Night Camp

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Faramir literally fell on his couch. Valar, he was so exhausted ! It had been two days since the four companions, Éomer and a great part of his Éored had left the city of Edoras on horseback, and now seemed like the first time they were able to finally get some rest. On the first day, they had simply rode, desperately seeking for a place secure enough to make camp, which was not an easy task when the only things surrounding you were green and perfectly treeless plains.

"We could ride to Fangorn's Forest, like this we will get closer to Isengard and will be hidden from unfriendly eyes." one of the youngest Rohirrim had suggested innocently.

"Are you out of your mind ?" had come the very sharp reply from Baldwig on the young rider's left, "These woods are in no way a place to settle. This would be as safe as deciding to make camp in Mirkwood."

Certainly, the man had spoken before truly thinking, but Faramir and Gimli had clearly sensed Legolas tense the slightest at the sharp remark. Especially Gimli since the dwarf had been riding with the Elf on a white horse named Arod. Aragorn had not been with them at that time, for he had been discussing with Éomer nearly all journey long. Soon enough, as the cloudless and peaceful day had gone on, leaving Gimli in a state close to sleep, Legolas and Faramir had begun discussing of their homelands.

Truly the man would have never thought he and the Elf had so much in common. They lived in a land plagued by evil, a land where the sun was barely visible, they both had an overly authoritative father who had lost his wife quite soon after his son's birth and who also happened to be the ruler of said lands.

But most of all, the two friends didn't particularly appreciated the constant need to fight this period brought. And that had not much surprised Faramir, for he knew the Elves were very close to nature, and he also very well knew what kind of scars did battles left on a land.

Yet, there was one thing the Prince of Mirkwood had said that, even now, kept running through the man's mind :

"I guess you have been taught about this, but Orcs used to be Elves. And each time I am forced to hurt or kill one of these creatures, I cannot help but think that this might have been a person I used to know..."

Legolas' voice had held so much despair... And Faramir had been forced to admit he had never thought about this...

Eventually, as the sun had begun to set, every rider had realised that Fangorn was their best if not only option, for it seemed like the only place in Rohan that could truly hide them from Saruman's spies.

"We will remain on the borders of it, I promise." Éomer had spoke, trying to reassure his most skeptical and afraid soldiers. He had looked weary, tired, almost desperate. Surely a consequence of the events in Edoras.

Faramir hadn't slept well that night. He had been seeing things... But was completely unable to tell if they were nightmares or foresights. The Palantír... Minas Tirith invaded... Nazgûls... Minas Morgul... Sauron... Boromir... There was something very wrong with him... So much darkness, so much pain, for no apparent reason... Faramir couldn't stop worrying about his brother, but in a way he had never been before, for this time, he had no idea what was wrong with him. Or maybe... No. Still...

On the second day, they had planned how their attack would be going, and it had soon becomes clear to everyone that it was suicide. They were too few, despite the fact that nearly a hundred warriors had chosen to follow Éomer. They needed help. But from who ? The discussion had soon turned into an argument, and no solution had been found in the end.

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