracefully on the couch.
" Guess what guys? My new superpower is losing everyone I love!"
Peter then stopped sobing and looked out the window.
"And maybe i can fly!"
Peter started running towards the glass window at full speed, Tony screamed at him to stop and the others were running towards him. Yet They really didn't need to worry because Peter ran face first into the window with a loud Thump. The window didn't even crack because it was three layers thick. Peter turned around with a clearly broken nose.
" when did they put a table there?"
Peter then collapsed to the floor.
" that seems about right. Pretty sure he ate a pot brownie."
Steve walked over to Peter, picked him up, and put him on the couch. A few hours later Bruce came in and fixed Peters nose while placing crackers and water on the small table next to him. He also grabbed some aspirin for the headache he was going to wake up with. The next morning was definitely going to be a long one for Peter Parker.
Larry's always watching... Always...
Thank you guys so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this crazy one! Love you 3000. All of these characters are owned by Marvel. Bye Chompers!!!

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