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"Just please try your best not to hurt Connie," you plead to Bertolt.

He rolled his eyes. "If you ask me one more time not to hurt him, I will purposely kill him."

You, Bertolt, Annie and Reiner ran as far away from the other trainees as possible. While you were on duty to clean the walls, Bertolt had found the perfect moment to wreak havoc and breach the walls. Breaching the walls would force the successor of the founding titan to finally come out of hiding.

"Good luck," Reiner mumbled.

Bertolt hopped off the edge of the wall and transformed. There was a flash of lightning and the sky turned into a sickly green for a fraction of a second.

You and the other two managed to safely land on a rooftop, and waited for chaos to unravel. Bertolt kicked a hole into the wall, and soon after, titans began flooding the streets of Trost. The next step was to play a game of survival, and hopefully reveal the founder. In that case, Reiner and Annie would transform if they saw it fit, and if help was required, you'd jump in. As the carrier of the War Hammer titan, it wouldn't be wise to send you out first, especially because your titan was particularly larger than the norm, and also worked differently. You reunited with Bertolt.

To avoid suspicion, you obeyed orders from your superiors, began defeating titans and escorting citizens, all while staying distanced from other trainees.

Hours into the battle, everyone was in need of restocking their resources, so the trainees rendezvoused at the Trost HQ. On your way there, you recognized one of the nine titans fighting.

"Annie..." You whispered, gaining her attention. "It's the attack titan. Could that also be the founder?"

"Hard to tell. We'll have to deal with it later. We're running out of gas." Annie replied, taking the lead once again.

You flew yourself through a window, finally getting into the HQ. The trainees were gathered around Marco and Armin, who seemed to be creating a plan. You and Annie squeezed your way to the center.

"What's going on?" Annie asked.

"Oh, perfect! You're both here," Armin stated. "Now we have the ten strongest cadets here. To put it lightly, us less useful trainees will blind the titans in the basement. Each of the ten cadets will kill one of the ten titans that are there, and then we can restock on gas and blades while the friendly titan is fighting the other titans outside," he explained.

"Sounds great," you nodded.

The plan was under execution and you were ready to kill. Once shots were fired into the eyes of the titans, you swung behind your assigned titan and slashed the nape of its neck, sending it to the ground. Across the room, you noticed that Connie hadn't made his cut deep enough, and was face to face with his titan. Your instincts kicked in and you flew yourself over to the other titan and made Connie's cut deeper, killing the titan and saving your boyfriend. You landed in front of him and helped him up.

"A second later and you would've been dead!" You scolded him, taking his face into your hands. "Pay closer attention next time!"

"Yes, I'm so sorry," he whimpered, still shaken from his near-death encounter.

You took him into your arms and gave him a reassuring hug. "Pull through, Connie."

After your moment with Connie, you rejoined your group and began filling up your gas tanks.

"You guys saw the attack titan, right?" Reiner whispered.

"I'm positive it's carrying the founder too," you added. "This doesn't make sense."

"But who is it? It seems so familiar, doesn't it?" Bertolt mentioned.

"At any rate, we don't have enough evidence to prove that it is the founder. I say we lay low and put this whole thing on pause until we know for certain. There's no point in gambling when the stakes are this high." Annie finalized.

You nodded in agreement and stocked up on brand-new, sharpened blades.

"Another bust. When will we finally get this over with?" Bertolt sighed.

"Hold on," you blurted. As you scanned the room, a thought ran into your head. "Where's Eren?"

The other three looked around and didn't see him either. You stared at each other in shock, processing the possibility that Eren could be the attack titan.

"He's been right under our noses the whole time!" Reiner growled.

"I still think we should put this off for now. We don't know one-hundred percent if it's Eren." Annie said. "For all we know he could've just been killed."

After resting at the HQ, everyone eventually set off once again to kill the titans that swarmed Trost. You went your separate way with Annie, cruising rooftops and making sure there were no living citizens left in the streets. Something caught the corner of your eye and you parked on a rooftop.

"Hey, is that Reiner and Bertolt?" You asked rhetorically, pointing in the direction you saw them. "Who are they fighting with?"

"Let's see." Annie said, flying herself towards the two boys. You followed.

The closer you got, the more you began to recognize the person being held down; it was Marco. You and Annie landed at their location. In the distance, you noticed a titan walking your way.

"What the fuck is going on?" You asked. "Don't you guys see there's a titan?"

"Marco overheard our conversation. We have no choice but to feed him to it," Reiner said.

You and Annie exchanged horrified looks.

"Take his maneuvering gear." Reiner ordered.

Annie hesitated, but swallowed her pride and began trying to quickly undo his gear. You heard his cries for help, but there was no hope for him.

"[Y/N]! Help her!" Bertolt shouted at you.

You stepped back and shook your head. "No. I can't."

Marco was a close friend of Connie's and you'd gotten close to him too. It was tough on you, and you wouldn't be able to look Connie in the eye after helping to massacre one of his best friends. Suddenly, Bertolt held a blade to your throat.

"I suggest you help Annie if you don't want the titan to devour us too!" Bertolt growled.

You gave Marco a look of pity, then closed your eyes while you helped Annie undo his gear. You had no choice, because if you refused, Bertolt wouldn't hesitate to shove the blade through your neck. You tried tuning out Marco's agonizing screams. Finally, Annie flung his gear off the roof, sending it crashing to the ground.

"Now, lets go!" Reiner shouted, flying himself onto a rooftop far enough from Marco.

You followed him and left Marco helpless on the rooftop. Once you landed with the rest of your group, you stood and watched as Marco was taken by the titan.

Just before being devoured, he shouted, "We haven't even talked yet!"

The whole group felt a sense of guilt, and Reiner was the first to channel it. He swung himself towards the titan that was eating Marco, and slaughtered it. You looked away, not wanting anything to do with the scene anymore.

jumping the fence | connie springer x reader [UNDERGOING MINOR EDITING!]Where stories live. Discover now