Senses Suck

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Hey lovely. This fanfic was originally a spidey sense thing but I changed some words, if you notice a misspell or a mess up please let me know, kindly. Enjoy!!!

It was a normal day in the Avenger tower, Steve was making eggs and bacon while Bucky and Sam got back from their run, Natasha and Clint were playing Mario Cart in the living room and Tony was trying to talk to Rhodey about a new suit idea. Peter was in his room, still asleep from the tiring Smash Bros tournament the night before. The young avenger woke up with the blinding lights shining in his eyes, he had a headache and he knew it was because of his senses
Peter decided that he had to tell Tony quickly, Peter knew that ignoring the sense was the worst thing to do, first of all sensory overloads are the worst! Last time he had one it was only a headache, May wasn't home either so that helped. Second of all, lying was not allowed in the Avenger tower. If your an Avenger their are no secrets. Ignoring the shining lights and the headache he got up and went to the common room, he sat down at a bar chair and watched as Steve made his famous eggs and bacon.
" guys? " Peter said hesitant everyone made a small glance towards Peter but Steve was the one to speak up
" Oh, Hey Peter, whatcha need?"
" My senses are really hyped up, so be a little more quiet, but you dont have to its just a suggestion, I mean I cant tell you guys what to do or anything...." Peter rambled for another 2 minutes before realizing what he was doing. Steve was waiting patiently the entire time while Tony was trying not to yell at Peter to stop talking.
" Sorry, No one lets me talk that long" Peter stated quickly, Tony's face softened a bit at that.
" Its fine kid, we will try and keep quiet."
The Avengers never thought much of Peters senses they thought it was just, everything a little weird, like a hangover kinda thing. Peter mumbled a 'No problem' then got himself breakfast. The ring started to get a little louder, like a tone was just raised in a performance. After finishing his scrambles eggs with no yolk, just how he liked it, he went to take a shower, he went to feel the water to see if it was to cold when his entire body was taken by the sizzling hot water, his hand felt like it was on fire. Peter let out a grunt of pain, he pulled his arm out of the water, the lights were getting brighter and the floor hurt his feet, he stumbled out of the bathroom and into the common room, trying to tell the team that even the simple things were hurting him more and more.
" NOT THE RED SHELL!!" Clint screamed. White blinding pain took over Peters body, he immediately collapsed and clutched his head while letting out a scream that filled the room with questions that were unanswered. Clint and Natasha dropped their controllers and searched the room for the source. Bucky pulled his sheath from his dagger and stood up, alert. No one had seen Peter but when they looked in the haul way they jumped into action.
" Kid!"
" Jesus, is he okay?!?"
" His ears are bleeding!"
" Peter can you hear me!!!"
Peter withered in pain, his own breathing brought pain, he blinked for a second and saw people huddled around him, mouths moving but it felt like they were playing a song with no lyrics, just the steady beat guiding him to memories, each one playing different scenarios, a smooth harmony flowing while he flashed through nights with May and Ben, Scary high notes leading him to a terrified boy alone under a collapsed building, in that moment he realized that it was his mind playing the beat, it was a soundtrack of his life, A distraction from the truth. Another wave of pain washed up on the shore of reality. Meanwhile Tony and Steve were trying to figure out what was happening with the young hero. Peter let out another scream of pain, blood was running into his hair, and down his chin, he was shaking with pain and his head felt like it was about to explode, the floor felt like it was stabbing him and the lights were blinding him, he could barely manage to breath, he just wanted the pain to stop, No matter what. Peter started banging his head on the tile floor, trying to stop the pain. Tony had tears running down his face, Peter was in so much pain and they couldn't stop it, Clint was calling Bruce, Nat was wiping blood from Peters ears and the rest of the Avengers were doing everything to help Peter. Peter's head started bleeding from him banging it on the floor. His nose was bleeding too and he had tears streaming down his soft cheeks.
" Make it s-stop" Peter said, shifting his head towards Tony. Tonys heart exploded, his intern, No his friend. No his Son was begging him to stop the pain and he was helpless.
" Everyone stop talking Now." Bruce had entered with a blindfold and a gaming headset. The Avengers lowered their voices and watched as Bruce wiped the blood off of Peters face and put the headset and blindfold on.
" Friday, dim the lights" Bruce whispered. Peter felt something cover his ears and eyes, suddenly his senses calmed, the things still hurt his face but it was an improvement, he could feel his heartbeat slow down and everything was so calm.
"He was having a Sensory Overload. Basically all his senses were going crazy." Bruces words brought frowns from the Avengers.
"Is he Ok now?" Clint asked
" well it seems to me that he is asleep"
Tony said, looking at his son. Tony loved the kid with all his heart and right after this he was going to make something so Peter didnt have to go through this again. Peter slept for a few more hours but when he woke up he got a hug from each Avenger, Clint even brought him a spider plushie as a ' sorry for making your ears bleed ' Peter could hear fine and his ears had healed quickly, letting him watch Pitch Pefect with Natasha and Clint.

Thanks for reading guys! Again, requests are open. Also im working on my first request right now, it involves Tony, Peter and Clints family. Love you 3000. All these characters are owned by Marvel. Bye chompers!

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