f i f t y - f o u r

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"Morning!" I greet everyone in the kitchen making them all jump a little bit because of shock. I laugh at their reactions.

"God! I almost got a heart attack!" Bryce says clamping his hand on his chest and breathing heavily.

"Someones happy." Jaden says to me.

Am i happy though? Not really.

Honestly don't know why but I feel kinda good today considering the stuff that had happened last night.

I sat in between to Bryce and Charli, then started making my bowl of cereal.

"So, any plans today?" Griffin asks to everyone in the room.

Everyone glances at one another before eventually shaking our heads 'no'.

"Why don't we all just stay in. Last night was a lot and Bryce is still a little hangover." Anthony suggests.


After breakfast we all decided to stay in and watch Netflix all day. Although Emma had to go since she has a photoshoot.

We are now all at the living room and it is now past 12 noon.

"Anyone getting kinda hungry?" I ask.

"Ugh! Yes!" Charli enthusiastically says making everyone laugh at her reaction.

"I'll order something, wait let me get my phone first." I say then stood up to go the the kitchen where I left my phone to charge. I took off my phone from it's charger and was about to go back but as I turned around someone was standing in front of me.

"Oh my gosh! Kio don't just stand there. You scared the shit out of me!" I say which makes him chuckle.

He steps closer to me, "Sorry, I was trying to figure out what to say to you. I didn't meant to 'scare the shit out of you'."

"What's up?"

"Um, about last night. I wanted to apologise for kissing you without your permission. I was out of line to do that to you especially after what happened between us." He says putting his hands on the pockets of his pants.

"I'm sorry too for slapping you in the face."

Once again silence fell over us, as we looked at each other's eyes not moving a single muscle.

"What's taking so long?" Jaden enters the kitchen but when he saw us his volume got lower. "Am I interrupting something here?"

"No, nope." Kio and I both say at the same time and awkwardly looking away from each other.

"Right." Jaden says not believing us.

"So, pizza?" Kio says instead, changing the topic. Jaden took the bait and went back to the living room.

"Is pizza okay with you guys?!" We hear him shout from the living room.

"Well, that was nostalgic." Kio says. I laugh remembering my first day here in LA, how we had a 'moment' but Jaden ruined it and teased us a lot.

"We should go back." I say as I start moving slowly back to where everyone else is.


"Ugh! I am full!" Anthony says laying back on the couch while rubbing his stomach.

"Anyone sleepy now?" Bryce asks, yawning right afterwards.

"Well, some ARE already asleep." Josh says while pointing to a sleeping Charli on one of the couch.

"Aight, we're going to sleep." Josh says again and stands up to go to his bedroom with Nessa following right after him.

"Right, have a nice 'sleep'." Griffin jokingly says to the couple resulting Josh flipping him off.

I stood up and went to the kitchen to get some water.

I opened the fridge and scanned it from top to bottom but there weren't any water bottles there.

"The water's here." Kio says from behind me.

"You need to stop scaring me, please!" I say to him half jokingly half seriously. He laughs and opens one of the cabinets then hands me a bottle of water.


"Uhm, can we talk?" He asks shyly rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

The question took me by surprise. Didn't we just talked earlier?

"Sure." I answer warily.

"Okay, I'll get to the point. First, me and Addison aren't dating, it's just I felt like she was the only person that I could trust at that moment and I was clearly blinded by jealousy and anger to see things clearly. We aren't dating and we will never date."

He stops and looks at me.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I'll get to that, I just wanted to make sure you were listening. Second, I'm sorry for letting something as petty as the things that happened in the past come in between us. Because, I like you. I really really like you and since that day in Hawaii there wasn't a single second that you weren't in my mind. Heck, I might even love you for all I know. But I was too stupid to realize that earlier, I only realized it last night. Seeing you with Quinton, laughing with him, it made me realize that I wanna be the guy that puts a smile on your face, I wanna be the guy that is always by your side. I know this isn't fair of me to do this to you especially when I was being a major jerk to yo—"

Before he could finish his rambling, I cut him off by smacking my lips into his and wrapping my hands around his neck, pulling him close. It took him by surprise at first, but slowly started kissing me back after a split second. He wrapped his arms around my waist trying to pull me closer too.

I pulled away seconds later, completely out of breath.

"Wow." He says, breathing heavily. I press my forehead into his, smiling.

"You've always been in my mind Kio. And I like you too, maybe even love you." I laugh copying his words.

"Finally!!" A voice shouts from behind me, making me jump (again). I quickly turn to see who it was. Well, it was everyone.

"How long have you been there?" I asked completely surprised.

"A while now." They say in unison with smiles on their faces.

"Kio! Don't you dare hurt her again or I will literally cut your balls off." Charli warns Kio, pointing her finger at him. I look at Kio and he turn pale while slowly nodding his head. I giggle at his reaction.

"Okay, okay. Let's leave this two lovebirds." Mads says pushing everyone out then turns to wink at me.

I look at Kio and see that he was looking at me too. We both laugh at the same time at what just happened.

Well, I guess we're back.


Y'all I have no idea how to end this story haha. Message me if you have ideas that you want to happen haha. Or should I just end it here? I mean at least they're back together. But anyways, thanks for reading! 😊

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