f o r t y - t h r e e

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Kio's POV

"Well, with such a big secret shouldn't the boyfriend know? Doesn't he deserve to know? So I told him! That's all I did I told him! It was Kio who decided to have a fight with her! It was Kio who confided with me!" Addison shouts next to me.

It takes me a couple of second to take in all the things she had said. When I looked up at Charli, I noticed that Bryce and Anthony was already gone. I look at Addison and her bleeding nose them slowly helped her get up on her feet. I warped an arm around her waist and the other holding her shoulders, and  slowly made our way to the bathroom.

"Kio–" Charli calls out to me from behind.

"Don't." It was the only thing I had to say to her.


I looked through the cabinets looking for the first aid kit and after a couple of seconds I finally found it. Addison was sitting at the toilet seat and the bathroom was currently locked.

I slowly made my way towards her, kneeled in front of her then opened the first aid kit, took out some wipes and softly wiped away the blood on her nose.

"Do you think it's broken? Should we just go to the hospital?" I asked her, completely unsure on what to do.

She looked at me confusedly.

"Why are you still helping me?"

I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know," I sighed, "Probably because you're the only one who told me about Anthony and Kyla, and you're the only one I could trust right now."

She flashed me a sad smile, "Don't you think that this is weird?"

"Why would I?"

"Because I basically just confessed my feelings to you earlier."

It took me a second to realize what she was talking about, 'the boy I liked' was me.

A smile crept it's way into my face, "Do you still feel that way?" I teased her making her blush.


Addison and I ended talking inside the bathroom for almost 2 hours. Honestly we never really talked this much before and I never realized how nice it was talking with her.

"Good night." I said to her as she went out the bathroom and towards the girls' bedroom.

I stood there in front of the mirror, trying to figure out what to do. I took my phone out of me pocket, noticing all the texts Kyla sent me. I left her on read. I need to cool my head before I talk to her.

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