Never Again

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Hey lovely. I wrote this at 3 in the morning so it may be a bit confusing. Sorry about that. Anyways this was requested by
ArwaxHarryStylesthank you so much for requesting I love writing your ideas! If anyone at all has any type of idea I will try my best to interpret it correctly. Thank you again for the request it was a lot of fun to write!!! Sorry that was alot, Enjoy!!!!

                 2 weeks later
  Young Peter Parkers recovery was going well, except for the fact that he occasionally coughed up blood. He looked up what was the cause of this and found that it was as simple as his lungs had gotten injured during the fight. Now usually this would send the teen hero into a spiral of worry and tears, but he was stronger now, he was spiderman now. Other than that and the fact that Steve would not stop saying thank you and also apologizing things were going good...

  Waking up was probably the most painful thing he had to do during the day, slowly Peter came out of his deep sleep, he contemplated trying to get out of staying home for another week to 'ensure full recovery' in the words of one of his idols, Bruce Banner.  Peter lifted himself up with small progress. He brought up his severely burned chest with a wince of pain, his breathing quickened as he held his injured body. The hot pain seeped into his head as his vision darkened for a few seconds. Peter sucked in a labored breath as he regained his sight. The pain reduced to a throbbing as he completely got out of bed. He got up and walked slowly to his bathroom at the Tower, he quickly brushed his teeth with an Avengers electric toothbrush that Tony gave him as a joke. After his cheeky smile was squeaky clean he walked into the common room where all of the Avengers were sat eating breakfast.
"Hey Peter, any pain this morning?"
Bruce asked as soon as Peter entered the room.
"Nothings changed doctor" Peter said, informing the doctor that he still had pain. Bruce showed a small frown before sipping his coffee.
"Cheerios, Fruity Pebbles, or Cocoa puffs underoos"
"Cocoa puffs please"
Peter replied politely as always, even if it was just Mr. Stark.
Tony poured Peter some Cocoa puffs then went on with eating his eggs and bacon. After all the mighty hero's finished eating there breakfast in silence they went down to the training room. Peter was about to go into his room when he felt a burning sensation in his chest, in a matter of minutes Peter was on the floor clutching his chest as blood specks littered the floor, the Young hero could barely draw in a strained breath before he went into another fit of coughs. Blood started to drip off his lips and hit the cold tile floor. Soon the coughs were reduced to him spitting out the blood that was left over in his mouth. Peter took awhile to let himself be able to properly breath before he stood up with a wince and slowly walked into the bathroom to get tissue paper. A very weak Peter Parker cleaned off the bloody floor where he used to lay, that is until Bucky walked in.
"Peter? What are you doing?"
Peter eyes widened as he looked up at the winter soldier.
"I-uhm I was just- well there was some-uhm. I uh spilt my wine"
The teens eyes widened as he realized what he said.
"Peter what do you mean wine?"
The solider asked clearly getting confused.
"Its uhm you know slang, like you know Jesus, religion, water to wine. Yeah. Goodbye now." Peter quickly left the room as Bucky bent down to inspect the specks, it smelt like iron. Bucky assumed the kid got a nose bleed and didn't want him to worry so he moved along with his day.
Peter laid down on his soft bed as thoughts raced through his head.\/haha rhyming\/.He scrolled through his many text messages from Ned and MJ before the burning sensation returned. Once again he started coughing, this time, because the blood had no where to go it went down his throat. Peter choked on his own blood and quickly got up, this caused his chest to ache horribly in pain he fell off the bed with a grunt of discomfort. Soon a familiar Billionaire was sprinting into Peters room to find him heaving through a blood soaked mouth, Tony was quick to tell Friday to alert Bruce, then the mighty super hero knelt down to the boy who was panicking as tears slipped from his face.
"Peter. Pete listen to me buddy I need you to calm down okay? Bruce is on his way bud your gonna be okay."
Tony wasn't sure if he was reassuring Peter or himself. His kid was on all fours gasping for breath as blood fell out of his mouth. Bruce then ran into the room carrying a first aid.
"What the hell happened?" The tone of the doctor/scientist worried Tony more, if that was even possible.
"I-I don't know Bruce I found him like t-this!"
Bruce quickly got to work on wiping the teens face and grabbing a sedative he had been working on since he watched Peter scream in pain 2 weeks ago. Bruce gave him the shot and the teen fell into a deep sleep and the doctor carefully laid him down and got to work.
\/ I'm gonna be completely honest I'm not sure what you'd do in this situation so time skip to when Bruce fixes Peters booboo\/


Tony was worried out of his mind as he waited. Peter was currently in surgery and the playboy hadn't slept since the incident happened. All of the Avengers gathered around the common area to wait for their companion to wake up. Natasha and Sam were mad that the boy had said nothing about how he was feeling, Bucky felt guilty for not noticing early, and the rest were all around worried, especially Tony. After waiting for what seemed like days Bruce finally came out with some good news.
"Okay Peter is doing fine, he had a contusion in his right lung so that's what caused him to cough up blood, this shouldn't affect his recovery at all and he's awake so you can go and see him."
As the rest of the Avengers asked questions Tony, Nat, and Sam quickly went to Peters room.
As soon as they arrived Nat started her rant. Tony, knowing that there would be cuss words, covered Peters ears. All that poor confused Peter saw was a red faced Natasha with fast moving lips. After awhile Tony Slowly took his hands off of Peters ears.
"What'd she say?"
"Well in the kid friendly form she said she's gonna take you to uhm never land and back for what you did. Then she said a bunch of stuff in Russian." Sam told the worried looking Peter.
Natasha then came over and gave her little spider a long hug.
"Never do that again."
"m'sorry" Peter said as he buried his head into her shoulder.
"Kid if anything is ever wrong with you tell one of us please."
"I'm sorry mister Stark I didn't want to bother you."
"Bud when will you learn that needing help isn't a problem."
"When will you learn that I never learn."
After a long conversation about how to avoid this again the Avengers all got together to play a good ole game of Monopoly. 


Hey loserrr thanks for reading. Love You 3000.
All the charecters in this story is owned by marvel. Bye chompers

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