Free Falling

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TW-prank about suicide.
Disclaimer- Suicide and sucidal thoughts should never be joked about, glorified, or used as a prank. This is merely an idea and not a suggestion, never do this to anyone.
Okay enjoy!

Peter Parker was a normal boy to the world, he went to midtown high, had an internship at Avengers tower, and had a wonderful girlfriend. Though one thing that wasn't normal about Peter was that he was bitten by a radioactive spider and he became Spiderman the Superhuman vigilante. There were only three people that knew of Spiderman, Ned, M.J, and Mr. Stark or as Peter likes to call him, Dad. There used to be four until his Aunt May died of a Heart attack, Now he was secretly living the high life with his Dad. The only tricky thing about being Spiderman is that the Avengers don't know, that is, until today. Peter was walking around the tower, minding his own business when Steve and Bucky walked in.
" what the hell is this?" Bucky said, pointing to his glitter-covered metal arm.
"Oh, just and improvement I made on it. " Peter said grinning.
" What about this?!" Steve said, looking at his shield that was now a dinner plate.
" I mean come on, People could just shoot you in the legs, your shield is the size of a dinner plate, and you're stupid." The hero smirked then walked off, leaving two dumbfounded Avengers. Later that day Natasha and Clint were minding there own business while training. When all of the sudden a huge confetti bomb went off which scared them both shitless, they both later figured out it was Parker's doing. All of the Avengers got their fair share of pranks throughout the week. Then the weekend came and everyone was fed up with Peters nonsense they all gathered in the common room and waited for him to wake up. Eventually, the messy-haired boy emerged from the hallway, he took a double-tap while he was pouring the milk for his cereal, he looked to see all the Avengers staring at him with disappointed faces.
" what's with the faces?" Peter asked.
"Your little pranks stop now. We are hero's and we cant have a puny boy like you messing up or weapons and jobs." Clint said with a serious expression.
"Your kidding right? There just jo-" Peter was cut off by Steve
"Son you need to stop the pranks." Peter was beginning to get a little worried, Tony had put him up to it, in fact, he only had one prank left and it was somehow revealing that he's spiderman.
"Just because Tony like you doesn't mean we have to. Your nothing but an intern." Now Natasha was getting in on it. Then Pete had the best idea ever.
"Your right. I'm useless." Bruces face softened for a split second before he went back to serious.
" I shouldn't even be on this earth, there's no point." Now everyone else was getting a bit worried.
"Listen Peter it's okay just don't do it again."
"No. I need to stop everything right here right now." Peter then jumped into action, running full speed at the window Tony had broken last month, the one that was a little less strong. He ran past the Avengers and he was gaining speed, he looked one last time to make sure he had his web-shooters. Everyone was confused at first until they saw what Peter was doing.
"Kid No!!!"
"Peter wait!"
There were more shouts around the room, everyone was on high alert trying to catch the kid.
Peter then hit the glass at full speed, breaking it almost immediately, he used his web-shooters to quickly attach to a nearby building, disappearing from their sight.  All the Avengers were looking down trying to find were Peter went splat. Then the elevator dinged and Tony walked in.
"Hey guys, have you seen pe- Woah what happened here?" Tony said looking at them crowded at the broken window.
"Tony! Peter, he jumped out. Oh god, that poor kid!" Natasha said as tears formed in her eyes.
Then there was another ding.
"Hey guys, hey dad " The mighty heroes stood with wide eyes as they watched the cheeky boy grab an apple out of the fruit bowl on the kitchen counter.                                                                                " B-but you just- you were- how'd you-" Bruce Banner sputtered out.                             " I'm Spiderman!" All the avengers looked stunned.                                                              " surprise!! It may have took a free fall to show you but still!"

                                                                        THE END

Surprise shawty! Took me a whole year to get back but here I am with an update.  Btw no more chompers stuff, that was weird. Bye lovely

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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