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The following night, you had arranged to meet with Connie once again, but this time, past curfew.

On his way out of the mess hall, Connie purposely bumped into you and shoved a note in your hand. You read the note once you were alone in your cabin, so you could be certain that no one was peering over to see it. The note said, "Midnight, outside your cabin. We're going on a walk."

The next couple hours were dreadful. You anxiously waited for Connie to show up at your door. It had been so long since you'd broken any rules, and you missed the rush. Let alone the fact that you had absolutely no idea what your relationship with Connie had in store.

Soon enough, the last light was turned off and everyone had gone to bed. The coasts were all clear, and all you had to do was meet with Connie. You quietly exited your cabin, closing the creaky door behind you and cringing at the sound it made, hoping it wouldn't wake any of your peers. In the distance, you saw Connie walking in your direction.

Perfect timing, you thought to yourself.

You rushed down your steps and met with him.

"So, what's this about?" You asked, smiling brightly.

Connie scrunched his nose and chuckled. "Nothing. It's just the closest I can get to a date in this hell hole."

You giggled and sighed, agreeing with Connie. "Then, where to?"

"I don't know. Let's just see where our feet take us," he replied.

You nodded and set off, walking around the camp. He was known for being spontaneous and making decisions on a whim, which made you all the more excited since neither of you knew what the night had in-store. Connie started a conversation.

"You're pretty close with Annie. It's like you're the only person that can get a word out of her," Connie said.

"Yea. She's my best friend."

He snickered. "She's also your dictator."

You laughed at Connie's remark. "She only wants the best for me. It's not as bad as it looks."

"I'll take your word for it."

There was a deafening silence between the two of you, although it wasn't awkward. It felt one-hundred percent natural and you barely even noticed that you weren't physically speaking. You were really enjoying the fresh air and the empty, chaos-free camp grounds. It wasn't a sight that was often seen.

Connie found his hand reaching for yours and softly grazed it, silently asking for permission to hold it. Without hesitation, you took his hand and intertwined your fingers with his. Your heart began beating in your throat, and you took a deep breath before exchanging a solemn look with him, smiling sweetly. You continued your walk in silence, hand-in-hand until you got to the training grounds.

"Shall we take a rest here?" You suggested.

"Sure," Connie nodded.

You let go of his hand and ran towards the middle of the field, stretching your arms out and spinning around, getting a load of the empty space and cool breeze. Connie smiled and ran towards you, wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and lifted you off the ground. You laughed, being caught off guard — you were truly happy with him. Connie put you down, and you turned around to face him.

"I hope we don't get caught," Connie muttered, starting to become nervous.

"I don't care if we do," you spoke softly. "No amount of laps given to me will make me regret spending tonight with you."

Connie blushed. You proceeded to lie down on the ground, and patted on the space next to you. "Come."

He didn't understand why you would lie down on the training grounds' dusty floor, but didn't question it and lay down beside you.

You gazed at the clear, shining sky above. There were thousands of bright stars in the sky, and feint beams of pink, green and purple that encircled them. It was a breathtaking sight, and something you'd never be able to witness in your hometown due to the light pollution.

"Have you ever seen the sky like this?" Connie asked, noticing that you were starstruck.

You shook your head. "No."

"It's like this every night in Ragako. It's amazing," he said. "Maybe I can take you to my hometown someday."

You felt Connie's sight on you and turned your head to lock eyes. You felt as if there was a bottomless pit in your stomach. The way you felt around him was indescribable. You spent the next several moments lost in each other's eyes.

Connie propped himself up on one elbow and leaned close to your face, hovering over you. You slid one of your hands onto his cheek, embracing him as he went for a kiss. He pulled away quickly, but you slipped your hand behind his neck and pulled him in for more.

The scene seemed straight out of a hopeless teenage romance novel. You'd now become obsessed with the feelings you felt when you were around Connie, and never wanted to let him go. A voice in the back of your mind reminded you how wrong this was, and how you were leading yourself — and Connie — straight into inevitable heartbreak.

You finally pulled away from passionately making out with Connie, and caught your breath. You were beginning to dread the day you'd be separated from him.

jumping the fence | connie springer x reader [UNDERGOING MINOR EDITING!]Where stories live. Discover now