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Hey lovely! This was requested by ArwaxHarryStyles thank you so much for the wonderful idea! I loved writing it!


It was a quiet Thursday afternoon in the Avengers Tower, well as quiet as it can be. Currently there was a raging game of Wii bowling in the living area. Clint was yelling loudly at Bucky who had just hit him with a 3rd red shell. Peter was just laughing along with Tony as usual. All was well until Peter glanced out the window to see a giant sphere towards the Manhattan city the spider boy has come to love.
"Uh gu-" Peter was interrupted by a very confused Steve Rogers.
"Clint how do I turn?"
"Not now Steve I'm almost in 2nd!"
The space ship was now on a helicopter pad of a high building
"Guys!" the vigilante was now getting more distressed.
"What Peter?!" Natasha said annoyed.
"We gotta problem" At this statement Every ones head lifted to look at where Peter was pointing. Immediately everyone started to suit up. Tony, who had his suit on in seconds, broke a window and lifted Clint to a nearby roof to shoot from high up, he also grabbed Steve and Natasha and carried them to the ground. Hulk was already present as he jumped to the cement below, Peter was already in his spidey suit while he swung to where the aliens were climbing to the screaming citizens below. Peter released some of his silky webs with a satisfying thwip, The ugly green alien let out a high pitched scream as it got attached to the high skyscraper. From below Peter could hear blasting from Iron Man and loud commands being ordered by Captain America. Just as the young superhero trapped another alien he remembered his small earpiece connected to his suit.
"Karen initiate coms"  after a mere second Peter could hear loud demanding voices from many Avengers.
"Honey I'm home" The geeky teen announced in a sing song voice.
"Peter why weren't your coms activated?!" he recognized the voice as his mentor Tony Stark.
" Sorry tin can I forgot."
" Seriously! You forgot? Huh I'll remember that when your dead because you couldn't communicate to us!"
"Tony lecture the kid later! Peoples lives are at stake!"  Clint said annoyed. Peter decided to help the others on the bottom instead of hitting aliens from high up. He quickly climbed down the building and landed next to a very angry Sam Wilson who was fighting one of the many intruders.
"Need some help birdy?"
Before Sam could answer the spidering shot out a webbing that tied the aliens legs together. After defeating the creature Peter ran to help other hero's. Soon after running for awhile he came across a group of his super human friends. Peter was about to help when out of the corner of his eye he saw an alien pointing there blaster straight at Steves head. Peter went to talk into his coms when he noticed it wasn't working must've broke it in the fight he thought to himself. The spidering reverted to shooting the alien with his webs when he realized that he had none left. Peter saw that no one was going to stop the alien and his gun was already charging up to shoot.
Peter made a split second decision, at full speed he ran towards Steve,hoping to push him out of the way. Peter soon realized that he wouldn't be able to push over a 220 pound Captain America. The teen hero knew this may be the very last time he'd save a part of his superfamily. As he ran he thought about how happy he was, he had a loving family, loving friends, a loving girlfriend. He thought about how if he went to heaven, how could it be better than his life now? Now the fiery bullet left the aliens gun. Up in heaven at least he'd see his parents and Uncle Ben, even Aunt May! His thoughts flashed through his head as he and the bullet neared Steve. Peter could feel the essence of his being slipping through his fingertips, it felt like he was assembling his bones in his casket. He took one last strong step before he dove through the air. He saw the bullet coming towards him, he shut his eyes tight before he felt piercing raw pain in his chest. He let out a scream of excruciating pain, the kinda scream that made everyone look up to see the teen fall to the ground in tears. Clint quickly shot down the alien that had hurt his friend , no , Nephew. 
"Peter!" Steve knelt down to help the teen who was withering in pain.
"hurts" Peter gasped out as he
Tightened his jaw.
"Kid! Hey, hey stay with me underoos I'm gonna get you to the med bay" Peter looked through tear filled eyes to see his father figure leaning over him, suddenly he felt himself floating through the air, he felt his mask being taken off and he could feel his sweaty curls drying off. In a matter of seconds he felt himself being laid on a bed, he slowly opened his eyes again to see shining light.
"Peter listen to me we can't give you anything to ease the pain your metabolism while burn through it"
One of the nurses started to take out the dead skin cells around the burn, at this point tears were streaming down Peters soft cheeks. He would talk but he doesn't trust his voice. Peter could feel a horrible piercing pain Every time one of the nurses picked at his burnt skin. After many frustrated grunts of pain a nurse pulled out some kind of ointment, Peter knew what was about to happen and desperately tried to make himself fall asleep. As expected a cold throbbing pain set in right at his chest, he let out a pain filled scream before darkness overtook him.


Tony watched as his kid fell to the ground, he quickly ran over to him as Steve called out the boys name. The billionaire knelt down to see the damage of the poor geeky hero. When he looked at the teen he saw a giant burn across where his spidey emblem used to be. He saw how Peters jaw clenched.
Tonys heart broke at the brave boys broken tone.
"Kid! Hey, hey stay with me underoos I'm gonna get you to the med bay"
Slowly but surely the world famous engineer lifted up the hurt superhero. He flew to the tower as the kid fell in and out of conscious he saw that his underoos was barely breathing so he took off his mask, the teen then drew in a pained wheezy breath. Upon arriving Tony quickly laid Peter on the waiting stretcher and watched as he was ushered away. It felt like hours before Bruce came in to see a very tired looking Tony Stark who stood up almost as soon as he walked in.
" Before I tell you his condition I need you to know he'll recover."
After a hesitant nod from Tony Bruce looked down at his clipboard full of a list of injuries.
"Peter has 3rd degree burns across his mid chest which will take a few weeks to heal. He also has a mild concussion, dislocated shoulder and sprained wrist." a millions thoughts flew through Tom us head but the only one he cared about was.
"can I see him, please"
"Of course follow me"
Bruce led the worried man to a small white room with a very well known Spider-Man laying in a hospital bed sleeping.
Bruce closed the door quietly as soon as Tony entered.
" hey kid, Bruce says you knocked yourself up pretty good."
"Yeah, too bad I couldn't haunt you."a raspy voice joked. Tom us head snapped up to see Peter Parker flashing his cheeky little smirk.
"No more trying to exchange lives with the rest of us. Your too important." Tony said as he brought Peter in for a bear hug.

Sup loser, thanks for reading. Btw this wasn't proof read.

Love You 3000.

All the characters in this story are owned by marvel. Bye chompers

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