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Back at the Air BnB (Still in Hawaii)
Charli's POV

I pulled Mads aside when we arrived at the Air bnb.

"Hey, so we need to five out who told Kio." I whispered to her, she nods in reply.


"Charli! I know who told him." Mads says to me after 7 minutes.

"Well that was fast." I laugh.

She looks at me, "Yeah, this is a serious situation sorry. So who is it?"

"It was Addison."

"Huh? Why would she do that?"

I quickly text Kyla before she boards her plane.


It's been an hour and Kyla hasn't replied to my text yet.

"Psst." Mads tried to catch my attention, I looked at her and she pointed, using her head, at the door. I turn to face the door and it was Addison and Kio entering the house together.

"What's up?" Addison says looking at me and Mads.

"Can I talk to you?" I say to her pulling her aside from Kio. Kio looks at me then to Mads, totally confused but quickly brushed it off and went to the kitchen where the boys were at.

"What's wrong?" Addison questions me completely lost.

"Why did you tell him that?"

"Tell who what?" She acts innocently.

I scoff, "You know what!" I'm starting to get annoyed at her, nobody messes with my best friend's happiness like that.

A smirk started to form at her face which made me want to punch the shit out of her.

"Don't you think he deserves to know?" She says in an annoyingly sweet but fake voice.

This bitch is testing my patience right now.

I'm not the type that would get into a fight but if you provoked me, I can't make a promise that I won't do it.

"I'm giving you a chance to tell me now, just between you and me, others don't need to get involve right?" I said taunting her.

"Or what?"

A quick swift motion of my hand and she's on the floor with a bloody nose.

"Or you'll gonna need a new face afterwards."

The punch caught everyone's attention and now Anthony and Bryce are trying to hold me back while Kio helps Addison on the floor.

"Let go of me!" I fight back to the boys holding me arms.

"Come on! Tell me! Tell everyone what you did! And for what!? You bitch!"

She glared at me, "Fine! You wanna know why?! Because some random girl decides to show up out of no where and steals the spotlight! Steals everything I want! Steals the boy I like! And do you seriously expect me to just watch as she gets the shit that I have been working so hard on! Of course I was gonna do something! Well, one night I hear voices in the kitchen and guess whose it was? Anthony's and Kyla's! It wasn't my fault that they weren't careful enough! Oh oh you wanna know what they're talking about? Well, it turns out Anthony likes Kyla! That's right Avani, Kyla, you're 'best friend' is the girl you're boyfriend likes!" She looks at Avani with cold eyes then continued, "Well, with such a big secret shouldn't the boyfriend know? Doesn't he deserve to know? So I told him! That's all I did I told him! It was Kio who decided to have a fight with her! It was Kio who confided with me!" She finishes her speech completely out of breath from all the screaming.

I look over to Avani and she has tears on her eyes, then she rans away to the bedroom and Anthony followed her right after. Bryce slowly lets go of my arm, a hint of hurt and disappointment in his face after what he just heard. Kio still by Addison's side slowly helped her stand up, holding her waist and shoulders.

"Kio–" I wanted to stop him.

"Don't" he says not looking at me but only at Addison and took her to the bathroom.

"Didn't you just heard her speech?! How dumb are you!?" I shouted to him.

How am I gonna be able to tell Kyla this, I sigh.


Since some of y'all have been spamming me to update, let me get this clear, I only update once a day. Sorry but I have been having troubles on how to continue/end this story so it takes me a while to finish a chapter. Thanks for reading! ☺️

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