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After the storm, you reunited with Connie. He ran towards you, ecstatic to see that you were alright. He crashed into you and wrapped his arms around you, engulfing you in a tight hug. You hesitated before returning the embrace, and held him less affectionately. You frowned, although you were glad Connie was okay.

"I'm so glad you're safe," Connie whispered.

"Yeah," you breathed.

Commander Pixis explained what your next plan of action was towards restoring Trost. You had to scavenge the city and look for bodies, logging the number of casualties and the names of any recognizable soldiers.

Before you dispersed, Annie slapped the back of your head and whispered in your ear. "You can't be this sensitive. I know it's hard, but you need to act natural."

You nodded and tied a mask around your nose and mouth, to help with filtering out the unpleasant scent of dead bodies. You paired up with Connie and began your search.

"How'd it go with you earlier? Kill any?" Connie started a conversation.

"No. Just vacated some citizens," you replied.

"Did you see Eren? He can turn into a titan!" Connie exclaimed. "Isn't that cool?"

"Yeah, totally," you agreed with Connie, giving back the same amount of energy that you were receiving. If only he knew what you were capable of. Eren's titan would seem puny compared to yours. You remained relaxed and neutral while you spoke with Connie.

You took a turn, recognized the street and squinted to notice a destroyed maneuvering device in the distance.

"Hey, isn't that Jean? Seems like he found someone.," Connie mentioned, pointing down the road.

Knowing who's body he'd found, you gulped and grabbed Connie's shoulders, forcing him to take a turn onto another street.

"Perfect!" You chirped. "That means this street has already been covered. Let's search this way."

Connie stuttered, but nodded. "Oh, okay!"

As awkward as you felt being around Connie knowing you helped kill one of his best friends, you tried to remain as calm as possible, and not let anything slip. But staying quiet became more difficult as the day progressed, and you found it harder and harder to be around the boy you admired.

That night, you mourned your comrades during the cremation of all the dead soldiers. You sat on a log, and held Connie's hand tightly as you watched their bodies turn to flames. The air reeked of burning flesh, and you wanted to stop breathing because of how horrible the scent was. Never had you imagined how painful it would be grieving the enemy.

You felt a lump in your throat and began tearing up, eventually bursting into tears. You couldn't hold it in anymore, it was all too much to handle. Connie wrapped his arm around you and scooted closer to you.

"It'll be okay," he whispered, trying to calm you down.

You became fed up and pushed him away, burying your face in your hands. Connie was taken back by your act, and stood stunned. You couldn't bear to be near him with all the emotional weight on your shoulders. All you thought of was Marco.

"What was that?" He spat.

"I can't right now," you muffled through your palms.

Connie took your arm and pulled you up, walking you to a far corner with no one around. He held your shoulders and tried looking you in the eye, but you wouldn't hold your head up to let him do so.

"Talk to me," he whispered.

"There's nothing to talk about,"

"You've been acting strange. I know you, [Y/N]. I know when something's bothering you,"

jumping the fence | connie springer x reader [UNDERGOING MINOR EDITING!]Where stories live. Discover now